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Dungeons & Dragons: Mystara

Ahhh... If I use the Mystara world map .biq it crashes, if I use the generic .biq it works.
Hi I was wondering if anyone has any maps for this mod? I have two that came with the mod. One is random .biq, and the other is a large Mystara world map.
If not I can make my own, but it would be easier just to down load a few more.
Megauploads keeps timing out. Could somebody upload the mod to Atomic Gamer, they're far more reliable.

Update: You have to sign in to download. I'm now downloading and when I'm done I'll be looking into uploading the mod to Atomic Gamer
Megauploads keeps timing out. Could somebody upload the mod to Atomic Gamer, they're far more reliable.

Update: You have to sign in to download. I'm now downloading and when I'm done I'll be looking into uploading the mod to Atomic Gamer

You've probably been asked this dozens of times, but are you using a download manager?
You've probably been asked this dozens of times, but are you using a download manager?

The problem was making contact, time and time again the attempt would time out. When I signed in I was directed to a different server, and the download went off without a problem.
Hello everyone! This is my first post and I just want to say first and foremost THANK YOU!!! Im 35 years old and have been playing on Mystara for 25 years now. I was searching the net for ideas for my weekly D&D game and I found this thread and was overtaken with an urge to play this. So I went and got Civ3 and the Conquests Expansion and the Play the World Expansion. I got them separately because whenever I get "Gold" or "Complete" versions of a game, there is always an issue. For example, I got Galactic Civ 2 Gold that came with the Dark Avatar and Dread Lords expansions only to find the only place to get mods and such was from Stardock but it doesnt support "Gold" edition. Very Disappointing.

Back to Civ 3.

I literally raced out the day after finding this thread and bought the games. I am excited to see someone else out there has a huge love for the Mystara world in a time when most people never heard of it. I downloaded it and got it running and I absolutely love it.

Im sure some look at the uncompleted Civilopedia as a drawback...but not me! First thing my friends said when I told them about this is "Oh, man, we wont see Mike for days..."


So truly, I send an incredibly HUGE thanks to all involved in creating this. It shall be played to for a million hours by me, Im sure of it!

wow. i played for over 500 turns and almost completed the drill thing to get to the hollow world. the screen came up automatically when the supply chamber was completed and i didnt want to launch yet so i exited the screen. it caused the game to freeze. i reloaded and before i got to that point again, i tried to launch it before the supply chamber completed. it froze again. im playing as the orcs. i cant tell you how disappointing this is.

RE-EDIT: yup, this killed the game i was playing. i invested too much time being defensive and working towards the hollow world and now there is no way i can convert to offense and take on thyatis. :( :( :( i dont know if it is just for the orcs but im not willing to try the hollow world route again with any race, i invested days into this game. so while it is a beautiful mod, you must play an offense style race and play offense style game...that is a very limiting mod.
Ok, now after a little shared time with this game I can say some things:

- The game is fantasy, I realy love fantasy!
- The idea for flying city and ships with the magic race.

I don't like:
- World map don't work
- Missing civilopedia - but you know it.
- Fast units - units move more then one square.
- There is no matter whit which one race you are playing. Only the graphic of the units is different between them! Just check specific advance what units give it and you hardly can found some difference between them.
- Too many missing files in units folder. The game crash every time when some file missing and this is very often. But you can easy fix it if you know how. Just be a little patient and follow the next three steps:
1) Go to your CIV III folder, for example here is: D:\Program Files\Civilization III Complete\Art\Units\Swordsman and copy the files:

SwordmanFortify .wav

2) Go to your bad unit folder in D&D Mystara folder and paste those files.
Example: D:\Program Files\Civilization III Complete\Conquests\Scenarios\D&D-Mystara\Art\Units\Frank

3)Now one last step: open the .INI file (Frank.INI) and replace everything after [Sound Effects] with this:

[Sound Effects]
FORTIFY=SwordmanFortify .wav

If you make everything correct this unit will work now. Every time when you have crash, because of missing .wav file you can make this and the problem will be fixed. If you have problem with archery unit copy some archery sounds from the original folder and just change the name of the files in .INI files. One more: Make screen-shot after every error to make the things more easy.

P.S. If someone dude just now see this mod and want to try it, and have no time for correct the errors - I can send him mine folder of units with a lot of corrects. Just send me PM with your skype or ICQ(I'm not sure can you send files with ICQ)
I just installed this mod and I'm getting this exact same error message as reported by jimkirk several years ago as shown below.

i d/l the full version

error reading file

missing entry in text\pediaicons.txt:ICON_BLDG_Storehouse

the game will now exit

My version of Civ 3 is installed in my Steam directory with this resulting directory structure:

G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete\D&D-Mystara\

Have I just installed at the wrong directory level (as it may be somewhat different on Steam)? or is there some other fix I should supply? If the first case applies, what folder should I extract to when I'm using a Steam purchased version of "Civ3 Complete" with the directory structure shown a bove?
I just installed this mod and I'm getting this exact same error message as reported by jimkirk several years ago as shown below.

