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Dr Alimentado vs anarres

I take and auto-raze Vigo killing 4 Infantry and 1 Cavalry, and losing 7 Cav, 5 more retreating. Next I withdraw the wounded Cav and pillage the city tile and another tile 2 to the SW.

I also kill a leader when I take the city! :eek: Defensive leaders are pretty rare since the chances of getting them is only 1 in 32...

some action from a few turns back;


I settler creep into turkish territory...

attack stack of damaged cav/workers nr. oil springs (from a new border city... settled by way of capturing existing turk city.)

redline 1 vet cav and 1 2hp vet cav with arty, 4 hits 2 misfires

kill 1 rl cav with vet cav, no dam



repeat but with leet cav

repeat with vet, lose 1 hp

repeat with leet, no damage

kill 1hp cav army and take 6 slaves with vet cav, no damage. :D disband slaves, arty RR and road out from under feet, fortify cav.

retreat cavs (bar fortified one) via border city

more action;


Dr Alimentado says:
mil action: an arty captain got a bit over-zealous and commenced an arty barrage on baruun-urt
anarres says:

Dr Alimentado says:
Dr Alimentado says:
12 arty fired: 4 misses: granary, marketplace, library destroyed :
anarres says:
Dr Alimentado says:
2 'nothings' -
Dr Alimentado says:
ie: hits on troops but i cant see
Dr Alimentado says:
3 pop reduction
Dr Alimentado says:
turn 199, we make a peace deal!

- peace, no embargoes or MA's against the other human, let current MA's and embargoes die naturally for 30 turns, ending in turn 229, at the start of DrA's turn.

-- no MA's, no MPP's, and no chinese RoP for 40 turns, ending at the start of anarres' turn 249

hehe, that was the conclusion of lengthy and complex negotiations ;)
turn 231

- peace, no embargoes against the other human, ending in turn 241, at the start of anarres' turn.

-- no MA's or MPP's against the other player, and no Chinese RoP, ending at the start of Dr A's turn 254

again the negotiations were painful and very long....

Check my spoiler thread for the real info. :D
turn 252:

we agree peace until turn 279, ending on my turn (27 turns)
no MPP's or MA's against eachother until 280, ending on anarres turn (28 turns)

MA's vs AI are okay, as are RoP's

no settling new cities on our border - except the immediate refounding of santiago which was disbanded last turn to do a settler creep manouvere.

we can both work all tiles up to the border.

no tresspassing!
Turn 269:

the minimap:

Despite the current peace that exists between the spanish and mongol empires our military planners can forsee another age of warfare in the near future...

In light of this the glorious holy spanish empire has undertaken a secret weapons program. Behold... the Manhatten Project! With this new technology we hope to be able to secure a safe future for all.

read my spoiler thread at Civ3DuelZone to get the inside info :D
hmmmmm, a violent spanish dictator has taken over the majority of the world, and the honorable Mongols are left to pick up the pieces. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by anarres
hmmmmm, a violent spanish dictator has taken over the majority of the world, and the honorable Mongols are left to pick up the pieces. :rolleyes:

typical Mongolese propaganda :rolleyes:

The righteous and glorious Holy Spanish Republic is a peace-loving nation. We have spread our pax-Espana across the eastern world in order to guarantee a fair deal to all citizens, whether they be celtic, english, turk, chinese or iroquois... All now bask in the glory of the Holy Spanish Empire :king:

We can only feel pity for the poor citizens who are forced to live in the shadow of the barbaric Mongol horde...
turn 279:

our peace teaty expires. I make a gesture to try and preserve world peace;

DrAlimentado says:
btw... if you want to avoid a nuclear holocaust the gracious spanish empire will accept a guaranteed peace - of course you would have to dismantle your mil and pay me 400gpt as security? do you accept?
anarres says:
anarres says:
just do it
DrAlimentado says:
i didnt think you would
DrAlimentado says:
but never let it be said that we didnt give the barbaric mongols a chance of peace!

Given the obvious warmongering nature of the despicable Mongols and their large standing army we are compelled to use our nuclear arsenal in a pre-emptive strike. This is the only way we can secure a safe future for our children and preserve our most holy and righteous way of life!

This is how 40 tac nukes can really ruin your day;

Just out of sight from these pics is his capitol, that got a taste of :nuke: too :evil:

visit my spoiler thread for the full story
this is why huge arsenals are called MAD - Mutual assured destruction. Let's see about the mutual part, anarres!
I see he still has some villages and pathetic soldiers. I say: finish him completely! Don't accept surrender. Just whipe him out :evil: !
Originally posted by carlosMM
this is why huge arsenals are called MAD - Mutual assured destruction. Let's see about the mutual part, anarres!

Spanish Intelligence sources indicate that the Mongols had a fully fledged nuclear weapons programme in place. We know for a fact that just recently Mongolese spies had stolen the required technical knowhow from us to enable them to build atomic warheads and also launch them.

Although it is true that the Mongols had not yet built any nukes they clearly had the means and were planning to do so, this combined with their refusal of our modest demand to dismantle their military and co-operate fully with our weapons inspections (including a small gpt payment to cover our operating costs) meant we were left with no option but to intervene militarily.

To those wishy-washy liberals who bemoan the use of nuclear weapons we can only say that our action saved the lives of countless spanish soldiers. The world is also indeed a safer place now, if simply because there are less nukes left in it :p
The Mongols have indicated they will fight on to the last man :o

We desire nothing greater than world peace! However we will not flinch from our duty to the world to free the long suffering Mongol people from the brutal and murderous regime of Anarres Khan.

No matter what the personal cost we will see this campaign through to the end, and we know that history will thank us!
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