Fastest path to Machinery? (Diety)


Sep 11, 2012
So, I'm experimenting with Machinery steamrolling, and I'm curious what y'all think the fastest way to tech Machinery might be.

Do you:

* Go Tradition, beeline Philosophy and NC, then beeline Machinery?
* Go Liberty and use the GS to bulb Machinery?
* Go Sailing/Animal Husbandry, borrow/rush to make caravans and skip Philosophy?
* Tech writing IMMEDIATELY and get libraries, then beeline Machinery?
* Stick with one city until you get Machinery to minimize per-city 5% tech penalty?

Currently, I'm thinking that the best approach is to rush one caravan from Animal Husbandry, go Liberty, use your pantheon on +culture, and try to get your Liberty finisher ASAP to bulb Machinery. Machinery is just too deep in the tree to get there first using NC. You won't even have NC built until turn 70, most likely.

Unlike my normal approach, I'm thinking I might get the Settler with the liberty finisher, since before that I'm just hurting my culture and tech growth. This allows me to grow my city as big as possible.

Is this crazy? What do *you* think the fastest path (not civ-specific) to Machinery is?
I assume (machinery steamrolling) the purpose is military domination. I'm curious about the answer more experienced player will give, but i think maybe we need to think of a build that give us time to build unit and get money to upgrade instantaneously, or you just delay your conquest and maybe end up with worst finish time.
Good point, the plan has to leave you with enough money to immediately upgrade. I had basically planned on taking a loan out to do so, but there may be better uses for that gpt.
Do you plan to take workshops before then? (ironworks is too good to pass up)...
Although I presume you will first beeline to philo at least... edu can wait a bit.
The real question is why not consider IFD!

Any of the 3 scenario sped up by IFD (and obviously a good pantheon) could yield as much as 10 turns off machinery.

I believe the fastest way would be pottery/AH/sailing/(writing to be teched right as the 2 trade routes are already out).

I'm afraid though, especially if you go 2-3 cities that the stress to build library will put you at too few units by machinery and/or will increase your upkeep too much to loan enough gold for GPT.

In a scenario where you get 2+ trade routes from AIs to you, I'd say 1 city sailing/ah/beeline will win the race. In a worse scenario where you have to settle a 2nd city to get trade routes and don't get any from AIs to you (they trade with each other or CSs by the time you settle 2nd city), I would think that philosophy+trade routes would be faster.

I have yet to map it out, it just strikes me that when 4-5 trade routes are ongoing, NC is almost marginal to your BPT at least in comparison to what it was in GnK for example.

Expansion should be mostly dictated by your overall game objectives as the more cities, the more taxing on cap hammers and growth (less units, less science) and possibly the more taxing on building upkeep (less gpt) so I'd lean towards 1-2 city trad for XB rush over a typical liberty opener. The finisher GS would be good but it would put you in a huge catch-up situation past the rush so unless you play on marathon, you'd have to settle for peace for up until late industrial at least.
IFD? I can't work it out...

Internal food delivery?

I think prioritizing ITRs and going for tradition and beeline Machinery directly would get you there fastest and in best position for the XB rush. Number of cities depending on trade situation and Rez and lux distribution.
I'm not much of a warmonger, but back when the early Vanilla patches more or less forced us into slugfests it seemed that simply minimizing the time necessary to get the key tech was rarely optimal. I mean, if you were running around with 8 Rifles by turn 80 when everyone else (maybe) had Swords, that was hard to screw up even if you got all Hitler and conducted a succession of two-front wars. But in general, simply having the tech was insufficient.

A better question to ask is, "How can I best put myself in a position to convert on the tech advantage I'm generating, given that I need the units and the :c5gold: to rush or upgrade them?"

I can see why you might want to go Liberty and bulb Machinery to push the :c5science: needle early. I'm a bit skeptical that it's going to outperform Tradition in the long run. OTOH, if you decide to really push the trade route avenue for :c5science: and go Venice, you're going to want that Merchant from Liberty unless you're insanely fortunate on AI city locations.

I have a hard time seeing how Interfaith Dialogue is going to save time in most vertical starts, seeing how you need to generate something on the order of 450:c5faith: before you can see any benefit from it. If you land a Natural Wonder or a Desert, maybe. If not, good luck.
IDF assume religious no hostile IA close by.

not sure it's a all around strategy.

