Grade the new AI

I have found the AI in C3C to be outstanding. I've been really impressed with how 'intelligently' the AI has prosecuted aggression against me. Nice to see the AI attempt to surgically decouple one of my cities that had been able to produce military units quickly. Once my military production slowed I was a cooked goose.

I never upgraded to PTW, so perhaps my experience with the AI is much more profound than those that did upgrade. But so far, this has been terrific all around...

Originally posted by cgannon64
Another thing I noticed in my game was that there was a pretty significant dogpile on the Civ I was attacking. I declared war on the Iroquois and fought the war alone for a while, but then I noticed Roman, Aztec, and American troops in Iroquois territory. I checked the Foreign Advisor screen and, sure enough, they all declared war on him on their own accord, not with any MAs.

I think Carthage may have joined in at the end as well.

Again, this may have happened in vanilla Civ; I can't really be too sure. I've heard of dogpiles happening on the human player on Diety, but I've never seen a true dogpile (2+ Civs joining in by themselves) on Emperor or Monarch.

This happened in vanilla civ. The AI will really come down hard on any weak Civ and when they smell blood in the water.

What is new I think is the timing. AI will declare war with a much stronger civ if it thinks it can win, regardless of it you're weak. I get a lot of MA proposal from the AI as well, and this is on standard agressive settings. If you are at war with another civ, you're very very vulnerable. If the AI you're at war with don't sign a few MAs, someone might declare war just to take advantage of the situtation.

Nothing new here, but I think in C3C, the AI is much more prone to calling in partners. But this may have just been my imagination.
Overall I give the AI a B-. It can be rather good and pull some things off sometimes, but against an experienced player it's hard for it to give a real challenge. With enough experience micromanagement + SoDs + strategic decisions can win you just about every game.
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