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Education Post 9-11. Timeline of Historical Inventions

I do think that the annual list of things black people invented was not a good way to teach about the role of blacks in US history - it always seemed very superficial and forced, and since most of these inventions would not have been mentioned if they were done by a white person (it is great that a black person invented the escalator, but otherwise why would my history class mention it) it seemed sort of . . . token.

Not that I would want the role of blacks (or any group) in US or world history, just that I always thought that it was done badly.
It can be evidenced by the use of words thusly:
"Imagine a world without Islamic inventions! We couldn't go to a cafe and drink coffee, since Coffee was invented by Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers ."
This is how assignments on Islamic and Black inventios are supposed to be written.

Oh still no word on Chinese inventions though. Maybe Chinese never invented anything?
Or more likely variant, Chinese don't complain enough to be included in discussions of textbooks.

Okay, a bunch of idiots decided to extol the virtues of their culture in a biased way. I wonder why that sounds familiar.

Anyway, so what? There's still no proof that educators in the West have become much more PC while ignoring the truth post-9/11.
Pfft, how important is al-jabr to mathematics anyway? It's not like it's a fundamental foundation of all mathematics...

Well if your idea of mathematics foundation is Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division then yes, it is not the foundation of all mathematics.

But if you add things like calculus, engineering, physics, astronomy, architecture, sculpturing and more, than yes. It is the fundamental foundation of all mathematics.

Oh, and Muhammed the whatever-generic-name-you-can-come-up-with who made the book just copied what he saw by Indian mathematicians, so no, Muslims did not invent that.
While the origins of modern algebra does come from Indian origins, many algebraic forms, such as functions and cubic equations were formulated by Persian and Arab Muslims which are crucial to modern Mathematics. So... don't short change them.
Well if your idea of mathematics foundation is Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division then yes, it is not the foundation of all mathematics.

But if you add things like calculus, engineering, physics, astronomy, architecture, sculpturing and more, than yes. It is the fundamental foundation of all mathematics.

Yeah . . . I am pretty sure that is exactly what he meant . . .
While the origins of modern algebra does come from Indian origins, many algebraic forms, such as functions and cubic equations were formulated by Persian and Arab Muslims which are crucial to modern Mathematics. So... don't short change them.

So they made it better, but they didn't invent it which was my point.

I'm sure Europeans made most Muslim inventions from the middle ages better.
So they made it better, but they didn't invent it which was my point.

I'm sure Europeans made most Muslim inventions from the middle ages better.

Well who invented it was not the short change I was talking about. Your the tone of your post, it seems like you wrote off Muslim contributions to Algebra.
I think it's about time we had Polish history month, with all the anti-Polish hate going around and all.

After all, how else are people going to know we invented the kerosene lamp, the ebulliometer, and the delta wing?

And Kielbasa. Don't you forget about Kielbasa.
I think it's about time we had Polish history month, with all the anti-Polish hate going around and all.

After all, how else are people going to know we invented the kerosene lamp, the ebulliometer, and the delta wing?

And that Marie Curie was born on Polish soil.
Did your school education somehow manage to exclude the agricultural and industrial revolutions and the second world war?

I mean one of my best friends is head of history at a secondary school and my step mother is a consultant for curating museums on the industrial revolution, so Im not just banging on here when I say you are talking complete twaddle. However much the daily fail says it, that doesnt make it so.

I left school last year. I did history as GCSE too,

IIRC from yr10-11 GCSE era I did:

League of Nations. American with Roosevelt and the New deal. Steps to WW2. Than we did a brief account of the liberal reforms and suffragete movement, yet more historically opressed minority history/politicla correctness history rammed down my throat.

Before that Emmett Till in the deep south along with the KKK and other White killing non-whites worldwide. French Revolution. Than I can't really remmeber.

In my opinion UK history teaching should only teach UK history otherwise you get a whole nation who know nothing about the past and one way to destroy a nation is too, to paraphase Reagan: "forget where we come from".

I don't read the Daily Mail but why so much hate to it? Its not as if any other tabloids are better or worse.
Oh for the good old days before women could vote? Is that what you are trying to say?
Oh you just disapprove of having to learn about it, ok.
In my opinion UK history teaching should only teach UK history otherwise you get a whole nation who know nothing about the past and one way to destroy a nation is too, to paraphase Reagan: "forget where we come from".
You might want to paraphrase a Brit to reinforce your point there rather than an American.
You might want to paraphrase a Brit to reinforce your point there rather than an American.

I think the fact I'm using someone from another nation's history rather than my own proves my point that we aren't taught british history.
You should demonstrate the richness of UK history instead of hobbling around on an American crutch if you want you idea to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you are destroying a nation.
Maybe he could see farther if he stood upon the shoulders of giants.
For more laughs, read the middle ages section. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_historic_inventions
Lol Indus River Valley civilization is a non-muslim, (but still from that general area) who is sucking up for more inventions. They actually invented toilets?! :O But what do the current inhabitants of the Indus river valley civilization use? :mischief:

I think they're worshiping 'first to innovate' but its kind of ridiculous to point out who invented what first if they didn't actually transmit it to other civilizations. Jokes on them if they want to claim patent rights at any rate.

I think it's about time we had Polish history month, with all the anti-Polish hate going around and all.

After all, how else are people going to know we invented the kerosene lamp, the ebulliometer, and the delta wing?

Who invented the first Polish joke anyways....hitler?
hahaha Polish History month will go a long way.
Today we learned about the 15th century.
The teacher gives a question to the whole class, what was the superpowers of this time period? It was not England, England was a third rate power.
So blah blah blah, Mongols, Azetecs, Inca, China and....
Moscovites? lol the teacher said that in East Europe right now, other then the Ottoman Empire the only thing going on is the growth of Moscovy.
SHE CAN'T BE RIGHT! So I look in the textbook. Oh well, the section says nothing about Poland. :) Despite at this time Polish armies were controlling Russia 300 kilometers EAST of Moscow, into Yaroslavl.
I think, ignoring Poland is very simple. It will complicate this section too much if we pretend Poland existed :crazyeye:
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