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Game Features/Functions

I'm pretty sure the AI does not choose these randomly. They are coded in by the XML, so the AI does know how and when to select which promotions.

As far as the names and graphics go: I can change anything easily, this is extremely simple stuff we're dealing with here actually. So if anyone wants to draw up some mock promotion charts, or had new ideas for any of these promotions that'd be fine.
I think what I am going to do is make a new Combat I promotion for Air units. I'll have a little mock promotion-tree up soon so you can see my new ideas.

I'm not sure if any of you know this or not, but I was wondering how and when air units accumulate XP?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little upset that nobody has chimed in on this yet. I have the new CC in now, and I think I got it right this time, so this is the last thing I have to do before the next playtest and so far nobody has really seemed to make an effort with me here. So I'm hoping to get some responses soon. :(

Anyway, I am going to post up a mock promotion-chart that I'm hoping will work for this. I am going to remove the Combat I promotion for Air units and replace it with something called "Flight Academy." It is a promotion (not a building) that will be very generic, but will have to be given before any of the other promotions are available. I'm not yet sure what the base will be, but it will be very slight (maybe an extra line of sight or something). Check back to see the new promotion tree.
Okay, so I took out a lot of things to kind of water it down for stock BtS (the originals came from a mod with a bunch of new air units/classes). This is what I came up with:

Spoiler :

I REALLY want some discussion here. If you read this and think it is fine, then say so, but if you have any issues at all, or suggestions or even ideas for new promotions or changes to the ones I have here please let me know. I want these air promotions to work well in-game and we will have an opportunity to test them in the next playtest so feel free to make any suggestions that pop into your head. :goodjob:

Things to discuss are the bonuses, the requirements, the tech requirements, and the promotions themselves. Also if anyone can find out what ECM means they get Extra Credit*.



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ECM= Evasive Command Maneuvers?

I like this chart :thumbsup:
Sry, I'm not an expert (this means: totally noob :)) on air units/possible promotions.
I like the chart you made though, especially the new base promotion idea...

I noticed you dropped the negative side of the promotions, that's also a good thing IMO.
Will be easier to the AI this way as someone mentioned this before :goodjob:
Btw, ECM = Electronic Countermeasures
Here is the Wiki article
Sry, I'm not an expert (this means: totally noob :)) on air units/possible promotions.
I like the chart you made though, especially the new base promotion idea...

I noticed you dropped the negative side of the promotions, that's also a good thing IMO.
Will be easier to the AI this way as someone mentioned this before :goodjob:

Yeah, I didn't really understand why they had negative side anyway, I mean it's a promotion? That doesn't make much sense to me. The only thing I could think of was that weight was increased and space decreased (for some of the promos, like missiles etc.) so there was less room for gas, which is why the range was lowered. Or that certain missiles had to replace other weapons (because there was only so much space on the jet) so because of this it became specialized and was thus unable to fight the same as a non-promoted jet. But who cares about that? It's a damn game, and this definitely makes it easier for the AI.

The one thing both I and the mod I ripped this from neglected was bomber/bombing promotions. So I am going to think up a round of three (maybe two actually) for bombing missions and present that.

It seems that everyone generally likes the set up I have, and it isn't very complicated either, which I always think is a good thing when modding (KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid). So I'll try to figure something out for bombing. I could either make three promos that each have a bonus for city and unit bombing, or I could make two promos for both (almost like the City Raider and Shock or whatever that melee promo is, but for air units).
Yeah, some bombing promos would be cool
I would go with the separate version, 2 promos for unit bombing and 2 for city bombing
At first glance it doesn't seem like I can edit those features. :(

When I find out for sure I'll either add them, or streamline the promotions I have in now, make sure all the text and graphics are good and then release the next playtest. If anyone can figure this out for me, or help me out rather, that would be great. But I can't seem to find a tag for them.
Now I'm totally confused, I looked into the code of asiox3's WWII mod and it seems as if he does have some of the promotions coded to give bonuses, so I'm not sure what is happening here now. Anyway, in case I can actually implement these (and I'm really hoping I can) here is the new air unit promotion chart. All I have done was add the new promos (in light blue) to the chart.

