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Early defeat


Sep 14, 2017
I started a game with naval-oriented civs on a watery map and was rather surprised to get a messge about turn 10 that an unmet player had been defeated. My guess is that they started with a coastal city that was spotted by a barbarian quadrireme and arrowed to death. It's odd that this can happen; I thought cities could not be destroyed solely by missiles, just reduced to zero health. Barbarian quadriremes seem to be an exception.
Most likely scenario would be Kupe's settler got captured by barbs
Its also entirely possible for another player to eliminate Kupe if it takes him too long to settle his first city. I eliminated him five turns after meeting him one time on King difficulty.
Yeah, probably Kupe. I've taken him out of the game with his starting settler before. My scout was headed east when I saw Kupe's warrior land. I waited a turn or two for his settler to appear and I nabbed it and it took him right out. That's what I assume happens when I see an unmet player has been defeated very early on.
Yeah, it had to have been Kupe. I also once captured his first settler, and in another game it was captured by somebody else. It really is sad how inept the AI is with one of the coolest civs in the game.
What was the exact message? Because if I recall correctly the same message is shown for a city state being defeated. If it spawns too close to someone and they can just take the settler... well.. you know.
of course it was Kupe, but I had a few other early defeats myself when I was trying to find good spot just away from my starting posish. a sharknado of some kind hit my settler and poof! end game. same happened to me when I passed by a volcano and it erupted. so there are other ways for AI's to get killed in the first few turns..although the chance is smaller for AI's because they do not wander around as much as I do sometimes....
I also always take out Kupe from the pool, but that's because I hate how I'm forced to listen to his terrible theme song for the rest of the game.
Since I have music turned off, this is not a problem for me. I have this thing called Spotify if I want music while playing.
Speaking of Kupe, I was just going for that achievement where you have to do a domination win on a large island plates map. I was Dido. I didn't meet Kupe until after I had met all the other civs. Kupe was not doing well at all. He had 2 cities. His capital was at the very top of the map, on an ice cap with no production whatsoever. he had that city and one other. You'd think this kind of map would have been perfect for Kupe to do well and settle all over the place, but nope--he chose to settle on a lonesome ice cap. I kind of felt bad for taking him out but the purpose of that game was for me to do the achievement so I had to knock him off his ice cap. :lol:
In my first game there were two Greek civilisations. One of their capitals rebelled in 10 or 20 turns so they died by themselves.
Kupe and the island-hopping liberty was too fun to pull off particularly in civ 5, but in civ 6 however, with different bonuses, its more of a challenge, which is liked. Also, the music doesn't get old.
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