Emperor Challenge (?) #14 - Arabia

Doc Skillz

Sep 10, 2013
Taipei, Taiwan
I thought I would post this for a fun little game for everyone. This is a desert start map for Arabia - with nice flood plains on the desert tiles near the river and a hill to settle on. There are a couple of luxuries near by that should make this one interesting. I didn't explore the map beyond the first turn so I cannot offer spoilers...however the start looked worthy of posting here for a challenge. I just wanted to see what other people would do with a start like this. Cheers!


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I did see the Immortal Arabia Challenge...thought people might like this on a lower difficulty level given the desert stat bias and the decent position at start. I might come back to this one myself, but I wanted to see how others might have progressed through the map. :)
Was thinking Liberty on this one, shooting for Desert Folklore and going after Denmark...Portugal and Monty are immediate neighbors with Siam, Egypt, Poland and the Huns on the other side of the inland sea.

Strange map configuration with only a few CS's around. Thinking about stealing a worker from Kiev to the NW...and BO of scout, monument, shrine to get a jump on Desert Folklore. After this will get to heading toward Petra in cap and following Moriarte's path for Liberty Dom for the first three neighbors....then waiting to see what happens around T165.
Thank you for the nice map. Everything is going well. I have a nice religion, I just killed Denmarks and I will settle down for some science, I guess. Culture is an option.

I did full tradition>petra and am working piety now. Also picked up Alhambra.


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When did you go after the Danes? I was thinking of going after them with some CB/Spears...but unsure how to work this into the game plan.

I tried going liberty, but it seemed too slow...was hoping to get a GE to pop Petra, but I ended up with a hard-built Petra. The game progressed to about turn 136, and since I had not done anything with Denmark...he was creeping toward my borders with Pikes/Swords. It would have gone very poorly.

Maybe tradition is the way to go with this one...can you offer any insight into how your game has progressed?
I'll play this one too!
Emperor :lol: let's see if I can get 20 world wonders...

hmmm seems like I did... (22 in fact :lol: and the game ended before I could get pentagon and great firewall) built so many I lost count...
lack of friends (and money of friends) made the game somewhat slow (despite emperor Siam still got 40k culture at the end of the game)
Nonetheless finished it in 2 hrs 30 min in realtime, so it was a "quick" game.

Played until my capitol had an unemployment problem
Spoiler :

Emperor AIs cities don't really grow for some reason; most just barely entered modern era at t320+. Anyhow that was fun. Egypt had nightmare tundra spawn and couldn't build wonders at all with their cap stuck in its teens :lol:
Spoiler :

When did you go after the Danes? I was thinking of going after them with some CB/Spears...but unsure how to work this into the game plan.

I tried going liberty, but it seemed too slow...was hoping to get a GE to pop Petra, but I ended up with a hard-built Petra. The game progressed to about turn 136, and since I had not done anything with Denmark...he was creeping toward my borders with Pikes/Swords. It would have gone very poorly.

Maybe tradition is the way to go with this one...can you offer any insight into how your game has progressed?

Sure. I did writing>petra>nc>camels. I stayed OCC until NC and then made city 2 just to get horses.

I used 4 CA and a pike against Denmark. Bought most of them to get them faster. But, first I bribed him to go to war against Monty. Does that make sense?

Because its what I call a single luxury start, use tradition.
Sure. I did writing>petra>nc>camels. I stayed OCC until NC and then made city 2 just to get horses.

I used 4 CA and a pike against Denmark. Bought most of them to get them faster. But, first I bribed him to go to war against Monty. Does that make sense?

Because its what I call a single luxury start, use tradition.

Occupying Monty's time fighting another AI that has aggressive tendancies ALWAYS makes sense. Single luxury and limited ruins...two of them gave nothing but maps. I think taking out Maria would be a good plan. In every game I've had with her, she's been a real PITA. She is always angry at something...might as well take her out.
Occupying Monty's time fighting another AI that has aggressive tendancies ALWAYS makes sense. Single luxury and limited ruins...two of them gave nothing but maps. I think taking out Maria would be a good plan. In every game I've had with her, she's been a real PITA. She is always angry at something...might as well take her out.

