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  • There's a superscripted [1] at the end of my sig linking to my post in the sig translation thread.
    In my experience in everyday life they just call it "Korea." In fact they almost seem to think of their nation of Korea as the whole peninsula, and don't really acknowledge the division except when they are forced to, almost a kind of soft denial. The North is like that wayward sibling who is still considered part of the family, you just don't talk about him in polite conversation.
    Maybe 2/3 of my posts are from there (mainly because I don't play enough civ 5 to post anywhere else). Why?
    Why do you ask?
    At the bottom of the main site it shows "Members: 224,552", but that's not really true :D.
    If you take a look at the member list (which is everyone who has posted 3 or more times), you'll see that there are 57820 listed...but that's over more than 10 years.
    If I normally go online, I can see in the overview (currently deactivated) that in most cases ~200 members and ~800 not registered visitors are online. So I'm sure that there are daily more than 1000 registered people here.
    Does this answer your question :D?
    What would you say to joining my Realpolitik? If you are too busy, its ok, just say so.
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