Emperor Domination

lot's of bombers, some fighters, tanks, and some infantery or marines to leave behind.

one or 2 carriers with fighters and bombers and some protection
Guys, I'm preoccupied working on a Mehmed strat right now. If anyone wants to play a round, go for it! We've worked hard on this game so it would be great to get a win out of it. I will try and play a round soon :)
And then there were two.... Lasombra, it looks like it's down to you and me.

Turn 0 (1932 AD): Look around the empire -- everything seems to be in order -- just how I left it.;)

Turn 1: Rebase 6 fighters to the carriers. Advance the army to the outskirts of New York. Clear out a couple of pillaging gunships.

Turn 2: One fighter shot down and two wounded, but the fourth destroys the Aluminum mine. Artillery bring down the walls of NY, bombers soften up the defenders (a few wounded, none shot down):

The panzers all win their 96-98% fights, trying to maximize experience points, and I take the city with no losses.

Turn 3: Nappy brings a small stack against Carthage. It is, unfortunately, just out of reach of the bombers. I go after after a stray modern armor and lose two bombers to jet fighters. Damn, maybe I shouldn't have done that. Advance the army towards Chicago. Start banks in some of the better commerce cities. Really, our "commerce cities" are not very good. I'm running at 50% money to stay just above break-even. Munich is building the Eiffel Tower, with the expectation that we'll be beat to it.

Turn 4: Advance to the edge of Chicago. Carthage is not holding up as well as I'd like:

I complete the railroad, at the possible sacrifice of two workers, to bring in reinforcements. Carthage has been good to us, blunting Nappy's aggression, and I think it's worth two workers to secure. I fail to re-blow up the Aluminum mine, which has been rebuilt.

Turn 5: In-between-turns wasn't so kind, as several marines in Carthage and a few panzers with the offensive stack lost their fights. But he didn't clobber the workers, so that's a plus. Blow up the Aluminum mine. Artillery bring down the walls of Chicago. Two fighters and a bomber die to jet fighter inceptions. But I've got numbers, and several bombers get through:

Lead with CR3 artillery, and I take the city with no ground losses. Cultural pressure against Utica and Leptis is greatly relieved. Recon shows 13 artillery in Washington. They can't hit me yet (no railroads), but I'll have to be careful going forward. Eiffel is finished overseas.

Turn 6: Washington declares independence. Nappy still wants Carthage for peace, which I won't give. Washington won't give up anything good (Divine Right? Please, respect my intelligence). Carthage continues to bleed troops. He's figured out that he should give his gunships Pinch, and they're beating my CG marines and infantry more often than not. Rebase the air force to Chicago, and heal.

Turn 7: Demand 70 from Alex, which he gives. I decide to move on Atlanta from the north, staying out of range of the artillery in Washington. Re-bomb the Aluminum mine, but I'm not convinced it's effective -- Nappy's jet fighters, stealth bombers, modern armor all seem to be reproducing at a normal rate.

Turn 8: Washington is moving his artillery south, towards Philadelphia. Bizarre. Advance.

Turn 9: Bribe Ghengis back into the war:

Advance on Atlanta. Start Rushmore in Thaenae (our best production city not dedicated to troops). Revolt to State Property.

Turn 10: Take Atlanta. I forgot the screenshot, but it was only about 4 defenders. Same procedure, artillery, then bombers, then panzers. But I don't occupy it yet. I want to see if he'll move all those artillery into it to serve as city defenders (it'll take him two turns, since they're south of Washington). If so, that's the easiest way to neutralize that threat. Except for those 13 artillery, GW is pretty run down.

Domination clock: 30.3/49% population, 30.6/64% land. Nappy has thrusters and the docking bay, but only a few casings have been built overseas, so we've still got some time.

lasombra, up!
lilnev, on deck

By my count, at least. Is anyone else still playing?



  • Emperor Domination Team AD-1942.CivWarlordsSave
    434 KB · Views: 61
alright, so it's only us. I will have a look at it later today and post some thoughts. I'll play then on sunday...

My initial thought is to start coming at nappy from the west, e.g. take boston and reims to relieve cultural pressure... but more thoughts later...
hmm as I see it we have a problem with oil. only one well so far and it's gettimg pillaged all the time. we'll have a second one online in two turns.

we'll lose 2 turns of production, though. which really sucks, since we badly need panzers.

I won't move into atlanta, hoping we can take out GW artillery...

we'll need more defense in uthica and chicago, nappy is sending a lot of stuff at those positions. I have a question: what happens if all ground units are killed in a city and only airforce remains? is the airforce just killed like navy?

we need many more troops. a lot just for defense...

what do you think lilnev, should we keep moving on GW or hit on nappy for a while?

my thinking is we either move down south and take all of GW cities and take nappy's oil city by the coast or hit rheims and boston in between and raze those.

the former has the advantage that GW is easier to kill and we move on to one of nappy's oil wells. disadvantage is we have to keep fighting off Nappy's modern armours and take the cultural pressure in uthica and chicago...

the latter might have it's problems because of nappy's units and his superior airforce. we would probably burn our entire offensive stack on that...

If the city with the airforce is taken, the planes vanish, just like boats. Try not to let that happen. So yeah, Chicago needs reinforcements. Earlier Carthage was the main target, but lately it's been Chicago. Utica has not been a serious target.

I forgot to mention that oil is currently down, and will take a turn to rebuild. You could put cities on marines in the meantime. Air bombing of our resources has been a steady annoyance, keeping the workers busy with repairs.

