Earth 2014 in different eras.


Feb 6, 2015
As you may know, Earth 2014 is a mod for civ 5 that is a scenario of the world in the information era. I was thinking about creating the same thing, but with different eras. The ancient era would be the time of the Romans and Babylons, the Medieval era would consist of events like the Hundred Years' War, Classical would be the events between those two, Renaissance would be time of the colonization of the new world and the american revolution, Industrial would be the early 1800s during the American Civil War, Modern would be the events of WW1 during the late 1800s to early 1900s, and Atomic would be during WW2 and the rise of the Soviet Union. Tell me what you think in the reply section below, and tell me if you have any unique ideas or set wars going on there should be.
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