Favorite Faction

Which of these fictional ideologies has stolen your heart away?

  • Gaia's Stepdaughters

    Votes: 25 14.9%
  • The Human Hive

    Votes: 17 10.1%
  • The Lord's Believers

    Votes: 6 3.6%
  • The Spartan Federation

    Votes: 13 7.7%
  • Morgan Industries

    Votes: 17 10.1%
  • Peacekeeping Forces

    Votes: 13 7.7%
  • University of Planet

    Votes: 52 31.0%
  • Manifold Usurpers

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Manifold Caretakers

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Data Angels

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Free Drones

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Nautilus Pirates

    Votes: 7 4.2%
  • Cybernetic Consciousness

    Votes: 13 7.7%
  • Cult of Planet

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by JoeP
Gaians on easy because of mindworm capture. Other than that, i'll just choose Morganites, because the idea of cornering the whole market is awesome!

The possibility capture mindworms is great! For military aid I usually try to ally with the Spartans. Santiago can really be generous when it comes to donating units. I like that:)
try and finish with the morganite A CONQUER !!! victory - all the other posiibility were eliminate - was shortly on free market end game on green and wealth . with all tecnology and then conquer every body left all Progect expect " Ascent to trancedance"
lal for quick diplomatic victory - with Empath Guild and Human Genom

the unis is hard to play because of Drone above size 12 it is dificult to prevent Drone Riot

so my choice is Lal and make a "Conquer victory " or " Diplomatic "

If you kill your enemy there is Peace ...

BTW did sombody notice " Ben Laden " on the opening video ?
Originally posted by Babbler
Love the Gaians. Love the "running naked in the wood:)"
Then the Peacekeepers and Unversity.

Here is an interesting question:
Does your factions ideogoly match your own?
this should be a new " Thread "
do you mean in life or in the game ?

Morgan green and conquerd victory ?
I still have a soft spot for the University, but I had to vote for the Nautilus Pirates.

Not only are all the different political systems open to you, they're also a rather pleasing shade of blue. :)
I choose the Hive because I've read "1984" by George Orwell and I was *very* surprised to see how Fireaxis had a created a faction based on "Ingsoc" but in outer space. The idea is just too weird - I love it. :)
Otherwise, I'd say the Believers and the Spartans.
Lean and mean >:)
The Believers. Go in with a Nerve Gas Plamsa Shard in one hand and the Bible in the other.

Yeah. Actually, my first game resulted in me holding half of Planet and the Gaians holding the other... then Deidre singularity planetbusted my second island... so I did the same to her entire continent....:p
I dunno....
Either I use the brute force by mass and use Gaians,
or I use force by technology and use the university...
You beings are very illogical, left-brain funtions are far greater than right-brain functions...

Cybernetic all the way...
@ Celeborn

All of us don't have SMAC-X. So that limits the choice quite a bit. It would be fun to have a greater freedom of choce, but what can you do? I'm still waiting for the wonderful day when one can download everything fron the Internet and pay with some sort of International Internet Credits witch you get by tranferring money from your own bank to and account on the internet. No using credit cards, or moneu orders or checks and stuff. You simply klick "charge my account number#" and download legally whatever you want...:rolleyes:
That will be the day...
...when I die

OK non- SMAC-X, Uni...


A-hem yes...
1) Hive
2) Cybernetic Con

I like to be a communist dicator and *liberat* the workers from their oppressive goverments..... at any means attainable!! LOL!! Use evil methods too. Or a technocratic leader of intelligent, cybernetic humans....

When I played 5 years ago, I was always the Spartans.... now I wouldn't dare to choose them..
With SMAX, the Hive, because they have total control and no inefficiency. :goodjob: With SMAC, I always liked the University.
I hate the Hive. They always threaten to wipe the floor with me, even when I am far superior in might and they only have one city left.
University + Hyperexpansionism = 20 tech lead = crush Yang with Needlejets and Drop Tachyon Tanks. Bastard.
The Cybernetic Conciousness is ridiculously overpowered, IMO, and so they are not my favorite (though, were I to play seriously on Transcend, they would be my choice). The aliens (Usurpers and Caretakers) are also overpowered, but the locked vendetta makes them much weaker. Therefore, of the new factions, the Cult is my favorite.

Of the original factions (and overall), the Gaians are my favorite, though the University is the most powerful.
I think that the free-drones are underrated. The only problem is that you have to use a different approch with them. Their industrial bonus along planned market makes them very capable builders (so building improments & wonders is quicker) and populates fast. The real 2 problems with them is: 1) pollution causes alot of those worms to attack(and increases in strength!) and 2) the technology penality, which means your gonna' have to send waves and waves of ****ty guys to fight more advanced units...

But, overall, I prefer the cybernetic consciousness because they represent my *ideal* society.... oh and same with Hive. ;)
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