Of course I took her out after Harold. The geography demands it. I made 3 or 4 trebs to assist, but even though her cap was 40 def, the Camel Archers shot it down and the trebs were not needed.

Rammy K can keep his cities at least for now. Since its Emperor, I doubt I will finish it.

Show us a screen shot Doc, and maybe get some advice on how to finish.

Actually, here is another screen shot to illustrate the possibilities.


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Hopefully this game does not take too long. Things are progressing moderately well - but I think Tradition may have been a better choice than Liberty. Initially, I wanted to go after Denmark - but there just didn't seem to be a good time to do so.

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I think Tradition is really the best way to go. I settled exactly where budweiser settled...on the hill next to the mountain. There was plenty of food for the start, just a low amount of production.

I went kind of slow...and at this point, since it was so slow I think it best to go back to the drawing board and try a different approach. Still learning...been away from Civilization for a while.

Spoiler :

T1: Settle one tile to the east of starting location for river/mountain/hill start. Sent warrior to the NE to grab map ruin and meet Kiev. Started build of Scout #1 and started pottery.

T2: Secured map ruin to show Denmark on the map and continued NE to meet Kiev. May steal a worker from this CS - but the Danes could be a better target.

T5: Met Kiev for 30G. Surveyed land for possible tile from which to steal a worker.

T6: First scout completed, sent directly to the west. Brought warrior to the south along coast to make F2F contact with the Danes. Started production of Scout #2 to coincide with the completion of pottery.

T8: F2F contact with Denmark made. Moved Scout #1 to ruin to the NW adjacent to a barb camp. Will need to withdraw immediately afterward.

T10: Pottery and Scout #2 completed. Continued scouting to the west with Scout #1. Moved Scout #2 directly south from capital and began production on monument. Started researching calendar in an effort to bring luxuries online ASAP.

T12: Met Bratislava for 30G and offered pledge to protect.

T15: Met Portugal with Scout #1 and found Mt. Kailash with Scout #2 on the subsequent turn. Brought warrior to the north to steal a worker from Denmark.

T17: Met Rammy and then found ruin with Scout #1 on subsequent turn (population). Met Kylzyl with warrior for 15G. Offered pledge to protect.

T19: Monument completed in Mecca, moved on to shrine. Likely that a granary will follow.

T21: Opened LIBERTY. Thinking of using Moriarte's Liberty Domination guide, but unsure how this will turn out.

T22: Calendar completed and moved on to archery for defense. Do not need mining luxuries at the moment and there are no horses on desert tiles.

T27: Stole worked from Denmark and completed shrine. Started work on granary. Sold embassy to Siam for 1GPT.

T28: Archery completed and began bringing worker/warrior home to improve tiles.

T29: Unlocked REPUBLIC.

T37: Granary completed and moved on to Archer #1.

T42: Completed masonry and went to writing. After this will head to currency hoping that it will be possible to get a GE to force build Petra. Will build Archer #2 on T44.


T49: Medina founder near coast, on hill with river and water based luxury. Hoping to utilize this coastal tile in the future for TR's or navy.

T50: Sold embassy to Portugal for 1GPT and began work on library in capital. Continuing with monument in Medina. Met Ragusa for 15G.

T54: Met Monty as it was difficult to navigate through the sea of barbarians. Sold embassy for 1GPT. Denmark has forward settled (Aarhus) just over the hills from my capital. The AI is pretty terrible at settling it seems, I would have placed this city elsewhere.

T56: Grabbed Desert Folklore and met Zurich for another 15G.

T57: Met Budapest for 15G.

T62: Scout #1 will have to complete the "meet and greet" as Monty has blocked the path. Will have to use Scout #2 to gather intelligence on Denmark and/or steal workers. Offered pledge to protect to Kiev.

T65: Met Brussels for 15G.

T66: Met Egypt and sold embassy for 1GPT. Opened citizenship and put free worker to the task of improving incense tile.

T67: Settled for peace with Denmark for 65G.

