GEM 1.13.4/CivUP 2.5.2 - How can I adjust AI religion priority?


Jan 25, 2012
This is not a bug (at least I don't think so), in fact kind of the opposite seeing as the latest release notes state:

Fixed a bug causing AIs to have no priority to get religion or spaceships.

Accordingly feel free to merge or move this if it doesn't fit here.


My issue - when trying out the new versions I like to muck about on emperor level, but in 1.13.4 I bought a shrine as soon as I could (turn 14 or so), got the villages +1 faith pantheon (had a couple of villages), successfully built Stonehenge and, even, got a second city in place to take advantage of that mountain that gives faith for a few turns. Despite all of this I missed out on a religion (was stuck on waiting for a GP for a couple of turns and someone beat me to the last one). So basically I don't see that I could have done much else and even if all the 'religious' civs were in the game I still should have got one on emperor.

Anyway, I often don't care about religion, but it's kind of fun so where would one be able to lower etc. AI aggressiveness in pursuing it? Thanks in advance. (I did look in the files, but I really don't want to tinker too much without knowing what I'm doing).
What was your per-turn faith income? AIs settle at least 3 cities as soon as possible, and the religious AIs (1/3 of total) get Shrines and Temples in each of those cities. I think that's about 9:c5faith: per turn. Piety and Devotion policies also add 50 instant faith and 6:c5faith: per turn.

I will add information to the lua.log debug output to check for faith per turn of AI leaders. They might be erroneously getting more faith than intended from some unknown source.

In the short term, if you want to change the AI priority you can open /AI/GEAI_Events.lua in the Gem mod folder. Find line 196 and change the max random number to whatever you want.

if relFlavor >= Map.Rand([B]10[/B], "Found religion") then

This determines the likelihood religious AIs will choose to purchase a religious building when they have the money to do so. Religious AIs have a religious flavor of 7, so 7/10 is 70%. If you change it to 7/50, that would be 15%.
Excellent, thank you. I'm not even saying there's anything wrong with the changes you've made, but I'd like to be able to adjust it if I want (and that's often so that I can test some things out on a lower level).
Honestly, it has gotten nearly impossible to found a pantheon, let alone a religion. I've focused quite a bit on religion and had 2 shrines and mount Fuji (5 faith in total). Still, a foreign pantheon was founded almost every turn from some point on, ever increasing the amount of faith needed. How should one ever get anything without a natural wonder? Or if one doesn't 100% fully focus on faith? (Immortal difficulty, btw)
Infoaddict reported that the AI was only receiving 9-21 faith per turn while I was receiving over 230 with only1 Religious policies active. I simply built all the faith buildings. Does the AI not build these?

Also, how was my neighbor Rome generating a great prophet every 8 or so turns when I had converted all their cities to my religion? Infoaddict reported that they were receiving only 9 faith per turn, which is likely since InGame Editor showed no shrines in their 6 cities.

At this level, how did Rome generate so many prophets?

Additionally, I had capture Rome after they produced their “new world religion” and there was not 1 believer in that religion in their whole empire. How were they generating any prophets?

Finally, why does the AI use faith points on prophets to convert my main cities? Can the priorities of faith use be reset to build shrines and missionaries? An inquisitor is too easy a response to Great Prophets.
AIs settle at least 3 cities as soon as possible, and the religious AIs (1/3 of total) get Shrines and Temples in each of those cities.

When you say they get shrines and temples, are you saying they put a priority on building them early or that they are given them for free? If given for free, do they have to research the appropriate techs first?

I've been having trouble founding a religion on Immortal difficulty despite concentrating pretty heavily on faith - purchasing a Shrine the moment Pottery is researched and beelining to Stonehenge is a pretty heavy early investment in religion, and I'm not getting to found one at all.

EDIT: just started a game as Boudicca with Ancient Ruins turned off, Immortal difficulty. 3 forest tiles adjacent to my city, so at 2 faith/turn, I was able to found a pantheon on round 10. The AIs founded pantheons on 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 21. Considering each of those costs 5 faith more than the last, essentially all AIs are running even, and they are running at an impossible pace. It's too early to complete a quest for a religious CS or have enough cash to buy one off, so essentially all 7 enemy AIs are generating 5+ faith per round at a time when they should, at most, own 2 shrines if they were devoting themselves completely to faith generation. Whatever's wrong, it's not limited to Religious AIs.
Devotion appears to be giving 5 faith + 4 per city (tooltip says 3 + 1/city)
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