You're welcome. Nice work on the editing. How did you find the right font?
I stopped after reading the first 50 or so before actually. But since my last effort went over well and we have an editor now (woot!), here's a few more

Donald Trump: "your" should be "you're".
Isaac Newton: name misspelled "Issac" in bold at the top.
Ramakrishna: "So serve mas as God" should be "man".
Less significant things:
Charles Darwin: "survives,nor" could use a space after the comma.
Claude Monet: could use a closing quote.
Felix Hoffman: You could probably get away with just tacking a second " on the end, but technically what you're supposed to do with embedded quotes is " for the outer pair and ' for all internal ones, and close with '" (a single and double back-to-back). See Ibn Battuta for an example.
Francis Bacon: closing ' should be a ".
Frank Frazetta: extra space between the last word and the closing quote.
Sargon: could use a closing quote.
Tsongkhapa: fine as-is, but could use quotes at the beginning and end for consistency with everything else.
Werner Heisenberg: ditto Tsongkhapa.
Xi Ling Shi: "orgins" should probably be "origins". This appears in Sir Alexander Mackenzie as well, but there it is part of the quote and thus can probably be assumed to be correct (they did used to slur things like that, and may still in poetry, o'er the horizon and such).
Really pathetically trivial things you can almost certainly ignore b/c they're fine as-is:
Rembrandt and some others use a dash with a space only on one side.
The newer graphics of ppl with initials in their names don't have periods like the older ones ("JP Morgan" vs "J.S. Bach" for example).
The newer graphics of ppl who are saints spell out "Saint" whereas the older ones abbreviate "St.".
Other observations:
Nice quote on Mr. Braille.
Huge kudos for including Dr. Emmett Brown, the only fictional person I noticed in the list -- that was awesome.
Neat that Lopez Sevo and RabbitWhite are in there, but slightly slippery slope in terms of not necessarily including everyone that deserves it. Hrm, I may have to make scrolls for Chalid and Blake when I get a chance.
Bah, guess I was right the first time. Serves me right for not bothering to check Wikipedia on it.