• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Great Library (Apolyton)

Can someone please tell me where to find (or even better, provide a link to it) the info on how the resources are organised. I know about having to mine or alter certain squares to benefit from a special, and have a good idea about the placement of resources, but am not entirely certain of this. Can someone link me to the GL info or anywhere on either site where I can look this up? Please.

in vino veritas
posted July 03, 2001 04:54 PM

Plagiarmism? I'm -- you moron!!! My strategies are posted on 3 different sites!

You plagarized yourself! In technical terms, you are guilty of self-plagarism and owe yourself an apology. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/smile.gif" border=0>

Eyes evidently is -, though his cryptic and seemingly belated acknowledgement of that makes him look guilty of plagarizing others. Judging from those that post, Eyes/Sean is an excellent player in the world of small map 2v2 & 1v1, and the strategy that Eyes/Sean espouses is interesting and relatively complex.

EDIT: couple typos

[This message has been edited by starlifter (edited July 03, 2001).]
I am master on all settings. The only setting I don't play is Deity. I am virtually undefeated in 1x1x.

posted July 08, 2001 01:43 PM
Eyesofnight if i played you a game in civ i would defeat you with no trouble.

Diety Master

I don't know Eyes, and am fairly new to CivFanatics myself, but even though Eyes can be a jerk in his posts, those that know him generally say he's pretty good.

So I hope you 2 will play and let us know about the results. Eyes will likely call you a newbie or something, but just ignore it and show him how it's done, LOL .

BTW, you might want to take Sun Tzu's advice and "Know your enemy, Know yourself" ... read up on Eyes' strategies .

So let the match begin... I'm sure Eyes won't back out... and keep us all informed. There may be a new Sheriff in town, and the name may be HIEROPHANT !
I'm not going to waste my time on HIER because number 1 he only plays deity, number 2 he's lost to many players that are beginners, and number 3 he is a complete moron.

EDIT:Eyes quit being a prick, can't you get along? Or do you have to show the size of your manhood or the lack their of? This is your 3rd warning. Bye

[This message has been edited by SunTzu (edited July 12, 2001).]
Originally posted by EyesOfNight:
I am master on all settings. The only setting I don't play is Deity. I am virtually undefeated in 1x1x.

Cripes. Enough already with the b.s.

"I'm the greatest"
"I don't even play any more because I'm soooo wonderful and all of you are so stupid"
"Virtually undefeated in 1x"

If you're so mah-velous dah-ling, maybe someone besides you will make note of the fact.

I mean just rest the jaw on it some.

It's In The Way That You Use It
Tuatha De Danann Tribe
ICQ 51553293
posted July 12, 2001 12:51 PM by Eyes:
I'm not going to waste my time on HIER because number 1 he only plays deity, number 2 he's lost to many players that are beginners, and number 3 he is a complete moron.

I'll make a few more comments, as a spectator.

Reason #1 does not sound like a good excuse for no game, Eyes... I doubt that if you are good at Emperor that you would suddenly be helpless at Deity. If so, then your playing ability is somewhat akin to a tennis player who will only compete in a single-surface court, like Clay. A clay-court specialist can never rightfully claim to be great, because they are too limited compared to other players who can play a variety of conditions. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/lol.gif" border=0>

Your reason #2 is weak, but it is the best of the 3 you offered. However, even if H lost to a beginner(s), there is no reason why he can't lose to you, too. Of course, if H should beat you, then by bringing this point up to the rest of the world, people might question how a mere novice who loses to beginners can beat you. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/cry.gif" border=0> But if you win, well there is no way H can claim to be the superior player.

Your reason #3 just reflects badly on you personally for saying it. I guarantee people do not think more of you as a player when you duck, then insult, possible opponents. The perception is that you are avoiding a match in which you really believe you may not win.

So I'd say skip the insults (they only serve to insult their author <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/cwm33.gif" border=0> ), play H <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif" border=0>, and move on! <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/beerchug.gif" border=0>

EDIT: Spelling.

[This message has been edited by starlifter (edited July 12, 2001).]
I was suprised to see Eyes running from a game with you HIEROPHANT. This discussion is probably better off in the MP forums, but I hope you two guys play, because it would be interesting which of you would prevail, given that each of you has a pretty high opinion of your own abilities .
I forgot about eyesOFnight...lol

I would love to play him and take him down...pity is I play on deity for a more meaty challenge, but to humilate someone I am willing to plunge the depths of emporer level.

14th august e-mail me at kittenOFchaos@hotmail.com

Do you play 1 vs 1 on a tiny world with no a.i players? My preferred settings are the 1x1x and diety with 7 players (human would be nice) and on world.mp or any normal or large sized map that isn´t too deformed looking (the random maps can be rubbish and very stringy!)

As for the great library etc they provide a great forum to learn every aspect about the game to help you meet every challenge and to know it inside out. Then you selection, adoption or invention of strategies and the difficulty of implementation become key.

[This message has been edited by kittenOFchaos (edited July 14, 2001).]
I don't waste my time on beginners anymore. Beating the horsehocky out of Hier would be nothing more than adding another number to the very long list. You want to play me? Beat someone good first and then I'll reconsider whether you're worth my time. I told you a while ago, beat markusf on 1x1x and I'll play you. If you can't beat markus then you won't stand a chance against me.
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