T68: Upon completion of watermill in the capital, started on a settler. Will need to connect more luxuries to bring happiness to an appropriate level before settling. Currency will finish two turns after settler, unlocking Petra.

T71: Met Ormus for 15G and bought marble tile to begin improvement. The added boost to wonder construction may be useful. Egypt has blocked the path for Scout #1 with a poorly placed city, thus disbanding this unit became a necessity.

T77: Started work on a library in Medina. Will delay expanding with second settler until culture levels off a bit. Started Pyramids in capital hoping Petra would not be lost. With currency complete, moved onward to philosophy.

T82: Founded Protestantism (ironic, I know). Library, Pyramids and Philosophy should finish on the same turn. Will start Petra on their completion. Denmark is leaving a worker out in the open unprotected...it is tempting, but I do not wish to DoW him twice and take the diplomatic hit.

T85: Bribed Monty to go to war with Denmark for 1GPT and one incense. I think I could have gotten away with 1GPT. Monty dislikes Harald a great deal....

T89: Philosophy and pyramids are complete. Started Petra and took a detour to construction to get CB's. May be needing them if Denmark decides to get crazy.

T95: Started D&P on the way to education. Began work on a watermill in Medina.

T100: Narrowly edged out Poland on Petra. It got tricky at the end. Had to put the capital on stagnate to accomplish this. Put free caravan to the task of sending food to Medina.

T106: Sold embassy to Denmark.

T107: NC completed and starting work on bazaar. Will need to get happiness up before moving settler out toward Portugal. Perhaps coliseums when prudent.

T113: Finished SW in capital (may have been unnecessary) and moved to a coliseum for happiness.

T114: Adopted final policy in the LIBERTY tree. Grabbed free GE to force build a wonder when prudent. Religion enhanced to include: a) Swords to Plowshares; and b) Religious Texts. Pagodas was not available.

T137: Education finished and universities will commence when production of other requisite buildings is complete. Need to rid this land of Denmark and Portugal - hopefully getting CA's going will do the trick.

Hopefully this game does not take too long. Things are progressing moderately well - but I think Tradition may have been a better choice than Liberty. Initially, I wanted to go after Denmark - but there just didn't seem to be a good time to do so. I will get a SS up in the morning.

Spoiler :

T1: Settle one tile to the east of starting location for river/mountain/hill start. Sent warrior to the NE to grab map ruin and meet Kiev. Started build of Scout #1 and started pottery.

T2: Secured map ruin to show Denmark on the map and continued NE to meet Kiev. May steal a worker from this CS - but the Danes could be a better target.

T5: Met Kiev for 30G. Surveyed land for possible tile from which to steal a worker.

T6: First scout completed, sent directly to the west. Brought warrior to the south along coast to make F2F contact with the Danes. Started production of Scout #2 to coincide with the completion of pottery.

T8: F2F contact with Denmark made. Moved Scout #1 to ruin to the NW adjacent to a barb camp. Will need to withdraw immediately afterward.

T10: Pottery and Scout #2 completed. Continued scouting to the west with Scout #1. Moved Scout #2 directly south from capital and began production on monument. Started researching calendar in an effort to bring luxuries online ASAP.

T12: Met Bratislava for 30G and offered pledge to protect.

T15: Met Portugal with Scout #1 and found Mt. Kailash with Scout #2 on the subsequent turn. Brought warrior to the north to steal a worker from Denmark.

T17: Met Rammy and then found ruin with Scout #1 on subsequent turn (population). Met Kylzyl with warrior for 15G. Offered pledge to protect.

T19: Monument completed in Mecca, moved on to shrine. Likely that a granary will follow.

T21: Opened LIBERTY. Thinking of using Moriarte's Liberty Domination guide, but unsure how this will turn out.

T22: Calendar completed and moved on to archery for defense. Do not need mining luxuries at the moment and there are no horses on desert tiles.

T27: Stole worked from Denmark and completed shrine. Started work on granary. Sold embassy to Siam for 1GPT.

T28: Archery completed and began bringing worker/warrior home to improve tiles.

T29: Unlocked REPUBLIC.

