hello gedemon. really big fan of your work here. just needs a few more things to make it both more realistic and enjoyable
Problem 1: too much micromanagement. and the issue of building time is still existent.
solution: use this idea from this thread
problem 2: not enough civilizations, and independent peoples don't migrate or form new states.
you could also have civilizations branch into many different civilizations. every time aa branch happens the player is notified and asked to select one of the civilizations that branched off. the civilization list for this mod would be best if it had
yamanya (from which India, Persia, and all European civilizations come from)
all other civs will appear mid game under certain circumstances
solution to the culture problem
Problem 1: too much micromanagement. and the issue of building time is still existent.
solution: use this idea from this thread
Minor Buildings and Improvements
buildings like inns, wells, etc. things you could feasibly complete in a single generation or less by a village or a town. you can build multiple of these at once, in one turn, and are in certain circumstances built automatically. similarly, primitive mines (the mines built by Iron Age Germanic and Celtic tribes) and primitive trails are not something a government would spend 20 years doing.
Major Buildings and Improvements
Wonders or massive scale projects like an artificial lake and a massive irrigation network (small irrigation networks are Minor Improvements). government made mines, which are better than local mines, government made roads, government made anything which is made on a bigger scale. They need more time, production, money, and manpower to build and need a constant supply of the last three to keep existing. If you can't handle it, the improvement will fall into disrepair. This is managed automatically but a player can step in and decide to cut off maintenance.
Automatic Units
These are units that randomly appear and are managed by an AI. Things like Random Band of Angry Tribesman At War With Another One of the Tribes that Makes Up Your Existence As A Civilization, Random Neolithic Fishing Boat, etc. These start minor wars or make minor improvements.
Manual Units
These are units that a state would have to go out of their way to make. A phalanx. A unit of horse archers. You can also make multiple of these in a turn up to a certain limit depending on your funds, infrastructure, manpower, resources, and societal bias for or against.
problem 2: not enough civilizations, and independent peoples don't migrate or form new states.
# State Formation
there are three steps to state formation.
## Gathering of People
people begin to gather in one area, for either monetary reasons, religious reasons, or an abundance of food.
## Formation of a Hierarchy, Division of Labor
then, the people begin to work the land around them, and make several jobs for people to do, so that the community can keep working.
## Governing Apparatus Formation
then, the people, pushed by their environment or other circumstances, begin to try to form a government in order to make sure their community survives even better, and can defend itself. A Governing Apparatus is something like a bureaucracy and has levels of existence. level 1 are simple governments where the god king rules over everything with a network of servants. the problem with this is that you can only rule over one city. level 2 are more complex governments where the head of the apparatus has a bigger network of servants with hierarchies. for instance, the king, then his right hand man/council of advisors, scribes, then regional governors, and then the mayors.
This is counted for each tile.
from this, a Governing Apparatus has a spectrum of Decentralization to Centralization. The more decentralized it is, the more equal authority is. The more centralized it is, the more dominant one party is over the others. There are then Elected and Hereditary Governing Apparatuses at certain levels (Top, Bureaucracy). For the Bureaucracy, only the Bottom exists. Existing in and out of the Governing Apparatus are Factions- nobles, priests, burghers, etc
each step goes in order. each step is effected by several factors, like the soil, the climate, and the biome.
If you are unable to develop a plow able to use the soil, or are surrounded by dense forest, the Gathering of People will be slowed.
if the environment is not that hostile, then the Governing Apparatus will be slow to Form (Egypt and Mesopotamia preceded China and Greece).
you could also have civilizations branch into many different civilizations. every time aa branch happens the player is notified and asked to select one of the civilizations that branched off. the civilization list for this mod would be best if it had
yamanya (from which India, Persia, and all European civilizations come from)
all other civs will appear mid game under certain circumstances
solution to the culture problem
Cultural Authority
Cultures have starting regions. This is where a culture is founded and exhibits a Cultural Guiding Force that radiates onto the surrounding areas to keep it in line with whatever features the Cultural Guiding Force has. The source of a Cultural Guiding Force is called the Cultural Motherland. The older a Cultural Authority is, the harder it will be to remove it. The older the Works- myths, legends, religions, stories, etc- produced by the Cultural Guiding Force, the stronger the Cultural Guiding Force will be. The stronger it is, the easier it can replace other Cultures.Often linked with step one of State Formation.
What Is A Culture
a culture should be a series of values on a spectrum, ranging from -10 to 10. individualist-collectivistauthoritarian-libertarianmilitaristic-pacifisticisolationist-explorationisthierarchical-egalitarianintolerant-tolerant (edited)
Then, What Makes A Culture?
There are several Factors that shape a culture into the way it is. There are multiple types of Factors and there are many Factors within those types.
Environmental Factors
A society's climate influences the way it is. the mountainous landscape of Japan, temperate and wracked with disasters, means that any individualist creed would find itself lacking. Same thing happened with China- the yellow river is unpredictable, and regularly kills thousands in floods. So ancient tribes had to work together to try to best avoid a next flood, and how to mitgiate it if it happens again.
Religious Factors
A society's religion influences the way it is. Catholicism destroyed the extended family, and then after that Protestanism with its working ethic allowed for a culture of individualism to prosper. On the other hand, China went through no such thing.
Political Factors
Most european countries were surrounded by peers on all sides. Therefore, the culture was strongly biased against isolationism. If Britain tried to isolate itself like Edo Japan did, they would be outcompeted by dozens of squabbling countries on the mainland and soundly defeated in no time flat.Factors nudge a Culture's values towards one side of the spectrum little by little.
Culture Groups
Measure all traits in numbers. Cultures that have a shared origin and overlap in range are placed in a Group. Cultures that diverge from the Range are called Divergent Cultures and are placed into their own Group. What can accentuate this is the presence of another Cultural Homeland or difficulty of physical travel between certain regions.
Culture Intermingling
When a culture meets another, they may ignore each other or intermix. If they intermix, then the Values of each Culture may attempt to balance each other out or exchange themselves with another. That, and their Worldviews could combine.
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Every Culture has a Worldview that can be spread to other Cultures. Worldviews are what Religions are based on. Split into five parts.
View of Time
Cyclical, Linear, Hybrid.
View of Nature
Equal To Man, Above Man, Below Mancompatible with all of these (but exclusive with each other) are World is Alive and World Is Not Alive
View of Death
Oblivion, Reincarnation, Afterlife (from then, Afterlife as Neutral Zone, Afterlife as Punishment and Reward, Afterlife as Only Punishment or Only Reward). Not incompatible with Reincarnation, though Reincarnation says the Afterlife is temporary.
View of Spirituality
No Spirits, Impersonal Force, Personal Forces (compatible with Impersonal Force), Warring Forces (not incompatible with Impersonal or Personal Forces), Coexistent Forces
View of Morality
Might is Right, Virtue, Duty, Utility
From Worldview is Religion made. All Religions ask three questions.
Why Did Things Get Here
Why Are Things Bad
How Do We Fix This
From then on, Religions have their own Views of the spiritual world that they have in addition to sharing the Worldview of their native Culture.
Natural World
Naturalism, Supernaturalism
How Many Worlds Exist
Infinite Worlds, Just The One
World as Real or World as an Illusion
Real, Illusion
How Many Gods
Many, One, None
Ultimate Goal
None, Appease the Gods, Self-Improvement, Abandon Desire, Give to OthersThere are then two types of religion. Ethnic religions, which will be the first to develop, and Universal Religions, which have scriptures, can spread through missionaries, and have focus on Orthodoxy and Morality.