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Era Stopper Mod


Jan 19, 2005
This mod causes tech advancement to stop at a certain era by disabling the next era's techs. There are 5 different mods for each stopping era.

I recommend further editing the tech tree for more "playability." Some examples: cannons are made available by steel, which is an industrial tech (which also makes Ironclads available), but cannons would be nice to have in the Renaissance age, so you might want to change this. Also, galleons aren't available until the Renaissance, so conquering across ocean with the Medieval mod won't happen unless you edit things.

Classical Era

Directions:place each of the 5 folders (Era Stop Ancient, Era Stop Classical, Era Stop Medieval, Era Stop Renaissance, Era Stop Industrial) in the Mods folder.


  • MP Era Stop Mod 1.0.zip
    54.4 KB · Views: 1,560
Nice. If you could combine this with something to "build" or discover at the end of the era then you could have quicker wins/losses.
I just asked for a mod very similiar to this one is there a way you could edit this mod so I could select certain units/building that I don't want added?
MeteorPunch said:
Some examples: cannons are made available by steel, which is an industrial tech (which also makes Ironclads available), but cannons would be nice to have in the Renaissance age, so you might want to change this. Also, galleons aren't available until the Renaissance, so conquering across ocean with the Medieval mod won't happen unless you edit things.

Not really in the heart of the matter, but: Didn't there use to exist brass cannons as well? So, steel would not be a necessity as such...
I'm trying to get my Era stopper to work but it never does. I put it in the Mod file but still nothing. I also tried it with the Great Brittain Scenario and still nothing. I really want this mod to work because I don't want to go past the medievil era.
Also how do I edit the techs. and what they come with?
woodelf said:
Nice. If you could combine this with something to "build" or discover at the end of the era then you could have quicker wins/losses.

I too would like to see this as a random event, but actually more for making eras last longer instead of quicker wins. Dramatically stopping research at the end of each age and focusing on military until something gets discovered that opens the new age... That would be quite fun :)
I just wanted to pipe in and say this is just a simple mod and it is, "as is," meaning if you want to change things, you can do it yourself, which I strongly suggest doing to get more playability out of it. There's lots of good ideas being thrown around here, so if you want to use this to start building a simple "Medieval mod" for example, this might be some use to you.
it may sound newbish-at the begining game is it set so you can chose what era you want to play till?
The indrustial mod would be better if it had flight...I don't know how to edit tech tree myself so it would be great if somebody could mod it for me+
This mod is a great idea. I hate industrial age.
But - for which version is this, vanilla, warlords, bts? It doesn't work under my bts version.
This mod is a great idea. I hate industrial age.
But - for which version is this, vanilla, warlords, bts? It doesn't work under my bts version.
As meteorpunch said it is just a base to tweak from. If anyone wants to change it it's easy .

Just go to BTS/Assets/XML/Technologies/Techinfos.

Edit; make a copy and mod the copy - not the original files

open it with word pad (right click it ) searchthe tech you want and disable it like this ;

Spoiler :

becomes ... <bDisable>1</bDisable>

You might need to go up a level though because the AI doesnt see the implications of the tech tree ending early.
Everytime I try to change anything with XML nothing shoes up. I made to the point where I'm supposed to open it with notepad but there is nothing there.
Everytime I try to change anything with XML nothing shoes up. I made to the point where I'm supposed to open it with notepad but there is nothing there.

That's not good. I suggest; uninstall and then re-install BTS. Or maybe you're looking in the custom assets folder. follow these instructions:

Go to C:/Program files/Firaxis games/SidMeiersCiv4/Beyond the Sword/Assets, and make a copy of this folder. After that, dont mess with the original files at all. Use the copy. Keep it somewhere else.

Use the copy to make your mods.

your mod could be called "no industrial".

In C:/Program files/Firaxis games/SidMeiersCiv4/Beyond the Sword/Mods
-Make a folder called "no industrial"
-In it make a folder called "Assets"
-In that make a folder called "XML"
-In that make a folder called "Technologies"
-In that put a copy of Techinfos . (which can be found in BTS/Assets/XML/Technologies)

open this techinfos file with wordpad or notebook, and make your changes.

When you run ; Single player,Advanced,load a mod,"no industrial" , it will work, definitely.
I tried your advice (Which was very concise, clear, and easy to follow) and as soon as I try to open open assests there is nothing there and it dosen't allow me the option to open it with notepad. When I go to custom assests it at does but when I open it with notepad there is nothing there. I tried removing the game from the system and reinstalling it but nothing changed.
It's driving me crazy because I love to stop the game during the medievil era (which is why i love the Charlemegne scenario).
I still feel like it is something I'm doing wrong but I can't figure out what.
I tried your advice (Which was very concise, clear, and easy to follow) and as soon as I try to open open assests there is nothing there and it dosen't allow me the option to open it with notepad. When I go to custom assests it at does but when I open it with notepad there is nothing there. I tried removing the game from the system and reinstalling it but nothing changed.

To be honest i'm completely baffled by this. I dont know how there can be nothing in the assets folder.

Does the game run normally ? If it runs there must be something in the assets folder !

When you left double click on the assets folder what do you see?
When I left double click is gives me four mour assets folders each numbered 0,1,2, and 3. and when I try right clicking or doulbe left clicking the same problems happen as before.
The game itself runs fine. I still play it all the time. I just can't seem to alter it to the way I really like it (stop at medievil).
When I left double click is gives me four mour assets folders each numbered 0,1,2, and 3. and when I try right clicking or doulbe left clicking the same problems happen as before.
The game itself runs fine. I still play it all the time. I just can't seem to alter it to the way I really like it (stop at medievil).

Ah HA . That's definitley the custom assests folder's assets.

You're in the wrong place.

You must go C:/Program files/Firaxis games/SidMeiersCiv4/Beyond the Sword/.

There you'll find the right Assets folder, and also the mod folder that yuo can put your mod in.

when you click on the right assets folder you should see folders for ,

XML,Art , Python, res , sounds , CivGamecore DLL. Stuff like that.

One hint is to right click that Assets folder and make a shortcut to the desktop. That way you can just jump into it straight away without going the long way. It's good if you are messing around with the XML a lot as I do.
The 4 different assets are in the assets folder. XML, python, and such are in the custom assets folder. I've tried custom assets and the regular assets folder with the instructions you gave but it never lets me open the regular assets folders (0-3) with notepad or word but it does let me open the custom assets folders with notepad but when I do there is nothing there. I go to XML and in there I open technologies with notepad and there is nothing there. It just says newdocument and is blank. I've tried everything but I can get no farther. :(
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