GFC Error: Failed to Initalize Primary Control Theme

Windows 7 64-bit. Haven't had a single problem playing since I moved the game to the MODS folder in My Documents.
@abuspud and Spobe,

Home 64 or Pro 64?

32bit win 7 or 64bit? And same ? as the other 2 posters, Home or Pro.

Windows Home Premium - 64bit OS. Heh, had to google search to figure out how to look that up.
I don't know the full details but the reason I'm asking these questions is because I have used x64 Pro OS (1 comp has win 7 and the other XP) and I've never had to use the My Documents Mod folder. But I recently bought another computer that has Win 7 Home and I Do have to use the My Documents folder.

Microsoft made some kind of change in Permissions between using Home vs Pro that makes this other path (My Docs) the preferred path for Home versions. I had also seen God-Emporer comment about this in his Rocks to Rockets Mod and that's what tipped me off. Plus finally having a comp with Win 7 Home vs Pro.

Just another bit of info to keep track of to complicate ppls lives. :p

JosEPh ;)
That makes sense. I'm on Home Premium 64, myself.

I've had numerous issues with the permissions and ownership settings on this version. After all the stress it's caused, I've seriously considered paying out to buy the Professional version. Heh.
Nice find Joseph, that could explain why I've never had similar problems (I run on Win7 Pro). I'll link this thread in the download topic, so that people having this problem will know how to fix it. Thank you again. ;)
Well, there could be something else beyond Home/Pro. My wife has Win7 Home 64bit and never had this GFC Error. She has admin rights and hers is the only account on her laptop. What about you all guys who had this problem? Are you all using an Admin account?
At one time even Afforess had a thread about turning off the UAC as it was causing some players this kind of problem, iirc. And I always run all my comps as Admin.

Other possibilties to consider are: CiV IV Complete vs Steam vs Regular BtS Expansion (CD set) vs any other digital download version.

At one time even Afforess had a thread about turning off the UAC as it was causing some players this kind of problem, iirc. And I always run all my comps as Admin.

Other possibilties to consider are: CiV IV Complete vs Steam vs Regular BtS Expansion (CD set) vs any other digital download version.


Using Civ IV Complete, myself.
I tried installing RoM-AND in the MODS part of the My Documents folder on Windows 8.1 because I was getting this error, but now when I try to play, there is no interface, just the main map.
Have you removed previous installations?
I just installed it today. However, I tried to reinstall it without deleting the old file first because on the first install I did not choose a special theme and I was wondering if that was causing the problem. I will try to delete the entire mod and then reinstall it to the My Documents folder to see what happens.

Edit: It seems to work now, but I haven't played for long at all.

I got that same problem here.

Windows 7 Pro 64 bits

The AND folder was already in the MODS folder in my docs... I deleted the .ini, but that changed nothing.
Tried all of the solutions in this thread and none worked. Using Windows 10 64bit, mod revision 1068.

EDIT: Solved by moving the AND folder from My Documents to Program Files. Weird. My name contains an uncommon letter ('õ') which would be in the file path to My Documents, could this be the issue?
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