Easier American UHV?

Sep 21, 2007
I know I've been whining a lot about how hard the UHVs are for certain civs, but I think the Statue of Liberty is just impossible (aka the Statue of Impossibility). Instead of making the US build it, why not substitute the Internet (which is a truly American product from the late 1970-80's) and have them acquire the city or be friendly with the civ that has the Statue? This would bring much more variety to the late game (which usually means war anyway) to acquire the oil.
Its not. The US and Turkey are the only Civs I have played for any length of time since I got my new puter (about 2 weeks now) and both are doable and require far less luck than many of the other UHV's.

Generally in US starts someone has Democracy and you can get it from tech trade along with Scientific Method in the first couple of turns. Its very handy if the faction you trade it from is going to be a target too since they are less likely to build wonders if they are at war with you.

You can also easily rush out a GE from New York if you feel your unlikely to be able to build it from chopping and whipping and if you get it built before the GE pops you have the GE to use towards the Pentagon.
Most of the time I play, I can get the Statue of Liberty. It's just unfortunate when you can't because of the wait. Great Engineers are the way to go for the USA; early Forges mean you can start making them.
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