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forty civilisations were announced


Here's my wishlist: (Edit#3: Dec 4)

26. Inca*
27. Siam
28. Ottoman
29. Byzantium*
30. Phoenicia Edit#3: Hittites
31. Canada*
32. any Native American Edit#1: Inuit / Edit#2: Navajo
33. Cuba or Haiti Edit#2: Cuba
34. Netherlands*
35. Switzerland
36. Zulu
37. Mali*
38. Ethiopia
39. Mongol*
40. Vietnam
41. Korea*
42. Muisca (present-day Colombia)
43. Khmer (Cambodia)
44. Philippines Edit#2: Argentina
45. Babylon or Assyria Edit#1: Babylon
46. Tibet Edit#2: Iroquois
47. Morocco
48. Portugal*
49. Punt (Somalia) or Aksum (Eritrea) Edit: Aksum
50. Ashanti

Edit#3: civs marked with * expected to show in Rise & Fall expansion
I'll update my list too.

Inuit Edit #1 Dec 2: Georgia
Here's my revamped list...
27 Inca
28 Amazigh (Berber)
29 Zulu
30 Korea
31 Polynesia
32 Taku
33 Mongols
34 Tamil
35 Mali
36 Maasai
37 Sweden
38 Moche
39 Latte
40 Babylon
41 Austria
42 Portugal
43 Siam
44 Vietnam
45 Byzantium
46 Assyria
47 Beliebers
48 Goths
49 Emos
50 Beliebers
Here's my revamped list...
27 Inca
28 Amazigh (Berber)
29 Zulu
30 Korea
31 Polynesia
32 Taku
33 Mongols
34 Tamil
35 Mali
36 Maasai
37 Sweden
38 Moche
39 Latte
40 Babylon
41 Austria
42 Portugal
43 Siam
44 Vietnam
45 Byzantium
46 Assyria
47 Beliebers
48 Goths
49 Emos
50 Beliebers

No offense, but I've never heard of some of these choices, Taku, Latte, Beliebers, Emos...
Why does Beliebers appear twice on the list?
It‘s a joke about modern people...
Except for the Taku.

What are the Taku?

If I had to change my guesses, I would replace two of the Civs with Canada and Georgia. Maybe later, since I'm using my iPad.
No offense, but I've never heard of some of these choices, Taku, Latte, Beliebers, Emos...
Why does Beliebers appear twice on the list?

Placeholders: until I decide on the last few.
Beliebers are mostly Canadians who hate Rush and Celine Dion.
Placeholders: until I decide on the last few.
Beliebers are mostly Canadians who hate Rush and Celine Dion.

By Rush, do you mean Rush Limbaugh? Or someone Canadian?
Rush. One of the most famous Rock bands in history. And one of the best as well.
Taku are a PNW tribe.

I'm not a big fan of rock music. :p
Never heard of the Taku. They're not in my Pacific Northwest book.
Taku are a PNW tribe.

They're very old now so, "Let me get my slippers on first" would be a better name.

Taku are a PNW tribe.

I chose Taku because (a) that region needs a civ; (b) I'm still not convinced that Canada
is a real chance; (c) they had a leader whose name we know, and (d) I wanted something
more exotic than the "Generokee".
They're very old now so, "Let me get my slippers on first" would be a better name.

I chose Taku because (a) that region needs a civ; (b) I'm still not convinced that Canada
is a real chance; (c) they had a leader whose name we know, and (d) I wanted something
more exotic than the "Generokee".

Were you replying to me? I was suggesting you rename Taku to Tlingit as that's the more famous name for that people.

Well, my book is not simply any book, but the Smithsonian Handbook of North American Indians. I'm sure Canadians would recognize the name Tlingit than Taku, who are a subgroup of the Tlingit. But it's your choice.

When I first saw the name Taku, I thought they were Japanese.
Were you replying to me? I was suggesting you rename Taku to Tlingit as that's the more famous name for that people.

Well, my book is not simply any book, but the Smithsonian Handbook of North American Indians. I'm sure Canadians would recognize the name Tlingit than Taku, who are a subgroup of the Tlingit. But it's your choice.

When I first saw the name Taku, I thought they were Japanese.

Yes, they are a geographic subgroup of the Tlingit.
I found them first, not the Tlingit.

Anyway, the "competition" is to guess the names of the civs.
If the Taku are chosen (1 in a zillion chance) then I'll be the only
one, and people will whistle and cheer because of my extra-ordinary
perspicacity and charm.
My revised List

27. Babylon
28. Mali
29. Carthage
30. Inca
31. Maya
32. Ethiopia
33. Korea
34. Celts
35. Italy
36. Ottomans
37. Portugal
38. Netherlands
39. Byzantines
40. Mongolia
41. Sweden
42. Canada
43. Zulus
44. Iroquois
45. Georgia
46. Gran Colombia
47. Hungary
48. Phoenicia
49. Austria
50. Ashanti

Honorable mentions: Bulgaria, Czechia, Mapuche, Tupi, Muisca, Benin, Madagascar, Vietnam, Siam, Burma, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Hittites, Ireland, Armenia, Polynesia/Maori, Scotland, Assyria
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