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EQNES2- back to normal story NES

The rise of the Bloodaxe Clan
its been 18 months since Uktar's father death , while the clan emerged victorious from the clanwars his father's death weighted heavily both on him and his clan , in the final battle their numbers were decimated and would have been slaughered if Uktar's father , and a small group of elite clansmen , would not have managed to fight his way trough to the enemy encampmet and kill the two enemy leaders and their sons , as soon as that news spread their armies were routed , sadly this mass of fleeing soldiers ovewhelmed Uktar's father and his men , his sacrifice not only saved the clan , but made it the last standing power in this region.

the routed enemy army spread like a shockwave from the battlefield , plundering and buning every farm and village in their path , the winter was closing by so they made haste towards evey moutain pass known so that they could flee the region and Uktar's wrath.

their next challange to come was to survive the coming winter , refugees from all over the region gathered in at Uktar's tent , every village and town was destoryed , the only food supply left were the Bloodaxe Clan army's and the ones left behind by the routed armies, but there were no homes to shelter us so they sought refuge in the mountain caves , during that winter most of old men and the soldiers wouded in battle died, the children survive thanks to extra rations others sacrificed to them , they all knew that without children there was no future , the gods mercyfully blessed them with an early spring that year.

in that year they had to struggle to rebuild all they lost , they plundered the tribes over the moutains for whatever they needed , the clan was confident in Uktar , after all i am the son of the great Kargain Bloodaxe.

But last in the last months Uktar's dreams became dark , dreams of death and destruction , his beloved Clan being swallowed by giants , when he awoke he suddendly knew what he must do.
that moring he called upon his advisors and without the slightest of doubts he said " WE MUST EXPAND! "

Expand South into the italian penisula.

Increase Army

Start Wonder: the Hall of Victory (Increase Army , Increase Confidence)

Wonder Description: the Hall of Victory its a monumen is being created to honor the memory of Uktar's Father , Kargain Bloodaxe, and all Bloodaxe Clansmen died in the clanwars , wars that the bloodaxe clan won against owerwhelming odds thanks to the Kargain Bloodaxe Superb Leadership and the Fanatical Dedication of his Clansmen.
At the Entrace of these halls you will see a statue of Kargain Bloodaxe , on your left and right you will see four giagantic wall paintings descriving the of the first four Great battles were the Bloodaxe Clan destroyed of the first four clans
and at the end of the hall you will see a great wall painting descriving the Battle of the three Clans , were the bloodaxe clan destroyed the final two clans , leaving them the only power in the region.
Around 4000 BC the warlord Volum proposed that all the tribes should join togheter and start a new nation.
Most of the tribes rejected and therefore Volum decleared war.
In the start he won many battles, the desisive battle was won at Vemmingbund when Volums army beat a 2 times larger allied force.
All the tribes then joined togheter and formed The Federation with Volum as supreme leader.

His first action was to start the construction of the Federation grand hall, where all the different tribe leaders would sitt and discuss maters.
Therefore many people who had feared they would be supressed started trusting Volum and their cinfidence in him as a leader rose, inside the grand hall there would also be a large library that would contain informations and discoveries.
Grand Arabia

The Kaliph stood before the mighty Tigris River, silently thinking. The river had always inspired him and always made him think, ever since he was a child, as it was a great thing, but at the same time, it was a terrible thing. It was great, a source of water and life, which along with its sister river the Euphrates turned this hostile wasteland into a flourishing river valley. But at the same time, it was terrible, as when it flooded it took away life and property, washing away tools and people.

It was then that the Kaliph's idea came into his mind. At that point in time, he realized his reason for being, and his dream for Arabia.

He wanted Arabia to be like the Tigris... no, he wanted Arabia to be greater than the Tigris. He wanted it to be awe-inspiring, something that people around the world admired. He wanted it to be powerful and terrible, to the point where just stating the name Arabia would make people tremble; yet, at the same time he wanted to make a friendly Arabia, one that accepted all and was friend to many.

And he would start right away...

-Expand northwest along the Tigris and Euphrates.
-Build a road from the capital at Baghdad to the port city of Kuwait, promoting trade between the peoples of said two cities. (Upgrade Economy)
Creole Nation

The Creole Nation was growing magnicifcently. King Jaquim was a superb leader whose skills were never disputed. He strolled along the coastline, admiring the waves as they crashed on the shore, wondering if it was ever going to be peaceful again. For soon, Creole ships were to sail from these magnificent shoes, to bring the Creole language and culture to all reaces of the planet, and then the planet would be calm again, just like a warm Hisponolian night.

-Expand on Hispaniola and send expeditions to Cuba and Jamaica
-Build a road across Hispaniola to increase economy
Tunisia was a small clan, just southwest of Sicily. Their army was weak, and they had no neighbors, execpt for a few barbarian tribes. To the south lay desert, and to the north, was the land of their dreams. The Tunisian people would have loved to go there, and escape the desert life. But King Abdullah said no. The Mediterranian coastline would be Tunisian, and no Tunisian would go north. The fear was that a strong tribe guarded a massive civilization...

Expand east to modern-day Libya
Connect the east and western parts of the Empire with a road(Increase economy.)
Update comes tomorrow.
To: Novogorod
From: Russian Federation

Alliance? We Russian comrades need to stay together.

- Grow Army
- Expand in all directions
will start update in 3-4 hours.

puglover, no contacts yet
starting update now.

To: Russia
From: Novgorod

We accept.


increase economy

expand north, and south
-global events-

The new nation of Japan has been founded and begun constructing the Mysterious Palace in hopes of becoming the most educated people in the world. (8 turns)

The Bloodaxe clan begins construction of the Hall of Victory to commemorate past victories in Battle. (3 turns)

The Federation has been founded. Near immediate work was begun on the Federation Grand Hall. (4 turns)

After literally running into eachother between their factions (long story, involved two drunk hunters running as fast as they could after some game), The people of Novogorod and Russia have gained contact.

-NPC Messages-



-World Map-
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