You might want to rethink this one. I don't think it's a good idea to punish players for something they have as little control over as crime rate.
At least when the negative promos were based on Esus, you could refrain from researching Deception and inquisition any cities where Esus got a natural spread. But how do you prevent a high crime rate, other than keeping your population low and refraining from building some of the game's best buildings?
If nothing else, could you at least prevent World Units from being born with the negative promotions? I thought it was a little silly when I found that my mighty Abashi the Black Dragon, bane of Paladins and guardian of the Black Tower, was Anxious. None of my priests could cast a Zoloft spell either....
I'd also like to be able to tweak the relevant files to reduce the chance of the negative attribute event when building a new (living) unit. What files control this?
Currently i'm FoL but with Esus also in all my cities, i've founded both FoL and Esus but prefer FoL as my main religion.
My crime rate is in the 60% mark in most of my cities and now each time i build a living unit (Hero's as well as regular) i always get the 'Unit damaged x% by Poison damage. An assassin has given our unit a crippling poison!'.
Everytime for any living unit. So i have a bunch of -1 strength (Promote Unit Weak) units and a weakend Baron Duin Halfmorn!
I'd really like to be able to mitigate against this. I've built all the reduction to crime buildings i currently can (Courthouse and Dungeons) but what % level do i need the crime rate to be at to avoid this rather annoying event, and should it happen every time or be more random? Random i could live with, but with the last 12 (living) units i've created they all have this -1. Too nasty for my tastes.
Edit: ok a quick dirty fix i went with was to comment out line 40 in \python\, like this:
# unit.setHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_WEAK'), True)
They will still get poisoned on creation, but no permanent negative effect. This is placeholder as i like the idea of all this but would love to be able to have buildings maybe get better at reducing crime if that is the key factor and/or have these as a random chance of happening each time etc.
That out the way i'm loving everything else very much. It all worked perfectly on the latest patches (for CivIV and FFH2, so 'o' i believe that is) and the changes for the factions that have had them seem to fit really nice, definitely one of my favourite more subtle adjustment/refinements to the base FFH2 game.
So is this still being worked on? I saw mention of a rebuild based on some of the Naval AI mod functions (and let's face it, better AI handling of sea-based invasions IS very much needed!), but that appears to be a while back?
I also saw a question about hosting bigger file sizes? And i'd just mention a site like mediafire, that is where i host my mods and they are free and give enough space for that.
Anyway thanks for this great work on improving/finishing FFH2, i've been away from CivIV for a bit, but i always come back to FFH2 and it needs this kind of love and attention, so please carry on
Edit: one thing i forgot to mention is that the in game tool tip text for the '+1 Attack Strength' (next to the '+1 Defence Strength') promotion shows as:
rather than '+1 Attack Strength'.