Soft cap is nonetheless a cap... and historically inaccurate... Rome will be unhappy if someone in Palmyra got eaten by a Lion? Delusional non-sense. Pekin would revolt, or suffer any kind of bias if a new village in Xinjang got razed to the ground by some marauders??? Hilarious. Untill modern times, every city worked as a City State. Italy was all about City States up untill unification in the late 1800. And still today, the English Commonwealth, it's all on your own... it's just the laws, the common code... but if a city fails... there is no mother land coming to your aid... Democracy... it's something else entirely from Athenian times to modern times... Modern Democracy will try to redistribute wealth, happiness, etc, in all of its cities... Athenian times...
slaves were part of the society... completely different view of the government... A League made of city states... with virtually no limits...
Only Civ III city Cap got it right. That is, ONLY the more distant city-exceeding natural expansion power, will suffer increased corruption. Not unhappiness. Just corruption. Build a colosseums and a police station, throw a couple of dissidents to the Lions or jail. Problem solved. Warriors max 10 turns. Workers max 10 turns. Settler Max 30 turns. Production in the worst most corrupted cities in III was light years better than your 2nd city in VI at times... this lead to settlers spamming, accusations...
and thus the nerfing came... yet it seems there is no end to the well of the new arrivals requests for an easier time...
more nerfs... more caps... there will be an end to this ever???