Great Leaders


May 21, 2002
Hey I put in the following civs but I have no great leaders for them... anyone have any ideas...

South Africa
For Canada I would suggest:

William Avery (aka Billy Bishop): WWI Flying Ace. Most decorated Canadian of World War I

Roy Brown: Another WWI flyer noted for shooting down the infamous Red Baron.

Louis Riel: One of Canada's earliest civil rights leaders and leader of the Red River Uprising. At the time he was considered a traitor and hanged but history has been more favourable and many landmarks/buildings now bear his name.

Those are just several that come to mind.
The civs we haven't put in yet are...


As for great leaders we have...

Canada: William Avery, Roy Brown, Louis Riel
Australlia: Edmund Barton, William Cook, Sir Donald Bradman, Jack Simpson, Ned Kelly, Ben Hall
Mexico: Santa Anna, Benito Juarez
Argentina: Juan Peron, Eva Peron
South Africa: Steven Biko

I personally want 3 GL's per civ. So three more for Brazil and Indonesia. Two more for South Africa. One more for Argentina and Mexico. Canada and Australlia are done.
Some suggestions for Australia perhaps - in no particular order

Edmund Barton
William Cook (Edit: Should be James Cook, I do not know what I was thinking that day)
Sir Donald Bradman
Jack Simpson
Ned Kelly
Ben Hall

Tis what I use at least, couldn't come up with much better.
South African great leaders:
Sir Thephilus Shepstone
Sir Cecil Rhodes
Dr Leander Starr Jameson
Louis Botha
Jan Christiaan Smuts

Mexican leaders:
Pancho Villa
Vicente Guerrero
Emiliano Zapata

Brazilian leaders:
Dom Pedro I
Juscelino Kubitschek
Fernando Collor de Mello

Indonesian heroes:
General Polim
Teuku Cik Di Tiro
Teuku Ibrahim
Cut Nya Dhien
Teuku Umar
Sisingamangaraja XII
Tuanku Imam Bonjol
Prince Diponogoro
Sultan Agung
Pangeran Antasari
Sultan Hassanuddin
Raden Ajeng Kartini
Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo
Drs. Mohammad Hatta
Ir. Soekarno
Jendral Sudirman
Why don't you use Aussie War Heros instead of polies and sport stars?

Ie. General Monash
Harry Morant
Private Simpson
The Current Guy whose name escapes me

Use one or two polies, such as Curtin (WW2)
Out of interest, who is the aussie leader, i think it should be Menzies, Barton or Curtin
Holy cow... I've only heard of two people on that list, and I don't even know what they did -_-
Originally posted by Clguinane
Why don't you use Aussie War Heros instead of polies and sport stars?

Ie. General Monash
Harry Morant
Private Simpson
The Current Guy whose name escapes me

Use one or two polies, such as Curtin (WW2)
Out of interest, who is the aussie leader, i think it should be Menzies, Barton or Curtin

Yea good idea, I couldn't think of any, jack simpson was private simspon, morant is a good one, I have never heard of Monash... But I knew there was a reason they called a suburb in canberra monash. :) The current guy is cosgrove who I also had, I think.

What did General Monash do?

I always use barton (australias first prime minister) as my leader.
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