• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Ok guys, just to give you a short update.
(The event has been modified according to the feedback.)
  • Event Text was adjusted a tiny bit so less misinterpretations should occur. (The flavour of the text should still be mostly the same though.)
  • Gold Costs was reduced to 4000 for Option to "Acquire Governor". (So we now have a safety buffer of 1000 to Trigger Condition 5000 gold).
  • Event Trigger requirements were adjusted that it now also needs a min population of 15. (Min population was only 5 before.)
In summary the event still feels the same and the adjustments were really small.
(It is just triggered a little bit later in game and Governor got a bit cheaper.)

I hope that everybody is ok with this. :thumbsup:
Ok guys, just to give you a short update.
(The event has been modified according to the feedback.)
  • Event Text was adjusted a tiny bit so less misinterpretations should occur. (The flavour of the text should still be mostly the same though.)
  • Gold Costs was reduced to 4000 for Option to "Acquire Governor". (So we now have a safety buffer of 1000 to Trigger Condition 5000 gold).
  • Event Trigger requirements were adjusted that it now also needs a min population of 15. (Min population was only 5 before.)
In summary the event still feels the same and the adjustments were really small.
(It is just triggered a little bit later in game and Governor got a bit cheaper.)

I hope that everybody is ok with this. :thumbsup:

Sorry, but does that mean I need 15 people (regardless if in a city or on the map exploring) but that 6 villages with a Base Camp will still suffice? Could the Base Camp and Villagehall not be thrown out so that a Governor could only arrive if you have at least one city with at least say a townhall? Before, in a smaller/lesser settlement, a Noble or Elder Statesmen could serve as Mayor, but a Governor as a luxury indulgent aristocrat?
Sorry, but does that mean I need 15 people (regardless if in a city or on the map exploring) ...
It only counts population (working) in cities.

Could the Base Camp and Villagehall not be thrown out so that a Governor could only arrive if you have at least one city with at least say a townhall?
In the end it is a matter of personal taste.
Some people might like that the governor is not too hard to acquire.

Also, AI should be able to trigger this event as well.
If we make conditions too hard, AI might not get governors and I love to snatch AI governors.


Let us please simply leave it like it currently is, because I don't think there is any further issue left. :thumbsup:
(Text is now more clear, you are not left completely broke anymore and it is a little bit harder to trigger.)

We can simply never have 100% match with everybodies personal taste. :dunno:
Anything else can of course always be adjusted in private local version.

After all this is just one simple Python Event out of many.
It is not completely game changing when you actually trigger it.
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Thumbs up. Not exactly what I would have wanted but the spirit is close enough.
Ok, I created a small new Event for the Governor.
(It can only be triggered if you already have a governor and also fulfill several other conditions.)

Spoiler :



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Isn’t personal the german form and personnel the english?

As having affairs back in the time was something far more usual and accepted than nowadays, why would the colony care about the former lover of the governour (unless, that is if he could be blackmailed with it by threatening his reputation so that a foreign power could make him their puppet)? If the governour would personally attempt to help his former lover, sure - but the colonial staff taking care of a former lover living on the other side of the ocean?

Deportation to the colonies was a possible punishment back then - why would the court of the King be upset by the colony bringing her away from the center of the world to a colonial backwater? Or did the King have a more personal interest in her than her just being one of the servants in the palace?

proof ("Der Beweis") --> prove ("beweisen")

Is it possible to have "Britannic Majesty" instead of the generic "Royal Majesty" for the english player?

Edit: Corrected typo
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Thanks, I will correct the English. :thumbsup:

Done. :)

As having affairs back in the time was something far more usual and accepted than nowadays, why would the colony care about the former lover of the governour (unless, that is if he could be blackmailed with it by threatening his reputation so that a foreign power could make him their puppet)? If the governour would personally attempt to help his former lover, sure - but the colonial staff taking care of a former lover living on the other side of the ocean?
Deportation to the colonies was a possible punishment back then? Or did the King have a more personal interest in her than her just being one of the servants in the palace?
There is very little text available to tell the whole story.
(The text window is just too small and cuts off the rest of the text if I try to write more.)

Use your fantasy. :)
(Maybe he was really in love with her and the King did not like that. Or maybe there even was a risk of blackmailing.)

Is it possible to have "Britannic Majesty" instead of the generic "Royal Majesty" for the english player?
No sorry, the Python Event System is just too simple.

The effort for doing that would be just too huge compared to the benefit. It is simply not worth it for a single word in the text.
(We would have different TXT_KEYs for every Nation the Player might choose and not only different translations.)
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The English word is personnel (not personell).
Thanks, I will be correcting it again. :thumbsup:

It is once again proven that a German guy trying to improve the English of another German guy does not really work. :D
(We are doing ok but sometimes small errors like that slip in.)

We really need some native speakers as supporters again to improve our texts. ;)
English native speaker and French native speaker would be great. German I can of course handle myself.

Then we could again fully support English, German and French. (like we could in RaR for some time)
In the future we might even be able to also support Russian if we find a supporter for that as well.
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As a native English speaker I don't mind proof reading text but I have zero ability in modding. I can speak very limited French but I can't spell it, so I can't help there.

Let me know how I can help thanks.
Actually there are several other events like that as well. :dunno:

- Everybody (who played RaR / WTP a couple of times) knows that he will be rewared when he founds 5 inland cities.
in RaR 2.7, only 3 cities without access to the sea demanded of me :hmm:

We really need some native speakers as supporters again to improve our texts. ;)
In the future we might even be able to also support Russian if we find a supporter for that as well.
I am here, Your Majesty! (c) :hatsoff:
in RaR 2.7, only 3 cities without access to the sea demanded of me :hmm:
You are correct. :)

I am here, Your Majesty! (c) :hatsoff:
Great. :)

Probably Nightinggale or myself will contact you by a private message.
(Nightinggale can tell you much more about the possibilities for adding Russian translation.)

We can then discuss next steps considering a Russian translation as a supporter that has more direct contact to the team. :thumbsup:
(e.g. giving you access to our team chat so you can get to know us and ask questions more easily.)

As a native English speaker I don't mind proof reading text but I have zero ability in modding.
Let me know how I can help thanks.
Great. :)

Myself or one of the other team members will conctact you by a private message.
Then we can discuss next steps.

We could give you access to our team chat as a supporter.
There you could get to know the team and we could discuss how you could help proof reading and improving our English texts.
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