Is there a way in the Final Frontier Mod to stop the growth of a star system? The button is not where it usually is in normal civ games.
My planets keep getting sick and angry before I have the time to do something about it.
The replies to date on this thread have not mentioned the obvious.
The way to counter angriness and sickness either by buildings or connection to special resources.
Health - build recycling center for one health ON EACH PLANET IT IS BUILT ON, connect to crystals and gold for 3 health each.
Happiness - build sports arena for one happiness ON EACH PLANET IT IS BUILT ON, connect to oxygen and water for 3 happiness each.
In that the techs for the sports arena and the recycling center come early, there is no reason in the world you would want to stop the growth of a star system.
For even better results use Habitation to create extra population capacity on all the planets in each of your star systems (except for the home planet in each system where by default I think it has already been built).
In other words a given star system may only have room for ten pop combined on all the star systems, and so a pop 11 person goes off and does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help you until one of the planets has Habitation built on it.
However waiting until all your planets have been filled is a much too reactive way to play. Rather, build Habitation on your best planets long before all the other less productive planets become inhabited.
It is not clear from the overall description of the mod, but a player can adjust who works which planet just like they can adjust who works each of the possible 21 tiles in a city's fat cross of possible tiles to be worked.
joel west