I often abuse the construction queue to save gold before war.
like building 3 archer until 1 turn left, and cancel them until i need them (or 1 turn before the tech for CB.) (same for trebuchet or canon etc...) it's usefull but marginal, even if it can save your life if you get Dow (but you shouldnt be surprised by a dow if you take care no ?)
Sorry, I should have been more clear about my goal. Yes, I'm going for an X-Bow rush, but more than that, I want to have Logistics by the time Machinery comes around. (Logistics first because the XP for one more promotion is trivial with two attacks)

X-Bows just aren't good enough without Range, IMHO. Otherwise you're better off doing an Artillery rush. (unless you have certain UUs... like Shaka, Genghis, etc.)

Highly promoted X-Bows are good enough until at least turn 150, which should be all you need to secure the game w/ the help of spies -> Autocracy...

So, the goal is to have Machinery early and archers early enough to accumulate mad XP. This is the only reason I consider opening Honor. +50% XP shaves 1/3 the time off the time it takes to get Logistics. The limiting factor is usually *opportunities for XP*, and 100 XP (to Logistics) takes a looong time:

Melee Attack: 5 XP (Irrelevant)
Melee Defense: 4 XP (Irrelevant)
Ranged Attack: 2 XP
Ranged Defense: 2 XP
Built in a City with a Barracks: 15 XP
Built in a City with an Armory: 15 XP (Irrelevant)

You can do the math on this one. Unless you're letting your archers get hit by melee units, it takes 50 turns of offense to hit Logistics. Even in the best-case scenario, where if you're not attacking, you're healing with a medic when you're damaged, you're only getting 1 XP/turn on average. (Unless you're Genghis... sigh. He makes this strategy stupidly effective)

Realistically, it takes over 100 turns without Military Tradition to hit Logistics. If you wait until you have barracks, it shaves off 15 turns on average, but it delays getting your archers out by too long. I might try justanotherturn's suggestion of having the archers ready to build when I build barracks, and getting them all at once with overflow for 15 XP, but still, there's no way you finish them all by turn 15, which you'd need to, to compete with having 4 archers out with Military Tradition. (See my math above)

Anyway, it's hard to imagine doing this *without* beelining Military Tradition. I can get my archers out by turn 33 (average... first one comes sooner, and I buy one) and then by turn 100 they have Logistics. But this requires some serious funny business to make up for not staying within Tradition or Liberty... :p

Ironworks/Workshops would delay this too long. IMHO.

I dunno, IDF takes too long to get rolling unless you have a crazy faith start. On Deity you're lucky to get the pantheon you need. But even if you get it, a typical *good* start w/ shrine yields 5 faith/turn in the capital. Even if you build shrine first thing, you'll still probably only get that pantheon on turn 25 at the earliest, probably turn 35. Assume we're not the first religion, so 45 turns to get a prophet. Now we probably have a second city by then, second shrine and maybe some more faith-generating tiles, so let's say we're at 9fpt, so another 22 turns to get a missionary. Add ten turns to spread twice, and we're at turn 100.

I'm pretty sure Machinery is achievable by turn 100, so I think IDF comes too late to *rely on*, BUT, I do agree that it could make the strategy more likely to succeed. Shooting for IDF could help if you somehow *don't* have Machinery by turn 100 due to bad luck with TR or whatever. However, I'm very tempted with this build to go for a culture pantheon to aid my Honor-crippled culture/turn.

Otherwise, Deau, I tend to agree with you. I think 2 TR (3 at Engineering) beats Libraries/Philosophy if you can get it. You can make it more of a sure thing by going Liberty and pushing your first city close (but not too close) to an AI you don't think will DoW you.

I tried this a bunch last night to work on the details. Lots of thoughts from that:

In my most successful attempt I had 20 beakers from trade routes. (3 of mine, 2 of his)

Considering that TR give gold instead of having maintenance costs like libraries, I think there's a strong argument for skipping libraries altogether until you hit Machinery. Here's why. My most successful attempt at this so far went like this:

Machinery at t110, Steal Philosophy, Steal Civil Service. Steal Education at t130.

Spies are incredibly effective at stealing from high beaker tall civs. The civs with the most beakers tend to have gone for Education or at least Philosophy. So, all of a sudden I'm building NC and universities at turn 130 despite beelining Machinery.