Spoiler :

What do you think? Should I make the bonuses for the new ones higher or lower?


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Alright, I got the new promos in and set up the chart correctly. Everything looks good. Since I removed air units from the regular promotions I was wondering if you all thought I should add an "Air Mechanic" promotion to act as a replacement for the health promos they get? If so that should be relatively easy to do.

Here's Diplomacy II's spiffy looking air promotions chart as of right now:

So basically if you guys think I should add an Air Mechanic promotion I suppose I could do that pretty easily, I am not entirely sure that it is necessary though since air units aren't really in direct combat with eachother (at least not in the way the other units are), so it is entirely up to you guys. I have no problem adding it, but I am not sure most players would really use it.

Anyway, the good news is this is the last thing I have to do before releasing the next playtest, so it will be ready to go. The bad news is that I am busy tonight (so I don't have time to upload it and send out links right now), and I won't be home until like six pm tomorrow (US East Coast time) and I have plans tomorrow night as well, so I'll probably have it out Tuesday (if time allows) or Wednesday at the latest. So we're good to go on Playtest IV. :goodjob:

BTW: The buttons with the bombers on them are the Bombadier I and II promos, the buttons with the bombs are the Airstrike I and II promos.


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I like the write up for the promotions. (and the art for the new buttons).

I was going to say, I wasn't sure how you could do the Bomb Rate bonus in promotions. I know Bombard and Collateral Damage bonuses are available, but I was under the assumption that those were isolated to the promotions the Siege units get, since the aircraft have "Bomb rates"

But if it works, it works.
Yeah, I don't know if this will work either. We'll see with the playtest. Worst case scenario they don't work, or I could get them fixed with python or something. Best case scenario they work and we won't have to worry about it, either way it won't be a huge issue. Either way the other promos work.
What does everyone think about adding the COMMANDERS MODCOMP? I kinda like the idea to be honest, it will certainly make using GGs for units much better (I normally only use them as drill instructors myself).

I like it.
Honestly? Great Generals and Great Prophets need more to do.
I was thinking... how does this sound on the latter? Great Prophets can spread your religion to an entire civ (as long as that civ isn't running Theocracy.) Or would that be too powerful? Maybe it could just have a chance at spreading it to each city within that civ (like the effect of sending missionaries to each city at once.)
Just seems kinda like Prophets become useless unless you have a shrine to build. (Great Artists at least can be used to culture bomb new cities, so even they're not entirely just one use.)
I like it.
Honestly? Great Generals and Great Prophets need more to do.
I was thinking... how does this sound on the latter? Great Prophets can spread your religion to an entire civ (as long as that civ isn't running Theocracy.) Or would that be too powerful? Maybe it could just have a chance at spreading it to each city within that civ (like the effect of sending missionaries to each city at once.)
Just seems kinda like Prophets become useless unless you have a shrine to build. (Great Artists at least can be used to culture bomb new cities, so even they're not entirely just one use.)

With Religious Victories, thats quite over powered.
I think Prophets are fine. They have their time at the beginning of the game.

I personally think the Commanders ModComp is great. I like the added strategy that is involved with it. For multiplayer games I can see it being quite interesting.
One add-on I wanted to see for it (not sure if its been implamented), is the ability for Spys to assassinate Great Generals are in the role of Commanders
We'll get to the spies when we get to the spies, that isn't something we need to worry about when implementing the Commanders Modcomp. Well, two votes of confidence is all I need. Consider it in. :goodjob:

And I agree on the Prophets, with religious victory enabled that would be way overpowered, the prophets are fine. What good has a prophet done anyone recently anyway?
Not just recently :D
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