Funniest Webcomics Part 5. It's not that funny.

Meanwhile in Portugal..


So listen.. I DO like all the cobblestone sidewalks.. but I swear there's a cobblestone mafia and/or big cobblestone or someone pulling the strings behind the curtains. I saw a grand total of like 2 sidewalks in the whole country that weren't cobblestone..

And don't get me wrong, I love em! But surely they don't have to be EVERYWHERE. They are annoying to walk on, first of all. Yeah, maybe that's why so many Portugese seem to be fit and in shape, but still..

I saw crews working on fixing these cobblestone sidewalks.. and it's a lot of work! If Portugal went anti-cobblestone, all those people would be out of a job! The new sidewalks would take like 10x less time effort and money to fix and maintain.

Something shady is going on in Portugal.
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