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Greenmod 2.10 - Resources for Fall from Heaven 0.95

Are these the 7 resources? (I dug them up in the other thread.)

>> salt, sulphur, potatoes, coffee, pearls, lemons, cotton
Impaler[WrG] said:
Amra the Brewery and Tavern Buildings are showing up very odd in the City, their tiny and at an odd diagonal angle from the rest of the Buildings. I cant see the GasPlant at all.

I like the inclusion of Barley but I think the Barley farm needs a little work its too brown, looks like everything is dead. Also the amount of Food from Barley is just HUGE, it needs to be toned down.
First time I added buildings, I'll take a look at them. Thanks for catching that.

I made the Barley farm brown on purpose to set it apart from Wheat. I guess I was thinking Harvest time but it certainly can be lightened up or have a few other colors interspersed. I'll play with that a little also.
The effects of the Brewery and Tavern are a little bit silly, +50% food is just terribly broken, 2 Trade routes make no sense at all. Taverns Happyness bonus are nice but the WarWeariness and gold bonus should be removed. Why do Forges get a bonus with Natural Gass? Forge is an anchinet blacksmith shop theirs no connection at all.

Lastly their are no uses for Rubber ,Sulfur and Saltpeter and the AI knows it (which at least prevents you from fleecing them) I would recomend adding the following resorce utilizations.

Musketmen (Saltpeter OR Sulfur)
Cannon (Iron AND (Saltpeter OR Sulfur)
Rifleman (Saltpeter)
Grenadier (Sulfur)

Infantry (Rubber OR Coal)
MachineGun (Rubber)
Tank (Rubber AND Oil)
Mech Infantry (Rubber OR Oil)
Modern Armor (Oil AND (Rubber OR Aluminum)
Impaler[WrG] said:
The effects of the Brewery and Tavern are a little bit silly, +50% food is just terribly broken, 2 Trade routes make no sense at all. Taverns Happyness bonus are nice but the WarWeariness and gold bonus should be removed. Why do Forges get a bonus with Natural Gass? Forge is an anchinet blacksmith shop theirs no connection at all.
The Natural gas resource and buildings are from Sevomod as is, I didn't change anything other than an icon on it. I am currently (in between other projects) trying to figure out the Brewery & Tavern placement in the CIV4CityLSystem.xml file. As noted earlier, this was the first time I have added buildings from scratch and I obviously am still learning. Please feel free to change this mod as you or anyone else sees fit.

Impaler[WrG] said:
Lastly their are no uses for Rubber ,Sulfur and Saltpeter and the AI knows it (which at least prevents you from fleecing them) I would recomend adding the following resorce utilizations.

Musketmen (Saltpeter OR Sulfur)
Cannon (Iron AND (Saltpeter OR Sulfur)
Rifleman (Saltpeter)
Grenadier (Sulfur)

Infantry (Rubber OR Coal)
MachineGun (Rubber)
Tank (Rubber AND Oil)
Mech Infantry (Rubber OR Oil)
Modern Armor (Oil AND (Rubber OR Aluminum)
I agree with this and stated so in the readme:

"I have not done so here but in my modpack, Sulphur is required for Unit Classes: Musketman, Rifleman, Grenadier, Cannon, & Cavalry; and Rubber is required for Unit Classes: Marine, Spec, Artillery & Mobile_SAM. Just an FYI in case someone wants to assign resource requirements to some units. I can't guarantee that these requirements are play balanced though, as I am still testing that in my modpack. I do not have Saltpeter in my modpack."

Lastly, DanoDavid previously asked for links to any other resources out there (see Post #11), I thought I would try to help him by putting them all together for him. If you or anybody else feels that they can improve and fine tune the 14resources mod that I posted here, please do so. Most everything in this mod was done by someone else and I take no credit for it so it will not bother me if someone with more knowledge & talent modifies it and reposts it.:)
Additional info, Rubber seems to have its Latitudes reversed, its apearing in the Temperate zone and not the tropics. Also their seem to be some faint lines around some of the resorces chars (the ones that appear in the City resorce columbs) Rubber and Gass have a white outline just 1 pix thick, the new luxury resorces Lemons, Coffee ect have a faint black line. The original authors of these icons most likly did this unintentialy. Dose anyone know how to correct them?

I think I will do a version with the Building effects toned down and some changes to resorce spawn rates/locations plus the Resource Utilizations I sugjested earlier, most of thouse units have no requirements which gives an odd gap between the Copper/Iron/Hourse age and the Oil/Aluminum age.

I downloaded the 14 resources Mod. Saved it in Program Files/Firaxis Games/etc etc along with the preset mods. Then I unzipped it using WinAce shareware. Then I "Chose a Mod" in the Civ 4 starting screen and restarted the game. Then it reloaded and had the words 14-Resources in the top right of the screen, the game began, my settler and warrior appeared aaaaand...no additional resources.

I'm new at this, but I feel like I installed it right. What gives?
When you extracted the Mod did you throw the whole folder into the Mod directory? This is the #1 newb mod-useage error of all time. When Civ loads a Mod it looks in the Mods folder for an "Assets" folder and loads the contents of that folder, no Assets folder no content loaded. By not removing the folder that the extractor wraped around the mod folder you prevent Civ from "seeing" any of the contents as the Assets folder is not another level down. Same thing happened earlier in this same thread, try atleast a common sense search for your problem before posting.
Thanks for the tip, cool dude. Actually, I did read the earlier item and thought I had managed around it. At first I created a new folder, then unzipped inside it. I thought to myself, I'm doing what they said not to do. So I got rid of the first folder and just used the one created by the unzipping process. Obviously, there was still an issue. Thanks for helping me figure it out. And thanks for being such an ass about it, too. Just cause I've never downloaded a flippin mod doesn't mean I haven't been playing this game for 12years.
I just played a game using the resources mod, and I was 80% satisfied with the game-play. Personally, I think there should be far more resources in the main game forcing the Civs to trade with one another to be able to acheive the health and happiness levels that allow large cities. It would be sort of an economic alliance - neither civ would be as willing to attack the other because many of the resources they trade are supporting the size of their own empires.

Just one small problem though. There were only 4 sulfurs in the entire "huge" map. I had the biggest land area of any civ and had none in my sphere of influence. You could play a 1000 games and never have that problem with copper/iron. It's almost a guarantee that you will get at least one if not both. And for such an important thing like the creation of gunpowder units the scarcity of sulfur makes for a near unplayable game.
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