My version of Civ 3 is installed in my Steam directory with this resulting directory structure:

G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete\D&D-Mystara\

Have I just installed at the wrong directory level (as it may be somewhat different on Steam)? or is there some other fix I should supply? If the first case applies, what folder should I extract to when I'm using a Steam purchased version of "Civ3 Complete" with the directory structure shown a bove?

I may b replying to a post over a month old, over at StormOverCiv there still is interest of recent.

Back on posts #589 and #604 there is an updated version and maps (and from what I gather both StormOverCiv and MegaUplad files are needed for the mod to work without error), but MegaUpLoad, the file host is no longer active. At This time it would seem the update is not available.

Dungeons & Dragons: Mystara, created by tjedge1,
can be downloaded again:


With the great help of PaGe, who gave me a working version of that mod, combined with a documentation of the last patches of the biq and the rescue transfer from the last home of that mod, that tjedge1 linked in post one of his Dungeons & Dragons: Mystara thread at CFC, I was able to make the mod "reoperable" again. I haven´t achieved any contact to tjedge1, who left the Civilization scene since a longer time, but I hope he agrees, that his great work will become available to the civers again, as he never deleted the link in the first post of his thread.

The download options hold the following:

- D&D-Mystara mainfile
- D&D-Mystara (patch 19) biq
- D&D-Mystara-100x100(no cities) map
- D&D-Mystara-160x160(no cities) map
- D&D-Mystara 270x280 worldmap with patch 19 rules

- D&D-Mystara 270x280 original worldmap, that seems to be left as a work in progress.
People says: "When something goes out on the Internet, it's out there forever" unfortunately this is not always the true. When I wanted to download my favorite Mistara mod for the Civilisation III it took me a while to find it. And when found got a buggy 0.19 version. But then in my old files, I found something that Internet obviously forgot! D&D Mistara 0.20!

I don't know where I got it and who is really the author of 0.20. Changes that I noticed:
- Fixed a bug with the SwordmanFortify.wav.
- Induced order in the folder Art/Units.
- Added "Orc Settler".
- Minor edits of Civilopedia.
- Renamed the directory of the mod files into the "tjedge''s D&D-Mystara" I really don't understand why.
- No world map, just a random scenario
- Fixed a bug with the SwordmanFortify.wav.
- Induced order in the folder Art/Units.
- Added "Orc Settler".
- Minor edits of Civilopedia.
- Renamed the directory of the mod files into the "tjedge''s D&D-Mystara" I really don't understand why.
- No world map, just a random scenario​
(If you copy and rename "tjedge''s D&D-Mystara" in "D&D-Mystara" will work fixed map of 0.19)

In any case, return the file to the Internet. Enjoy.
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So many seemingly cool scenarios and mods apparently lost forever... But you gotta appreciate the commitment of the players. There's new links for download being posted after a decade of the original release!
Hello, I recently reinstalled Civ III Complete from Steam and wanted to try again this beautiful mod. So I downloaded it from the newest link and put it in the Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios folder, along with the Warhammer mod
then simply in the main CIv III Complete/Conquests folder. In both case, the Mystara mod doesn't show up in the list. Any suggestion why?
So I downloaded it from the newest link and put it in the Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios folder
With only a very few exceptions, this is (usually) the correct place to put user-made CivIIIConquests mods.
In both case, the Mystara mod doesn't show up in the list. Any suggestion why?
When you click on the 'Civ-Content' option, the game compiles a list of all the .biq (ruleset) files which it can see inside the .../Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios/ folder* — but it will not look inside any subfolders within that folder.
Spoiler * :
...and also the .bic (Vanilla) and .bix (PTW) files in the .../Civ III Complete/Scenarios/ and .../Civ III Complete/Civ3PTW/Scenarios/ folders, respectively — though that's not relevant here.
So if you're not seeing the D&D Mystara .biq files, then it follows that it/they cannot currently be in the correct location.

So first of all, are you sure that you downloaded all the files?

The Mystara.rar file in @Civinator's linked page at CivForum.de Here, is the mainfile for this mod, and contains everything you need to run it: 4 .biq files, and the 'D&D Mystara' folder containing the art, sound, and text files. Having downloaded that file, the simplest procedure would then be to extract all that content to your desktop, and then copy and move it across to .../Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios/

The individual .rar files in Civinator's 2nd post in the CivForum thread are the individually zipped .biq files, and probably not needed, as they appear to be the same .biqs as supplied with the mainfile. That said, his D&D-Mystara-World Map.rar will likely work better than the one in the mainfile, so you might want to DL it and overwrite the 'original' one.

If you didn't follow the above procedure, you may be suffering from the 'folder-within-a-folder' problem. If you extracted the Mystara.rar directly to .../Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios/, it is possible that you ended up with a 'duplicated' subdirectory-structure, like this: .../Civ III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios/Mystara/D&D Mystara/.

If that's what's happened, then all 4 .biqs in the .../Scenarios/Mystara/ folder need to be moved up one level, to .../Scenarios/. Then the folders in the lower-level .../Scenarios/Mystara/D&D Mystara/ subfolder should be moved up to the .../Scenarios/Mystara/ folder, which should in turn be renamed to .../Scenarios/D&D Mystara/

(The now-empty .../D&D Mystara/D&D Mystara/ subfolder can be deleted for tidiness, or left in place, doesn't matter)
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