I've played with Liberty, Tradition and Honor for this opener, and so far, a mixture of Liberty and Honor has been the most successful, but I'm still far from making this work as well as I'd like. On my best attempt, I had CBs with Range and Logistics and was bullying Rammy, when all of a sudden out of the fog of war come Naresuan's elephants a few turns before I got my X-Bow upgrades. They all got pwned before I could blink. :-(

Random thoughts from my attempts so far:

* You can't *rely on* having enough close neighbors to perma-war an AI AND also have a friend for multiple TR.

One solution is to Perma-war a CS instead. You can still farm workers and this is much safer and more reliable for getting XP for your archers/CBs. You have to let the city regenerate a bit though, because you get no XP when it's at zero health. This is generally ok because you need time to heal. The downside though is that they don't spawn very many units, so you're getting far from optimal XP. Attacking 2 CS would fix this but ruin your reputation. Even staying in perma-war with one will cause you problems...

The other solution is to open Liberty and get a second city out ASAP near a friendly neighbor. Now you have one neighbor you perma-Dow and one you trade with. The problem with this, of course, is that I want pillage-healing and Military Tradition, and 4 archers out fast, which means I don't have time to take Collective Rule or hard-build a settler.

* Medics are awesome. Your first (and only warrior) should get the Medic promotion. It makes healing in the field equivalent to healing inside your borders.

* Pyramids + Citizenship: Bring your workers and if necessary, improve every tile in tier 2. Between the Medic and pillage-healing, you can just sit there absorbing damage (getting XP) every turn even when the city is at zero health. Between the fortification bonus and the multiple targets, the city will struggle to punch through, and when it does, pillage!

So far, I've had no trouble getting Pyramids with this policy order: Military Tradition -> Citizenship. I'm pillage healing by turn 60 or so, I have 2 stolen workers, 3 free ones, and my gpt is barely kept alive by my TR and AI trades.

This is a work in progress, but I really think that this can be wildly successful, despite the inevitable stall at ~t150, because you can rely on Autocracy spies to help you catch up.

I'm still working on ironing out the kinks, and haven't given up going back to full Liberty. But, at some point, it doesn't matter that full Liberty is better in almost all respects. The limiting factor is XP for my archers. This is why I keep going back to Honor. Because with full Liberty my X-Bows get bogged down until roughly turn 130. It's better to have CBs with Range than X-Bows.
Speaking of pantheons... too bad Messenger of the Gods is +2 beakers/city, not +2/TR. It's kind of weak. This build probably can't get a TR in more than one city. (Whichever one is close to a friendly AI will more than likely get all the TRs)

Although, maybe it IS +2/city/TR. I've never tried it. I also wonder if it applies to internal trade routes! This could be a useful alternative... with a 2 city-setup, one internal food trade route between two cities would yield +4 beakers (+2 for each city)... that would help make the build less fragile, in case you don't get 2 viable TRs. And the extra growth wouldn't hurt either. I'll have to test this.
Keep in mind that MotG applies to cities with a City Connection (a G&K "trade route"), not a BNW International Trade Route (whether internal or international).

The Civilopedia entry has been updated for BNW: "+2 Science in cities with a City Connection." So, if you have a 5-city empire with a road network connecting the 4 secondary cities to your capital and your pantheon in each city, MotG will provide 10 beakers.
Thanks for the clarification... I found a wiki that contradicted this:

I didn't have the game up and running so I wasn't sure.

Ok, well in that case, Messenger of the Gods might play nice with a 4-city start for this build. That would be +6 science, which is equivalent of a library in a 12 pop city.

Hmmm, I'm liking this more and more. +6 is non-trivial when you're trying to go for Machinery asap. This is making me lean towards Liberty, to get the satellites out faster...

By the time someone else's religion takes this away I won't need it. Hmmm.

EDIT: Although, again, I'm not sure if it really helps to get Machinery earlier, when you can't really steamroll until you get Logistics/Range. Still thinking Military Tradition may be the key to this actually working.

Side note: There are some civs that can do a Chivalry rush and get away with skipping MT. Arabia and Mongolia can both spawn chariot archers (or their equivalent) that eventually upgrade to ranged knight UUs with Chivalry. Because those early units get the same promotions, and have 3+ moves, they can move, ranged attack, and move away without taking damage. This would allow you get Logistics in closer to 50 turns instead of 100. And Chivalry is much less of a detour from Philosophy/Education than Machinery. But, since it's civ-specific, it's not as interesting to me... :p
I do something like what you are trying to do.
I head more or less right for construction (pottery, archery, mining, masonry, >>construction) grabbing calendar if needed and always getting BW for spears. Then bee line phylo, then sailing (extra TR), then bee line to machinery. Then CS and education followed by a bee line to dynamite. I take liberty with a BO of scout, monument, scout, 3 archers (buy 4th), pyramids, etc. This give me a very consistent T95ish NC and machinery by T110ish with 1 or 2 expos.