T37: Granary completed and moved on to Archer #1.

T42: Completed masonry and went to writing. After this will head to currency hoping that it will be possible to get a GE to force build Petra. Will build Archer #2 on T44.


T49: Medina founder near coast, on hill with river and water based luxury. Hoping to utilize this coastal tile in the future for TR's or navy.

T50: Sold embassy to Portugal for 1GPT and began work on library in capital. Continuing with monument in Medina. Met Ragusa for 15G.

T54: Met Monty as it was difficult to navigate through the sea of barbarians. Sold embassy for 1GPT. Denmark has forward settled (Aarhus) just over the hills from my capital. The AI is pretty terrible at settling it seems, I would have placed this city elsewhere.

T56: Grabbed Desert Folklore and met Zurich for another 15G.

T57: Met Budapest for 15G.

T62: Scout #1 will have to complete the "meet and greet" as Monty has blocked the path. Will have to use Scout #2 to gather intelligence on Denmark and/or steal workers. Offered pledge to protect to Kiev.

T65: Met Brussels for 15G.

T66: Met Egypt and sold embassy for 1GPT. Opened citizenship and put free worker to the task of improving incense tile.

T67: Settled for peace with Denmark for 65G.

T68: Upon completion of watermill in the capital, started on a settler. Will need to connect more luxuries to bring happiness to an appropriate level before settling. Currency will finish two turns after settler, unlocking Petra.

T71: Met Ormus for 15G and bought marble tile to begin improvement. The added boost to wonder construction may be useful. Egypt has blocked the path for Scout #1 with a poorly placed city, thus disbanding this unit became a necessity.

T77: Started work on a library in Medina. Will delay expanding with second settler until culture levels off a bit. Started Pyramids in capital hoping Petra would not be lost. With currency complete, moved onward to philosophy.

T82: Founded Protestantism (ironic, I know). Library, Pyramids and Philosophy should finish on the same turn. Will start Petra on their completion. Denmark is leaving a worker out in the open unprotected...it is tempting, but I do not wish to DoW him twice and take the diplomatic hit.

T85: Bribed Monty to go to war with Denmark for 1GPT and one incense. I think I could have gotten away with 1GPT. Monty dislikes Harald a great deal....

T89: Philosophy and pyramids are complete. Started Petra and took a detour to construction to get CB's. May be needing them if Denmark decides to get crazy.

T95: Started D&P on the way to education. Began work on a watermill in Medina.

T100: Narrowly edged out Poland on Petra. It got tricky at the end. Had to put the capital on stagnate to accomplish this. Put free caravan to the task of sending food to Medina.

T106: Sold embassy to Denmark.

T107: NC completed and starting work on bazaar. Will need to get happiness up before moving settler out toward Portugal. Perhaps coliseums when prudent.

T113: Finished SW in capital (may have been unnecessary) and moved to a coliseum for happiness.

T114: Adopted final policy in the LIBERTY tree. Grabbed free GE to force build a wonder when prudent. Religion enhanced to include: a) Swords to Plowshares; and b) Religious Texts. Pagodas was not available.

T137: Education finished and universities will commence when production of other requisite buildings is complete. Need to rid this land of Denmark and Portugal - hopefully getting CA's going will do the trick.

Your tech path seems a bit weird to be honest... (why did you complete philosophy right when you start Petra? So it seems a waste of turns) If you are going for Petra usually tech paths fall into one of the two categories:
1) beeline writing, then go for currency, then grab calendar and philo (HG if possible, then Petra built while waiting for philo tech, then NC right afterwards)
2) get calendar and philo after writing, beeline currency (NC built while waiting for Petra tech, which will be done much more quickly because of +50% science) this path is done when no AI can build Petra.

I'm also curious where you settled because the flood plains wheat is in 3rd ring (so I assumed you bought some tiles) for me, and your start has really low food early on. Without tradition's +2 food, it seems awkward...

Edit: I see you sidetracked to masonry to get the pyras (did other AIs go liberty? usually you can save the pyras for later)
Be more aggressive doc. The "right time" to take out Denmark was the moment he settled that city in your face.
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