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Likewise, the only promotion that was really an issue was the insta-heal. They should have changed it to a healing-over-time promotion. Instead they removed the option to choose promotions in the field, which reduces the capability for players to adapt to unexpected events.

The ideal solution would have been to only allow choosing insta-heal for one turn. Basically, the game could ask if you want healing or a promotion.
I enabled all Balance mods as well as the unofficial patch and started a new game this morning. I noticed that every few turns, one of my units would simply not cycle through the units needing orders even though it had moves available.

When I clicked on it, the "Cancel all queued missions" icon was enabled even though I didn't queue anything. Clicking on the icon would fix things for a while but quite regularly (Every few turns), this unit or another one would fall to the pattern.

Did anyone else run into this?


I never queue, and I haven't run into this yet.
Thal, the only thing you seem to not have modded is the tech tree.
Do you feel any need to do this?
To me, it seems too streamlined and could use some tweaks.
One more late-game observation with the latest mods:

I keep getting free units near the capital that aren't credited to any civs. They aren't coming from a CS - those appear in their country of origin, as usual.

EDIT: This glitch just keeps piling up. It's right near the end. I am playing with the usual mods plus Capital Railroad Boost - but I've built the Rail Station long before the glitch appeared.

On a separate point, I've been wondering about the city-sale mechanic. I've noticed that the AI:

-will accept a city as a gift
-will only offer what a city is worth to a civ
-different civs offer different amounts
-will not offer anything if it's below its perceived value

I'm wondering if this information could help build a mod that neutralizes the cultural exploit where the AI accepts cities as gifts?
I enabled all Balance mods as well as the unofficial patch and started a new game this morning. I noticed that every few turns, one of my units would simply not cycle through the units needing orders even though it had moves available.

When I clicked on it, the "Cancel all queued missions" icon was enabled even though I didn't queue anything. Clicking on the icon would fix things for a while but quite regularly (Every few turns), this unit or another one would fall to the pattern.

Did anyone else run into this?


I haven't seen that problem. I am having a problem where the culture bars on the city banners from Cope's mod aren't showing up.
I understand your viewpoint Txurce, I think this is a case of gameplay vs realism but I think it's really possible to have both. I also think that it is valid to argue about these changes here(although Thal is allowed to disagree and tell us to move the discussion elsewhere) as rather than the other threads in which people hurl their opinions at eachother, here we can actually discuss what can be changed and why.

My objection to this change has much less to do with exploits than it does with a blanket removal of what should be a very important choice. I do believe that although we want to stop people from saving up all SP's full stop, forcing them to use them on that turn is overkill. It removes the choice of when to time your SP, especially early on when you just plain won't yet know which of the trees you want to take. In terms of realism, yes absolutely hoarding 5 SP's and spending them at once makes no sense. But surely just delaying 1 for 10-15 turns is reasonable both from a gameplay and realism perspective!

Here I just plain disagree, it seems that our definitions of "gaming" are quite different. For me, this purely means exploiting a mechanic not as intended (i.e saving up instant heals) to create an overpowered, unrealtistic tactic. I really don't see how waiting until your next battle to decide whether you want a bonus on rough or flat terrain is an exploit. Instead, I feel it adds an extra layer of strategy to warfare which ultimately makes the game more fun.

For me, CiV boils down to a series of decisions, the fun is had in seeing the effects and repercussions of these decisions. The more of these that you take away in the name of getting rid of exploits or realism, the less fun the game becomes for me. I think that a balance can be found and this is much better than fluctuating between extremes as we are currently.

My comment about discussing it here was aimed more at myself than at you, just because I've been arguing the point elsewhere. If you use a scout I don't think the first SP comes along too soon except perhaps for the French, but overall your suggested fix for the SPs would make sense to me. My guess is that it wouldn't be a snap to execute the variable, though.

With regard to the promotion issue, the way I see it is that you have to project how you are likely going to want to use the unit, rather than wait for an opportunity that tells you. Strictly speaking the latter is a no-brainer and the first one involves a real decision. But the primary reason that I prefer the change is more subjective - it feels more real to me.
I'm playing with the Balance - Civilizations II (v6) Modpack and for some reason my civ, america, does not have harbor. Is that part of the pack or an error?
That's what I thought. I was enjoying the pack until I found that I couldn't build harbors and expand overseas. Hopefully it gets fixed in the next version :)
I'm playing with the Balance - Civilizations II (v6) Modpack and for some reason my civ, america, does not have harbor. Is that part of the pack or an error?

