Quest for Glory - Deity Challenge #11

loaded up some autosaves. some commentaries.


Somehow land TOA after going 4 city. Normally I would not risk it but poster told us this is a wonder challenge... el dorado gold went to 1 settler.

Around this point I decide on CV, if not I would settle a fifth city for Science somewhere north of the capital. We do not need more than 3-4 cities for fast CV for reasons which will be shown later.

Why science victory is tedious here - I have no friends and everyone coverts my land, which i can tell as they offer only 6gpt for salt. Its hard to hurry science buildings and spaceship parts w/o friends in the world.


Capital finished HG, expo builds oracle, trad finished -> aesthetics. GBR accelerating research much faster than usual, I do not even have NC yet and CS is only 5 turns away. I am not sure at this point if I will need 3 or 4 GS to get to Radio (for Futurism) and then Refrigeration (for Hotels).


About to enter the rein via acoustics after education. I have no choice if I want to open rationalisation quickly. After getting secularism, additional policies go back into aesthetics.

You could alternatively also go for 3 patronage for science boost and beeline PP, but that costs 3 policies. I am not sure what is optimal, patronage 3 can help you much more early on than aesthetics tree + you can always go for another victory type if you change your mind.


Going for PP after astro. Maybe inaccurate here since this delays WC resolutions. Capital has built Sistine, expo has built HS and MP. Globe has some miscalculations has I move writers on and off, not getting 2x writers spawn after futurism, only 1. You dont really need LOTP either but I like the wonder bonus. With only universities, spawning 3 GS takes 300/6 = 50 turns which is rather long to postpone LOTP on deity. So i build it, and plan for 3 scientists (ST, radio oxford, arch, refrig).


Arch will be bulbed this turn. Previously ST was bulbed and oxford on Radio to unlock Autocracy/Futurism. So far its only 1 GW with 1 GA coming soon. Tourism is +22 with 12 coming from the Effiel Tower. I hurried it with faith GE as hammers are at a premium and it is time to spam archaelogists.


With 2 bulbs, we have finished refrigation, no further techs are needed. 7 archaelogists are already out. Military units and workers are out reserving sites and chopping jungle if needed. I buy some hotels to speed up the process.

I think I sent the newly unlocked biology trade route to ROME, the culture leader. AI do not think differently about you if there is a trade route, but it does affect their approach logic in favour of FRIENDLY.


WR (+50% tourism) has passed thanks to many diplomatic agreements. When you are so fast, the spy cant really steal much, so getting WR passed is the most profitable use. Tourism is now at +59, with 10 indiana jones out and about. Salt + hydroplant + chemistry mean >100H for the capital. I await the last GA spawn to spawn.


The 3rd and final GA spawned on T162. Uffizi finished this turn, to be followed by Lourve. Aesthestics will be finished next turn, I had to detour into exploration to use up 1 excess policy so as not to bump the counter of the GA. I make belated preparations for musician bombing, my settler and new road network to it are late. Tourism is at 101 now, so musician spawning is worthwhile. However I lack the 2500 faith for 2GM.

T169: So let it be written, so let it be done.

Tourism is at 154. WR is contributing about 38 Tourism and each smaller city somewhere between 10-15 depending on wonders and landmarks.
Aesthetics finisher is giving 15 Tourism. You only need 5 GA to theme Sistine and Hermitage/Uffizi (both easy to do). I dont manage 4 GW before the game ends for both Globe and oxford...

Futurism with 5GA,1GW,3GM = 8*250 = 2k Tourism out of 6k needed.
With trade route and open borders, even Deity AI cannot out produce +277 Tourism per Turn.

This game is abnormal because the map is cooked and normally with mountain you would go for SV. However if you have great dirt and religion, this strategy should still be doable, as I aim for 3500 Faith for 1 GE and 2 GM.

In this case I did not need to even use the two faith musicians to bomb. If need be, broadway can follow after 2nd natural GM for extra 3k bombing and 750 futurism since GW will spawn soon. So even 12k culture can be broken through.
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