Entertainers and Banks


Aug 17, 2002
Adelaide, Australia
Although I have played civ2 for several years at deity level, I found out the other day that building a bank in a city with an entertainer doubles the effect of the entertainers

I realised this was happening when completing the bank resulted in a 'we love the king day' at a time when my luxury rate was set to zero. I verified the effect by building banks in several other cities also

Cities were size 4, deity level, republic gov't, Hanging Gardens wonder, temple in each city. My civ had about 20 cities at the time, and as said earlier luxury rate was zero and 1 entertainer in each city
Yes, entertainers gives 2 lux, but they are affected by improvements.:)
With MP - 3 lux
With Bank - 4 lux
with SE - 5 lux
This means that 2 entertainers in a city with an MP, will generate 6 lux - making 3 citizens happy (if not red), and two entertainers in a city with an SE will make 5 citizens happy (if not red).:)
Similar effect with eins in the SSC -- these guys get a bunch of beakers each.
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