hi, Just give us a quick grade on the conquest AI. A-B-C-D-F like in school and comment if you like......
Originally posted by Stuie
Regardless, Arathorn's right.
Originally posted by MarineCorps
...no longer does sucide runs.
They spent some time on the ai's sea combat, with attention to carrier air usage in WWII. And it has done some naval invasions of my islands...Originally posted by cgannon64
sampling the WWII scenerio, they seem to be pretty good with navies now, at least in sea combat. I haven't yet witnessed a naval invasion of land, if they can do that well, then BreakAway games deserves some praise...
Um, that's what i called their single archer/whatever sent by boat to my homeland coastline...Originally posted by alexman
The AI never did suicide runs before either.
It's just way too early to tell, IMO. There's still a lot (I mean A LOT) of circumstances to test out the AI. Give people a couple months and then maybe we'll have the answer
Originally posted by cgannon64
I've noticed that on Monarch (I play Monarch and Emperor) they AI doesn't send troops with their settlers. Maybe this is new, or maybe its not - I never noticed.
The computer always sent defenders with its settlers and when the city was produced the city would get one free unit. In conquests, they will sometimes do that and sometimes send the settler out by itself.
Personally, I have noticed that the computer will now use much more units. I am used to being able to out produce and over run enemy civs by cutting off their resources. Playing unit for unit, with the goal of beating them down in the long run.
In conquests, they will flood the battlefield with a ton of cheap lowlevel units, like longbowman. While not really dangerous, it is a pain to kill them all.
Also, the AI seems to be better at building enough workers to develop its land than usual- I can't cite specifics, but I seem to notice that their land is developing more quickly. Anyone else seen anything like this?