However, we are now talking about the 6th hardest difficulty option in Civ, and I really don't believe that we should be advocating the quantity-over-quality strategy for anyone. I mean, using this approach, you are basically forfeiting any advantages that playing Russia in a tundra map would offer and you are actually making the game harder for you as you are playing with a civ that has no bonuses but a lot of tundra.
I think that is pretty false to say that I would forfeit any advantage as Russia, simply without taking Aurora. Russia has many advantages that I used and is not merely just a faith machine. Furthermore, while it's true Russia's Holy Sites are half off and nice, all civs can use Aurora to generate faith. It's not specific to Russia and wouldn't be the best choice for them earlier.
If anything I made a mistake in settling the initial capital because I forgot Russia grabs more tiles at the start.
And we are not even talking about strict min-maxing, the Aurora strategy is really not rocket science: you just need to make sure that new cities have a tile with 6 surrounding tundra tiles, and care to remember to place your Holy Site there.
I never said anything about it being hard to put Holy Sites for Aurora-- I was talking about when and how to use said faith.
Also, city spamming is not even that useful. Although there are certainly players who would advocate for always expanding, truly good players would argue for efficiency. As you create more and more Settlers, they become progressively more expensive, and you eventually get to the cutoff point when it's not worth spending more resources on new cities.
Which is true, but it certainly is nowhere near 10 settlers. And of course if you are not city spamming that kinda defeats the purpose of a lot of monumentality....
Players doing fast victories would stop at the fewest number of cities that are required for a win and would not waste resources on cities that can't even provide decent adjacency bonuses. Obviously, this is not a speed race, but the idea remains the same: why would you need to spend huge amounts of resources and micromanage 10+ cities if 6 well-placed cities will provide you with more than enough ammo for your victory type?
Which is true, but do you think anyone that actually needs help because they build too many cities? The losing games in this very thread have a very low amount of cities. Better too much than too little I say.
I also didn't "city spam" at all. I think it was like maybe 12 cities and most of them were bought because I had too much faith. If I really wanted to brute force, Arabia wouldn't even be here, but I wanted to entertain the idea of building some cities.
Heck, even Deadly_Dog's save above has more cities than me at that point. =p
Barbarians / Military: You don't need more than 2 Warriors (and maybe 1 Slinger, if you really want to be safe) throughout the game. Sea protects you from east and south, CSs protect the western flank, so you will need to be aware of the northern tundra. Don't go too far away with the Warriors and you're golden. You can friend all the AIs without effort, therefore no need for any additional army units at all.
This is fine for more advanced players which know how to spawn bust, ahem min-maxing but newer players have more trouble. Especially as Russia which spawns more.
We're also lucky that this map has no close or aggressive neighbors.
Faith: Calling Faith a tertiary resource in a RV game sounds strange to me. Okay, you can't use it until Classical, but after that, it's basically the only thing that matters. If you start to accumulate Faith in the Ancient Age, that's even better as you can start to mass buy Settlers / Religious Units as soon as possible.
Only for a religious victory. I went for a cultural victory. I thought we were against one sized fits all approach. With a cultural victory, OP doesn't need to manage a lot of units aside from some Rock Bands.
I think faith is just a harder resource to use early on as opposed to gold, production, science, or culture.
My point is usually a learning player needs help in the Ancient Era.
Classical Golden Age: While it's obviously not always easy to gather 24 points in the Ancient Era, on this map, you are practically guaranteed to do so if you want it The basics are founding St Peters: 6; Lavra: 4; Founding first religion: 6; meeting two civs: 2. You can easily get the remaining 6 points via Barbarian camps and tribal villages, but if you need a boost, you can just install Amani in any of the three city states for first suzerain points. Yes, you need to keep an eye on the era score, but you really don't have to do anything extraordinary.
Which is another step of instructions subject to RNG and more things to go wrong.
There's a reason why my advice initially was just to say to work the faith tile asap, get Religious Settlements (or Aurora if failed) and get a quick 2nd city. Because there's no way to tell how the rest of the map turns out. Telling someone to do 2 things total is more foolproof than telling people to do a lot of things.
Religion focus: You are stating that buying religious units with faith is a strategy that OP can't handle.
Again, there's more than one victory condition.