Faith goes where?: Most 'fitting' beliefs for each religion?


Enlightened Despot
Jul 23, 2013
This is something I had a small thought about. I was wondering what beliefs, out of all the available ones, would adhere most closely to its real-world counterpart. Such as, would Papal Primacy be closer to Catholicism or something of that sort. Pantheons could fit in there too I suppose, if applicable. I suppose the reason one would want to know this would be to roleplay certain ones, or for natural curiosity in seeing who thinks what goes where and how or why. :crazyeye:
Which is the belief for being a huge phoney all the time and acting all superior for having god's ear and telling everyone to obey his interpretation of the law while Doing as Thou Wilt and using religious claptrap to hide his pedophilia? Those would be good ones for televangelism.

There aren't really any that encapsulate the bad aspects of religion, and by religion I mean abrahamic religions. Taoist philosophy on keeping the soul pure by living a simple life is also fairly naive, and there is a sect of buddhism that preaches people spend time in the hell realm depending on how much alcohol they buy and sell in life. I'd likely have more complaints about eastern religions if i know more about them. But enough of that...

For the abrahamic religions the pantheon would be god of the open sky, because by the etymology it is fairly obvious their god is the same as Jupiter, Zeus, and Tue/Tyr, the god of the sky... The norse pantheon is a bit strange, with Tyr as the "most high" in terms of strength, but it is definitely related to the Greco-Roman one. Jue Pator, sky father, to Jahwe to Jehova. The first commandment has a whole new meaning now, doesn't it? "I am the most high god, take no other gods before me." Most high is not the same as only, therefore, Neptune exists too!

For judaism, ceremonial burial as the founder. They are big on that, to the point that the really devout ones would rather have a funeral right away in accordance with jewish law than let a coroner perform an autopsy on someone who died under questionable circumstances.
It would be hard considering you have to learn about each religion to get the right beliefs and pantheon
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