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great prophet spawn


Holy Warrior
Mar 30, 2012
Canada, eh
Okay I have 215 faith earned but my great prophet hasn't spawned there were other religions spawned before me Hinduism, Christianity, and Judaism. Why ain't my great prophet spawning?
I don't have the expansion yet so can only guess...is it because you have a CHANCE at getting a GP rather than it being a certainty?
Once you reach the threshold (in your case 215), you MAY have a GP spawn but it's not guaranteed right??
Random chance to spawn is random.

Also, if you're not on a larger map, 3 religions may be the cap.
I used liberty's finisher to spawn a GP it didn't reduce faith but it did boost the faith required to get my next GP by 100 so it required like 201, i didnt get it till i had 222 faith. It's random but the chance to spawn increases for every turn past the required amount (201+)
is there a way to avoid wasting faith in a prophet you do not need?
is there a way to avoid wasting faith in a prophet you do not need?

I set my religion up so I can build these buildings that give 2 happiness 2 faith and 2 culture. Thought they maybe useful later in the game. Also if you go down the rationalism tree you can buy great scientists with faith so you can spend faith on stuff other than prophets, missionaries, or inquisitors.
is there a way to avoid wasting faith in a prophet you do not need?


On the main screen click on the faith numbers at the top.
Then on the opened screen just set the way you want your faith used:
For Prophets, Missionaries, Or let you know later.;)

On the main screen click on the faith numbers at the top.
Then on the opened screen just set the way you want your faith used:
For Prophets, Missionaries, Or let you know later.;)

thank you!
Can anyone that has played the game tell me which way is faster to found a religion.
to pick etiopia and build steles and going liberty. or playing france and going allout culture, and picking a prophet?
Can anyone that has played the game tell me which way is faster to found a religion.
to pick etiopia and build steles and going liberty. or playing france and going allout culture, and picking a prophet?

I couldn't tell you for sure, but as Ethiopia in my large/epic game I went Tradition, just to be different for once, and had my first prophet still needing 2 more social unlocks to finish it off. It really depends on goody huts, city-states and pantheon choice. I had like 6 stone around my first two cities and 1 marble, so I chose the stone circle pantheon which gave 2 faith for each quarry.

France may be able to unlock liberty faster, but it would be a push imo.
Can anyone that has played the game tell me which way is faster to found a religion.
to pick etiopia and build steles and going liberty. or playing france and going allout culture, and picking a prophet?

My guess would be go Ethiopia. They can spit out faith lightning quick. I was playing the Celts, and though I got the first pantheon, they raced past me to get the first religion. (I had maybe half the faith needed to spawn a prophet.)
Doesn't anyone else find it weird that Ethiopia of all nations is the faith dominant one in this game?
I could understand ancient Egypt, or the Celts (as they are), or India.
But Ethiopia?

It's just a bit odd. Like if Attilla would be the science oriented guy, or if Sweden would be the warmongers lol.
Then again we have nuclear Gandhi so I suppose anything goes in civ :)
Doesn't anyone else find it weird that Ethiopia of all nations is the faith dominant one in this game?
I could understand ancient Egypt, or the Celts (as they are), or India.
But Ethiopia?

It's just a bit odd. Like if Attilla would be the science oriented guy, or if Sweden would be the warmongers lol.
Then again we have nuclear Gandhi so I suppose anything goes in civ

Actually this isn't weird at all, since Ethiopia has a long religious history.
It was one of the first to adopt christianity, and their form of christianity remains the religion with the most followers in ethiopia to this day.

Also the ethiopian kings allowed early muslims to take refuge in their country, and because of this Ethiopia was later spared from a muslim invasion.

On top of that the last and most famous ethiopian dynasty, the salomonid dynasty is said to derive from the descendants of King Salomon of Israel and the legendary Queen Sheba.

And if that's not enough to convince you that ethiopia should be a religious civ, then there's also the fact that the the ark of the covenant is said to be kept in a famous ethiopian orthodox church.

So, yeah Ethiopia should definately be a religious civ !
I don't have the expansion yet so can only guess...is it because you have a CHANCE at getting a GP rather than it being a certainty?
Once you reach the threshold (in your case 215), you MAY have a GP spawn but it's not guaranteed right??

Yah, it's a CHANCE and it's random, and chances of spawning the GP increases with more faith past the threshold. But then you lose all your faith points, which sucks.
Actually this isn't weird at all, since Ethiopia has a long religious history.
It was one of the first to adopt christianity, and their form of christianity remains the religion with the most followers in ethiopia to this day.

Also the ethiopian kings allowed early muslims to take refuge in their country, and because of this Ethiopia was later spared from a muslim invasion.

On top of that the last and most famous ethiopian dynasty, the salomonid dynasty is said to derive from the descendants of King Salomon of Israel and the legendary Queen Sheba.

And if that's not enough to convince you that ethiopia should be a religious civ, then there's also the fact that the the ark of the covenant is said to be kept in a famous ethiopian orthodox church.

So, yeah Ethiopia should definately be a religious civ !

And from a history standpoint the Orthodox Ethiopian Church constantly negotiated with the Coptics for control of Christiandom in Africa. They charged tithes, sent out missionaries to convert, etc.

They were famous for their riches and their fervent early kingdoms (both Jewish and Christian Ethiopia). In fact they say remaining Ethiopian Jews are more Jewish than even the most radical/traditionalist Jews in Israel. Because they continue to follow the old rites of sacrifice, old spoken word, clothing, etc.
Okay I have 215 faith earned but my great prophet hasn't spawned there were other religions spawned before me Hinduism, Christianity, and Judaism. Why ain't my great prophet spawning?

I'm almost positive that once someone else founds a religion, the cost of the next prophet goes up, and so on. Someone built Stonehenge, and my prophet cost me 600 after that.
I played on Marathong last night. Everyone's first Prophet cost 600 Faith (plus random chance). The cost increased to 900 for my second one and 1500 for my third. Other people founding religions didn't effect my Prophet cost.

That effect is for Pantheons, not Great Prophets. It's Pantheon Founding that increased the cost of other civs' Pantheons.
Actually this isn't weird at all, since Ethiopia has a long religious history.
It was one of the first to adopt christianity, and their form of christianity remains the religion with the most followers in ethiopia to this day.

Also the ethiopian kings allowed early muslims to take refuge in their country, and because of this Ethiopia was later spared from a muslim invasion.

On top of that the last and most famous ethiopian dynasty, the salomonid dynasty is said to derive from the descendants of King Salomon of Israel and the legendary Queen Sheba.

And if that's not enough to convince you that ethiopia should be a religious civ, then there's also the fact that the the ark of the covenant is said to be kept in a famous ethiopian orthodox church.

So, yeah Ethiopia should definately be a religious civ !

You live and learn! :goodjob:
What about when you get into the later ages? I've been sitting around 6k faith and my GP only needs 5.2K to spawn. Should I just go ahead and buy him?
Thank you all!:) but for some reason it takes 2 turns after the minimum is reached to spawn a great prophet.
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