Funny Screenshots

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Urederra said:
Errr... no, sorry :)

The picture is really an old city, its name is Cuenca and it is in Spain. It is not heading a beach, and some of the houses are 500 years old. They used to make things better in the old days :lol:


I've been to the site too, following the URL of the picture. But the site is in a language I don't know (now I know it's probably Spain), so I can't get any information out of it.

Oh well.
well, i guess if there's a big fat pyramid standing on our market place we have to use the colloseum to sell our cows ^^

"Hey!! Are you soldiers playing in the oil again?!?"

Crossbowman, thats a thinker you've got there :hmm:
Aah, I think thats right. Now I get it. Not very funny however. I mean, next to the man on cow and two-headed horse.
VladTepes said:
"Hey!! Are you soldiers playing in the oil again?!?"

yuke that was nastiest hippies i ever seen, they worship satan or pope?

As you can see I have a slight cultural superiority over the Incas here. No wonder, even my villages have theatres... :D
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