Latest version available is 7, is that already fixed in it? (Thinking about starting a game with the Americans).

I, too, cannot see the culture bar from Cope's mod. And can't really reproduce my "false queueing" bug after turning on/off Thal's patch, Attila's mod and Cope's mod in pretty boring playtest runs of having a Warrior and a Scout explore the map a few times. All 3 are enabled now and it works fine. :confused:

I haven't encountered that problem, not really sure what could be a cause. I have very few lua scripts interacting with units.

I've only done 1 tech edit: dynamite has another prereq. The V tech tree is extremely difficult to edit because of how tightly woven it is... no paths cross, and prereqs are only of the visible variety. I don't want to break either of those design principles the developers added in V.

I've never had units appear unexpectedly in any of the dev versions or my current test game with the release versions. Is this a new game with the latest versions, or a continued save? Did you try clearing cache?

Yeah I noticed Cope's mod isn't active. I'm going to figure out what the problem is, I suspect it's because I'm shifting over from using ingame.xml merging (which is not flexible) to content statements in the project properties (which is).

That's a really bizzare bug. I'll look into it. I don't recall ever changing the tech requirement of the harbor nor deleting it, so that's rather confusing. The harbor appears properly for me in all the test games I've run... I'll check America specifically.
Yeah. The city development mod alters the same tooltip.

I don't see a harbor.xml in the unofficial patch v 29 folder to delete. Did you remove it?
I'm currently doing a play-through demo with Russians using Balance - Combined Mod and have found a bug. When I entered classical era with horsebackriding there was no era advancement social policy trigger. Other parts of the mod are working though, like needing 6 complete trees. Lols I guess cultural victory is out of the question now!
I removed it for the combined version.

The game event SerialEventEraChanged occurs at the start of each turn, so the free policy is given when the next turn starts after you're in a new era. Did you not receive a policy then?

I've done some further testing and cannot seem to reproduce the bug you describe where the harbor building is gone. I started a game as the Americans, the harbor is available at the Compass tech, and is buildable ingame. Are you using any other mods?
Thalassicus, I was using the Harbor upgrade mod as well as few others, such as active city defense, clock, and R.E.D I believe. I'll try it again and see if the problem comes up again.

Thank you so much :)
I'm currently doing a play-through demo with Russians using Balance - Combined Mod and have found a bug. When I entered classical era with horsebackriding there was no era advancement social policy trigger. Other parts of the mod are working though, like needing 6 complete trees. Lols I guess cultural victory is out of the question now!

This works for me over a couple of games now.

Thal - The free tanks haven't yet appeared in my new game, so maybe it was a fun one-time thing. I forgot about clearing the cache, and will do so now just in case.
Been playing with the latest build for a little while now, and I have a minor issue: I only get City-State missions from CSs I have influence with (the Aesthetics SP doesn't help). I'm using the City-State Diplo mod, do you think that there's some conflict with it?
Been playing with the latest build for a little while now, and I have a minor issue: I only get City-State missions from CSs I have influence with (the Aesthetics SP doesn't help). I'm using the City-State Diplo mod, do you think that there's some conflict with it?

Ive been using both thal's mods and the city-state diplo mod for a while and have never run into that or any conflicts yet so i dont think its due to a conflict. Im using the latest release of both.
Alright, never mind, I started a new game and everything seems to be normal.
The game event SerialEventEraChanged occurs at the start of each turn, so the free policy is given when the next turn starts after you're in a new era. Did you not receive a policy then?

Okay, so the plot thickens a bit.
I started a new game on identical settings to the one in which there was no free policy given upon learning horseback riding and entering the classical age.

I bee-lined straight for horseback riding in this dummy run and did not even move my turn 1 warrior.
When I hit horseback riding the free social policy was given. So the MOD works on my PC.
I then quit and reloaded an autosave and then hit horseback riding again and this time 'dismissed the free social policy' with right click. It was stored, however, (as it should be) and I was able to adopt it in later turns.
So the MOD works - but why did it not trigger in my play-through demo done yesterday? Well, the good news is, since it is a demo I'm writing I have a tonne of screen shots to show what happened.

My question is (and I really don't know too much about code): Is it possible for the free social policy event trigger not to fire because the Civ engine is concurrently processing a social policy advancement earned by accruing culture?

See here: (take note of the policy and technology tickers in the HUD as well as the turn number)

Spoiler :

Shows that this in the MOD with 6 for Utopia required.

Now for the turn sequence around the discovery of horseback riding and the earning of a social policy.

Spoiler :

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