Ethnic cleansing in L.A. county.

When the results of underage drinking start to create prison overcrowding, then a point might be had.
Ah yes because the crimes associated with illegal immigration or being in a gang can be compared to the effects of underage drinking...

Just "being a gang member", in it of itself, isnt even against the law.

And our governments have classified those two crimes where they are for a reason. Being an Illegal Imiigrant can mean lots of things, from sneaking over in a tunnel to set up a drug exporting business (BAD), to look for construction jobs (NOT NEARLY AS BAD), or just forgetting to renew a student visa (ABOUT AS BAD AS SPEEDING).

If you're going to go law and order hardass over "illegal immigration", then you should be just as hardass over all the other people smoking a little pot, drinking at 17, going 20 over the speed limit, etc.
Paperwork issues, such as forgetting to renew a visa, should be treated differently than those who have absolute contempt for our laws and customs by sneaking in illegally, be it those who hide in cargo containers on ships or those who run the land border, etc. unless it can be proven that there was malicious intent behind those paperwork issues.
It is odd that so many people think it is actual contempt or hatred for our laws, rather than the fact that their desire to escape crushing poverty even if it means breaking a law, motivates illegal immigrants. Evidently, they are doing it for the sole purpose of pissing you off.
Gang members and illegal immigrants have no rights to life in the USA, both groups are nothing but criminal scum, irregardless of race.

Criminal scum has a right to life. "Irregardless" does not mean what you think it means.

You're kind of a maniac, aren't you?
Killing is wrong and ethnic cleansing is wrong, but if two groups of morons wanna kill each other off... I fail to see the problem.
My only problem with it is that they are picking off innocents in the middle of their campaign to cleanse the stupid out of there.
A black man moving into a known hispanic gang neighborhood that targets blacks may be innocent, but also falls into the "moron" category.
What about the blacks who lived there before the illegals started pushing their gangs that far north?
What about the blacks who lived there before the illegals started pushing their gangs that far north?
To answer your question (twice...) they are obviously innocent victims. That's a tragedy.
Boy, talk about over reaction. This is not ethnic cleansing, otherwise you could say that they same thing happens in many other countries. We even have gangs in Australia and yet no one says that they are "ethnically cleansings" happening. Stop being so angry and be much calmer when you are describing a situation. You always go for the hyperbole when you don't need to. This is just a typical day in LA.
There are gangs all over the country, and then there are groups of people who go around slaughtering others on the basis of their race, L.A.
Evolve to Weepinbell already.
There are gangs all over the country, and then there are groups of people who go around slaughtering others on the basis of their race, L.A.

I will repeat my question: how many people have actually been slaughtered?
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