GFC Error: Failed to Initalize Primary Control Theme


Apr 3, 2013
United States

I've been having a problem with the mod. When I try to open it, after loading about halfway, I get an error saying that the Primary Control Theme failed to initalize. The Internets don't have much help besides telling me to make sure the mod is in the right place. Right now, it's in {C\ProgramFiles(x86)\2K Games\Fraxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods}, with the rest of my mods, which all work fine. Anyone know what I need to fix?
On a hunch, I moved the enitre Civ-4 related things out of Program Filesx86 and into program files. It worked, for what ever reason. Thanks for the help.
I ran into that same problem with the Planetfall mod. I think it's related to the Civ4.thm file that some mods use and some don't, and it looks to me like that's used to set different fonts than your default. But if that is off anywhere, then the theme doesn't initialize and the mod crashes. i had tried renaming the mod from Planetfall v16 to just Planetfall and got that problem every time. Maybe it's related to how the game expands the Civ4.thm file path? If you open one with Notepad, you'll see that the file paths begin with MODS\, but I think the game might be adding more to it and then crashing when it doesn't see what it wants.
None of these supposed fixes work for me. It seems that no matter what I do, the latest builds of AND don't work. I've even gone so far as to change the game directory to Program Files (rather than x86) and make adjustments to the game path in cvAltRoot, but again, nothing gets fixed.

1.75c works just fine. Anything newer never fails to die on launch.
None of these supposed fixes work for me. It seems that no matter what I do, the latest builds of AND don't work. I've even gone so far as to change the game directory to Program Files (rather than x86) and make adjustments to the game path in cvAltRoot, but again, nothing gets fixed.

1.75c works just fine. Anything newer never fails to die on launch.

You can not keep 1.75c in the BtS/Mod folder when you play AND2.1. If you do it interferes with the .ini. Especially if you do not clear the cache.

Suggestion is to remove 1.75c to a special Folder to house previous RoM or AND mods out of the Civ IV/BtS directory. Then add AND2.1 to the BtS/Mod folder and then play/launch newer version.

You can not keep 1.75c in the BtS/Mod folder when you play AND2.1. If you do it interferes with the .ini. Especially if you do not clear the cache.

Suggestion is to remove 1.75c to a special Folder to house previous RoM or AND mods out of the Civ IV/BtS directory. Then add AND2.1 to the BtS/Mod folder and then play/launch newer version.


I forgot to mention that I removed 1.75 and AND2 before trying the latter again. I even cleared the cache, and that did nothing.

I also attempted another uninstall/reinstall of the game and expansion, and then reinstalled AND2 again, but to no avail. Same error. Tried another uninstall/reinstall of the game and expansions and decided to try 1.75c, and it worked. So, after another uninstall/reinstall process, I installed AND2 and I still get nothing but the same error.

Could it be something isn't referenced properly in the folder structure? I haven't changed anything, but it would seem more than possible that an improper reference to a file location would create this error.
Could it be because I installed the 3.19 patch before installing the mod, or is there an incorrect path in one of the configuration files that I don't know about? This is frustrating beyond belief. That being said, if it is a path problem, my game directory is as follows.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword

Again, like another user, I attempted moving the entire directory to Program Files, but it didn't work there, either. Also, the installer created the mod folder as Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn. I doubt it should be anything else, though.

Edit: I'm going to attempt to try the SVN method. However, the download speed is painfully slow, averaging less than 50kb/s. At this rate, I have to wonder why I'm still bothering trying to get this to work.
Could it be because I installed the 3.19 patch before installing the mod, or is there an incorrect path in one of the configuration files that I don't know about? This is frustrating beyond belief. That being said, if it is a path problem, my game directory is as follows.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword

Again, like another user, I attempted moving the entire directory to Program Files, but it didn't work there, either. Also, the installer created the mod folder as Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn. I doubt it should be anything else, though.

Edit: I'm going to attempt to try the SVN method. However, the download speed is painfully slow, averaging less than 50kb/s. At this rate, I have to wonder why I'm still bothering trying to get this to work.

AND requires 3.19 so no, that's not the problem. SVN is slow but it has a huge advantage when you're updating from one revision to another because you don't have to manually download Gigabytes of data every time but you can update only modified files. So it's slow only 1st time.
When you've deleted/reinstalled Civ, have you also deleted "Beyond the sword" folder inside My Documents\My Games? Some files are not uninstalled when you uninstall the game; could it be CivilizationIV.ini? Have you tried deleting that one (it should recreate itself when you start BTS if I'm not mistaken)?
Well, this is bizarre. Not unwanted, but bizarre.

I deleted the .ini file in the Documents directory, and then I tried AND again; failure. So, I went back to the Documents directory again and noticed something: a folder called MODS. I deleted the .ini file once more and moved the AND directory to the MODS folder.

Success! Time to mess around with it, I suppose. Thanks for the help!
Well, this is bizarre. Not unwanted, but bizarre.

I deleted the .ini file in the Documents directory, and then I tried AND again; failure. So, I went back to the Documents directory again and noticed something: a folder called MODS. I deleted the .ini file once more and moved the AND directory to the MODS folder.

Success! Time to mess around with it, I suppose. Thanks for the help!

If you're talking about the MODS folder inside your document folder, that's not important. Mine is empty, for example. What mattered was deleting that ini file. As supposed it recreates itself. First time BTS couldn't find it, hence that error. But it was recreated in the meantime, and that's why it worked the second time you started the game. :)
45°38'N-13°47'E;12874491 said:
If you're talking about the MODS folder inside your document folder, that's not important. Mine is empty, for example. What mattered was deleting that ini file. As supposed it recreates itself. First time BTS couldn't find it, hence that error. But it was recreated in the meantime, and that's why it worked the second time you started the game. :)

That wasn't what mattered. I deletede that .ini file multiple times and ran into the same result: failure to launch. The only thing that worked was moving the mod directory into that MODS folder, just like I said before. Stupid as it may sound, that's what eventually worked.
That wasn't what mattered. I deletede that .ini file multiple times and ran into the same result: failure to launch. The only thing that worked was moving the mod directory into that MODS folder, just like I said before. Stupid as it may sound, that's what eventually worked.

Vouch. I tried deleting the .ini several times; no joy. Moved the mod over to the MODS folder in documents, and it's up and running.
To the last 3 posters what OS are you all using?

I'm using Windows 7...and the mod worked in it's normal (for me) place under Programs(x86)/Civ4/BTS/Mods until I downloaded Civ5 and got that all installed a few weeks ago.

Then I had issues and it gave me the Primary Control Theme error. It works now, so I'm good and I still like your Mod better than the bells and whistles of Civ5 - already bored of it.
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