Afghanistan for VP

Afghanistan for Vox Populi
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Ahmad Shah Durrani
View attachment 692298
Pearl of Pearls
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5greatperson: Great General Point from :greatwork: Great Works of Writing. Mountains produce +1 :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era, and +3 :c5production: Production. Border expansion to a Mountain claims all adjacent unowned Mountains.

Jezailchi (Rifleman)

Unlocked at Replaceable Parts
900 :c5production:
800 :c5faith: (may be purchased with Faith)
2 :c5moves:
25% :c5strength: Combat Strength and ignores Terrain Costs in Hills
Ambush I
(+33% Combat Strength VS Armored Units. +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Units in Rough Terrain.)

Maydan (Amphitheater)
View attachment 703806
Unlocked at Drama
-1 :c5gold:
2 :c5faith:
+50% (up from 33%) Great Writer Rate in the City
Nearby resource boost as Amphitheatre
2 Great Work of Writing slots
+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith if Themed
(has a +4 theming bonus normally, +8 for domestic same era)

View attachment 703807
Kerqa Sharif (Grand Temple)
Unlocked at Theology
Requires Temple

2 :c5greatperson: Great Writer Points
1 Great Work of Art or Artifact Slot
-2 :c5unhappy: from Religion in this City and -1 in all other Cities.
+2 :c5faith:, +1 :c5gold: to Temple and Maydan
Comes with a Free :greatwork: Artifact
1 Writer slot.
Gain 75 :tourism: Tourism whenever a Unit dies.
City gains 25 :c5culture: Culture, and :c5faith: Faith whenever a :c5citizen: Citizen is born, scaling with Era, and generates +25% :c5greatperson: Great Person Points. Bonus increases by 2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith:Faith and +5% :c5greatperson: Great Person Points for every Mountain in the Empire.

View attachment 692295
Zamburak (Cavalry)
Unlocked at Rifling (earlier than Military Science)
Requires no Horses

38 :c5strength: (-2)
28 :c5plus:(-3)
Barrage I
Covering Fire
(Gatling Gun promotion, replacing the City Attack Penalty usually received)
Other Cavalry Promotions

  • LastSword: Original mod creator
  • Civitar: Zamburak Unit Conversion as it appears in Colonialist Legacies Afghanistan
  • Map by Sukritact
  • Leader art by Janboruta
  • Jarcast: Helping to consolidate code and the shinier civ icon
  • Hokath: design, code, Kerqa Sharif icon
Is v.3.1 compatible up to 3.7.11? Or which one would I need?
VP 3.7.11? Not sure which version ignores Terrain Costs in Hills was added. That would be my concern. Let me check for you.

Edit: Yes it looks like the table was added in 4.10, so you need to update at least to that one.
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Is it intended that Zamburak can't be upgraded? I already have upgraded cavalry that was given to me by CS but can't upgrade Zamburak's.
Zamburak should upgrade to Light Tank same as Cavalry.
I'll check when I get home if there is some problemo.
Edit: You were not crazy. It turned out the be the Enlightenment Era compatibility. I will upload fixed version.
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Hello sir, thank you for your work.

I'm currently on my first game with Afghanistan. There seems to be a problem with the automated governor choosing to work mountains over strictly superior tiles. For example in this screenshot, it chooses to work a 3p/1c mountain over the 3p/2g/1c gold.
Capture d’écran 2024-12-06 124752.png
Yes, as I played, later I got another civ specific event and all AI civs got unique events for Afganistan. I enabled civ specific events and I should have logs. Which I should look at or place it here?
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