I find and declare war on my nearest neighbor and work the daylights out of my archers on his units and cities. I use the free settler to forward settle on their empire and to give me a base to retreat for upgrading and healing. I take range rather than logistics about T100, usually take my first cap by T100 and am working on my 3rd war by T130ish and my x-bows are all range/logistics and working on march. I just spam out pikes for cannon fodder.

I do not think going for earliest machinery is perfectly optimal. I find that I often end up exp farming on a city belonging to my first enemy, and even CB's beat the city down to far to exp on 4 units every turn. I wait as long as possible before upgrading them so I can milk as much exp as possible. X-bows just cut right through city defenses too quickly to get decent exp, and the AI does run out of units lol
I do something like what you are trying to do.
I head more or less right for construction (pottery, archery, mining, masonry, >>construction) grabbing calendar if needed and always getting BW for spears. Then bee line phylo, then sailing (extra TR), then bee line to machinery. Then CS and education followed by a bee line to dynamite. I take liberty with a BO of scout, monument, scout, 3 archers (buy 4th), pyramids, etc. This give me a very consistent T95ish NC and machinery by T110ish with 1 or 2 expos.

I find and declare war on my nearest neighbor and work the daylights out of my archers on his units and cities. I use the free settler to forward settle on their empire and to give me a base to retreat for upgrading and healing. I take range rather than logistics about T100, usually take my first cap by T100 and am working on my 3rd war by T130ish and my x-bows are all range/logistics and working on march. I just spam out pikes for cannon fodder.

I do not think going for earliest machinery is perfectly optimal. I find that I often end up exp farming on a city belonging to my first enemy, and even CB's beat the city down to far to exp on 4 units every turn. I wait as long as possible before upgrading them so I can milk as much exp as possible. X-bows just cut right through city defenses too quickly to get decent exp, and the AI does run out of units lol

I agree, one target city isn't enough. But, I think I've come up with a solution to get maximum xp.

DoW the first CS you meet that a) isn't protected yet, b) isn't a cultural CS, and c) has open terrain in front of it. "b" is optional unless you're opening Honor. If you open Honor you absolutely MUST ally a cultural CS to finish the policy tree in a reasonable amount of time.

If you do this ASAP, before meeting any civs, you won't get any warmonger hit for DoWing the CS. This allows you to *also* DoW an AI around turn 40-60. Now you have two targets. With Honor, I set two archers and a warrior on the CS, and the third archer + scout on barb camp duty at first... meanwhile my second scout actually scouts... this is not ideal, I feel like I need a third scout here, but I'm financially challenged. I'd really prefer to keep both scouts on sight duty... +1 sight makes it easier to snipe workers. So do horsemen. So many units, so little cash! Money is absolutely my biggest problem. This is another reason why pillage-healing is so critical. If they ever decide that's an exploit, fine, I'll accept that, but in the mean-time, it's too powerful to ignore.

Anyway, once I get a 4th archer, I DoW the AI. Now I'm getting maximum XP every turn. The warrior & spearman turned medics ensure that one unit gets attack and defense XP every turn while the other heals. Pillage-healing means you can switch attackers every turn. When the CS/AI spawns a unit, you get a little burst of extra XP. In the ideal case, it averages out to about 4 XP/unit/turn with Military Tradition, which gets you to Logistics in 25 turns, and Range in 12* more.

Realistically, nothing is ideal. There is travel time and sometimes there's a need to run away to avoid losing a promoted unit, so it's more like 3 XP/unit/turn or Logistics in 33 turns, Range + Logistics in a grand total 50 turns. The same approach without Honor would take 50/75 turns.

(*Getting 50 xp in 12 turns once you hit Logistics isn't realistic unless you start steamrolling... you don't have enough targets otherwise)

If you have 4 archers spawned by turn 50, that's Logistics by turn 100, Range by turn 125, even without Honor, so it is probably worth it to get the benefits of Tradition and/or Liberty and settle for being 25 turns behind on promotions, but being able to start the steamroll earlier still makes Honor tempting to me.