I don't think we want to actually invade Nappy until we have modern weapons i.e. the Internet. He's got enough random artillery, not to mention stealth bombers, to pummel any stack we put in his land, and then his gunships/mechs/armor will just mop up. I've actually started wondering if we should give him Carthage for peace. It's not like Carthage is a productive city, and it would free up the military to concentrate on GW, and the workers to make improvements instead of endless repairs. ~5 turns to Fiber Optics (turn off research at that point, saving cash for upgrades) + ~9 turns to build the Internet (and I do hope another civ has Composites by then), mass upgrade and re-declare? Also, we're currently losing a lot of our city defence fights. He's sending a lot of pinch-promoted gunships, and sometimes mechs or armor, and CG1 or CG2 marines just don't match up that well. We can't attack Nappy yet, and defending is taking a lot of resources. But I don't know, I hate to just give away a city. Thoughts?

Lurker comment

If trading away Carthage lets you concentrate on GW then you'd probably gain more cities than you lose. Haven't looked at a save so its hard to say for sure.
yeah nappy would do the deal with carthage. i think it's worth it. the problem I see right now is, that we just don't have that many troops to defend properly. carthage is also not really of any use as pointed out.

peace would allow us to get rid of GW at a lower cost and let's us rebuild a lot of infrastructure.

I would sign peace, take all of GW's cities on the continent (he has one more city on a tiny island if I recall correctly), build more troops and the internet. so it'll be your turn again to make good use of them ;) (as you did before)
OK, sounds good. Be sure to move the troops out of Carthage before signing it away -- I believe ground troops would get teleported out, but I have no idea what happens to planes.

GW does not have an island city anymore -- I took it near the start of the invasion. So be sure to leave the souternmost city (Philadelphia, I think?) alone for now. If you get bored, you could mop up Alex.

Good job. I have not followed the whole thread but opened last save. GW lost two cities and cities of Nappy have reduced population. I hope you will handle with that game. Good luck and hopefully see you in september :king:
emm, lilnev did you find a city that builds the internet in 9 turns? best seems to be ironworks and that takes 12 to build but oh well...
ok here we go:

0 1942:

I move our troops out of carthage and do this:

and research for fibre optics instantly drops to 4! yay!

next I sell computers to Mehmet. He's going to get it from GK anyway, so why not make a buck...

I also sell wheat to GK for 6 gpt

1 1943:
Not much happens. I move troops and wait for GW to move his artillery into Antlanta. I also start building railroads, mines, farms and so on to recultivate our beautiful countryside...

2 1944: Nappy makes peace with Mehmet. So that sucks, but he didn't much anyway except for beeing preoccupied instead of building spaceship parts.

Recon mission reveals that GW was so bright to move his artillery back to Philly. What ever floats your boat I say...

Take Atlanta without losses!

3 1945: not much, heal troops, build new ones...

4 1946: Fibre Optics is in!

Set research to 0% for future upgrades. That gives us a tidy 800 gpt. ;)

Start the internet in Munich. Takes 12 turns :(. I starve Munich to finish it in 11.

Troops start moving towards Washington.

I keep spreading budhism for the extra buck.

5 1947: Artillery takes down the walls of Washington, bombers reduce strength of defenders and Panzers take the city without losses.

I keep railroading the map for easier troop movement.

I keep thinkin about attacking Alex but decide against it. We want his cities but can't keep them due to cultural pressure from Nappy.

Internet Countdown: 10

6 1948: Mt. Rushmore done.

I rebase bombers and heal troops in Washington. GW has not much left. I keep flying recon missions over Nappy's territory and that convinces me that we're going to kill him soon. In every city he has about 7 troops and no extras hidden anywhere so...

At first I was worried about his increasing production and power, but it's all ok.

Internet Countdown: 9

7 1949: Nappy's culture enclosed Washinton. That means no more reinforcements over land, but we have enough troops there anyway...

Internet Countdown: 8

8 1950: 100 turns left!

GK tries to attack Seattle ;) LOL

I actually had a pic of that, but must have lost it. He send 3 tanks...

Internet Countdown: 7

9 1951: French revolt in Chicago. That's some BS. It just came out of unrest and the chances of a revolt are not even 5%.

Internet Countdown: 6

10 1952: I keep bombing Philly and move troops in it's direction.

Internet Countdown: 5

State of the nation:

We basically have 3 stacks now. One close to Philly, the second in Chicago and the third in the city north of Carthage.

We have to decide now if we want to attack Nappy again now or wait for the internet.

Oh and we have to rember to bribe Mehmet back into the war in 1954.
OK, good turns. With the Internet countdown down to 5, and cash building in the bank, I see no reason to declare now. Let's get some better defenders first -- CG mechs for general duty, gunships to counter his modern armor, SAMs to counter his gunships -- and hopefully jet fighters to fly interception and stealth bombers to pound his stacks. I expect the main attack at Chicago, but Washington is possible too. It looks from the mini-map like we've got a cultural buffer north of Carthage, is that true? If we have enough gunships in Chicago and Washington, we could raze the incoming railroads on the turn we declare to keep artillery from hitting us and reduce the numbers of mechs and modern armor that can reach us. And it might make sense to wipe out GW before re-declaring on Nappy, to keep WW and "rejoin our motherland" in check (though with Rushmore and Police State, WW is a non-factor in cities with jails).

Good times they are a-comin'.

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