"Feature" request for Civ4. Does this exist?


Oct 8, 2006
When the random events occur or the Apostolic Palace elections/decision take place, I would like to mouse over the civ names in the score to find me relations. I just had a random event where I had to choose between a -1,-2,or -3 hit to Frederick, and I couldnt find out how I was already...
I agree, things like this should be implemented, or at least the ability to minimize pop-ups. I play with minimize pop-ups until the end, but I still find that they pop-up when I feel it isn't the end yet, and get in my way. This happens especially when I need to check other things in order to determine my choice, like tech choices, and some construction choices.

I would REALLY like an option to have things stay minimized, so I can choose the order I do things, or ignore them until I deliberately activate them. This is always a major problem for me in multiplayer, where a turn can end at anytime, and if I get a special event pop up at the beginning of my turn because I have no movement, I often end up making a choice on accident without having the opportunity to read it, because I was trying to do something else (more often than not, talking to other people).
This is definitely an annoyance. An option that says "wait, let me consult my advisors" would save me a lot of reloading.
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