When I started played this morning I discovered the game had patched, and got a 3 wheat start, so I'm temporarily abandoning the Honor approach to experiment with a Sun God one-city Tradition start. I'm super-tempted to dip into Liberty to get Citizenship/Pyramids for 1-turn pillage-healing. It's just so powerful for warmongering it almost must be taken.

So far, the biggest gating factors are 1) money, 2) terrain. If you can't find two targets nearby with open ground things quickly fall apart.
I am liking your approach and wishing I had used it in my current game. I did my usual thing and DoW'd my nearest neighbor and exp farmed. I got a pretty crappy start with no extra lux's to sell, and only one good expo site, so had to annex my neighbors cap early for my third city. The whole game has been a struggle for cash and happiness, and I made the huge blunder of DoF'ing my second victim (Mongolia), and was not offered a DoF from the other AI's til ~T150. It is now ~T230 and I'm 18 turns from ballistics, my last target (Babylon) has GWB's, and his cap is behind 3 cities I have to plow through. Should have been a clear 235ish turn victory will now drag to closer to 280 :(

BTW, I pretty much always take range before logistics. I find they exp faster because I do not have to retreat them to heal.
Yes, I tend to agree, but I'm torn. My theory is that if you run into enemy units, you chew through them 2x faster with logistics, and get XP 2x as fast. So, while army 1 attacks the first civ you've been beating up, army 2 attacks a fresh civ and chews through their units really quick. The idea is to have both range & logistics before you upgrade to X-Bows, because otherwise that next upgrade is more expensive. However, it might be more practical to choose range first... it negates terrain issues that might stop you cold with logistics.

But again, those enemy units... I might attack two CS to start the game, and avoid attacking any civ until I have four CBs with Logistics, then start chewing through two armies at once. By the time they start to run out of units, I should have Range to take the city. Heck, it might even make more sense to take March first so that you can stand in CS fire every turn without running away, and go for all three before XBows... hahaha.

Anyway, it's a theory. I think your Liberty approach might be stronger than my Honor tactic, but I'm hoping that shaving 10-20 turns off Range+Logistics makes it all worthwhile. I mean, there's no question in my mind that one can win on Deity doing it your way. Part of the fun is seeing if I can come up with a reliable Honor opener or a way to actually achieve victory with Medieval units. We'll see! :)
I seem to get march about T150ish on my original archers, and I play very aggressively. By that time on most maps even X-bows are getting hammered pretty hard by cities. It seems to come at a good time for when you get side-swiped by lancers and the like. I may try going back to logistics first though. I like the idea of two early wars at the same time
I seem to get march about T150ish on my original archers, and I play very aggressively. By that time on most maps even X-bows are getting hammered pretty hard by cities. It seems to come at a good time for when you get side-swiped by lancers and the like. I may try going back to logistics first though. I like the idea of two early wars at the same time

T150 is a good number to know for my own experiments. W/ Honor opening that would be ~T115, if your archers spawned around T50, assuming that the lack of happiness/gold in Honor doesn't cripple you along the way. :p

If you went for Logistics first and DoW'd at the right time, you could probably shave 10 more turns off that. Waiting to upgrade to X-Bows until T105 isn't at all unreasonable, and you could conceivably have March as well by then... crazy!

But, that all being said, I'm still struggling to keep my economy and tech going strong with a Military Tradition -> Citizenship opening, and there's no reason to believe staying in Honor would have helped. There's no gold in Honor until the closer, and Military Caste doesn't help speed things up because a) At most I have 2 cities that early in the game, and b) I don't have the economy to have a unit sitting in a city just for culture.

*IF* I can ally a cultural CS then I can finish Honor fast enough for the closer to fix my economy, but that's entirely a matter of luck, and now shorter-lived post-patch. And the money from pillage-healing is better than the money from the Honor closer. :p

My straight Honor approach involves building two settlers after the 4 archers. I finish Honor faster that way and the other cities help with my economy. But that means losing pillage-healing and I need 3 more worker steals to make up for the free ones you'd get from Citizenship/Pyramids.

And somewhere in there I need time to build caravans. But, I haven't given up. :)
Is the idea to finish the game with crossbows? Otherwise, I'd think something that keeps infrastructure up while also delivering a competent xbow rush would be ideal. Something like Liberty and using GS bulb to get to Machinery while also teching to Education. That way, while you are pushing with xbows your empire will be moving towards Gatling and schools at a decent rate.
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