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Getting others to Declare War


Codex WMDicanious
Jan 4, 2002
Dose anyone have ideas on how to get OTHER civis to DECLARE WAR ?


- Cities go into WLTK when having war declared on you.
- Don't look like the bad guys diplomaticly (Don't lose Repuation)

I want to be a able to do this when IAM in a STRONGE position and want to take out a weaker rivial. The weaker civ here is very reluctant to declare war on me.

Any Ideas ???
Try Espionage, the mission must fail. Try again and again on the same turn, after a few times the other civ will declare war on you.
Start stockpiling troops at their borders. They'll get edgy and annoyed with you. Suggest a trade that you know they won't ever agree to. Then do the espionage thing.

You'll save money by not wasting it as much on espionage, and you'll already have your troops ready to invade.
Take a settler and build a "sacrifice" town as close to their capitol as possible. Leave it undefended and wait a few turns.
hehehe, if you can build a city close to their capitol, then they're small enough to be squashed. The AI is pretty good about keeping his cities within the current cultural radius.
Try demanding lots of gold, cities and any resources they might have for nothing. They probably will get pissed off and declares war on you. ;)
Thanks for the tip guys
Great idea about a sacrifice city.

I'm fairly sure that getting caught attempting some kind of espionage also has negative effect on your reputation.

One method not mentioned that does not have negative effects on your reputation is to demand they leave your territory. Usually, they will declare war if you are persistent and bug them at every chance. This might work well with a well placed sacrifice city.
Yeah, that's true about telling them to leave your territory. Which is annoying, because the computer has no problem with marching entire armies through your territory, but if so much as one of your workers goes on his, the computer freaks out.

Very annoying.
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