New Version - 4.7.3 (April 28, 2024)

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Is it possible it works differently for direct and third party negociated peace treaties?

Here England will pay 3gpt for 40 more turns, after the treaty expired last turn. View attachment 691607
Mine was epic speed hence 70 turns I assume you are on normal speed.
With that said, it looks like full duration at the initial deal but after 15 turns rip gold.
So yes it works differently but I wonder if it should, something is off, either it should say a 15 turn deal, or it should last 70 turns as it claims.
Yes, standard speed. Current deals popup

Screenshot 2024-05-20 220145.png
Does the GPT expire after 15 turns?

Either way this should default to instant gold instead of GPT for being an instant action.
Does the GPT expire after 15 turns?

Either way this should default to instant gold instead of GPT for being an instant action.
No, 6 turns later she's still paying. And I think that is better than paying a bigger sum at the start which is lost after 10 turns, because England wants the peace to last longer. And they didn't have more instant gold anyway.
Anyone else experiencing a bug with resources under cities not being added properly? Instead of +7 coal, I show as having -1 despite having 0 required resources. I'm playing 3/4UC + EE.
The main thing that's bothering me right now is the early declarations of war by two neighboring civs. Authority civs are by default hostile towards you most of the time (even if you take "Authority"). But it feels like a brokered war because it takes multiple turns until enemy units even appear at my doorstep. It's highly aggressive albeit dumb and it annoys me. It occurs even if I'm not bordering another civ and tends to happen in the ancient era or early classical. In some cases they have a lot of space left to settle, too. Is it even possible to broker wars that early?
Anyway, had that happen to me multiple times now.
It's a really good strategy that comes out of nowhere. One game I had Rome in the north and Polynesia in the south (albeit it farther away from me than Rome). Sure enough both declare war on me simultaneously. But no one sent any troops afterwards.
Don't know it seems to happen almost every time to me and I get it (kinda) from authority civs point of view, but not from non-authority civs.
It's a really good strategy that comes out of nowhere. One game I had Rome in the north and Polynesia in the south (albeit it farther away from me than Rome). Sure enough both declare war on me simultaneously. But no one sent any troops afterwards.
Don't know it seems to happen almost every time to me and I get it (kinda) from authority civs point of view, but not from non-authority civs.
They sent no troops, so why worry? Did they even have any? Maybe you did anything they did not like? Or it is just their way of saying hello.
They sent no troops, so why worry? Did they even have any? Maybe you did anything they did not like? Or it is just their way of saying hello.
It comes at a stage where everyone seems to be settling and starting their empires. Then you get a declaration of war by two neighboring civs and think: "Well fudge, I don't know why exactly but now they will attack me" and then they don't really. Since it happens more often in exactly this way I'm just wondering what's the point. But it seems like I'm rather alone with this problem so yeah, I'll just relax when this happens in the future and deal with it, I guess. It just feels unnatural at times, that's all.
It comes at a stage where everyone seems to be settling and starting their empires. Then you get a declaration of war by two neighboring civs and think: "Well fudge, I don't know why exactly but now they will attack me" and then they don't really. Since it happens more often in exactly this way I'm just wondering what's the point. But it seems like I'm rather alone with this problem so yeah, I'll just relax when this happens in the future and deal with it, I guess. It just feels unnatural at times, that's all.
Did you spend some hammers on army or were moving settlers more cautiously? Then it worked.
Did you spend some hammers on army or were moving settlers more cautiously? Then it worked.
I usually have a second city at this stage and it can be closer to one of those civs (but not overly aggressive). So I get the hate from those civs at times (but not necessarily the totally uninvolved second party). I try to build some defensive forces to prepare for this eventuality. So I shouldn't have a weak force but neither a strong one (like around 5-6/10-12 supply). I'm just wondering why it happens to me so early but not to anyone else on the map, ever. Wars between the AI tend to happen later even if some of those are in really close proximity to each other.

So yeah, it could be for a couple of reasons and I will keep an eye on it. Thanks for the input, guys! :)
Sometimes there may be quite different opinions on what is "overly"... :think:
Haha, yeah, that is true. Like I said, I CAN get it why some Civs are just going for war because you can't even settle anywhere near them without them getting hostile. My main issue is the artificial nature of it all. They declare war together and none of them have any troops to follow it up. After a couple of turns SOME units will come over in a really unorganized fashion from one Civ while the other one might not even bother to send anything my way. And we are still talking Ancient / early Classical era. No denouncing, nothing. Oh, and "only" King difficulty.

Again, if no one else has this issue, then it has something to do with my play probably. I appreciate the engagement on this matter from all of you nonetheless!
Haha, yeah, that is true. Like I said, I CAN get it why some Civs are just going for war because you can't even settle anywhere near them without them getting hostile. My main issue is the artificial nature of it all. They declare war together and none of them have any troops to follow it up. After a couple of turns SOME units will come over in a really unorganized fashion from one Civ while the other one might not even bother to send anything my way. And we are still talking Ancient / early Classical era. No denouncing, nothing. Oh, and "only" King difficulty.

Again, if no one else has this issue, then it has something to do with my play probably. I appreciate the engagement on this matter from all of you nonetheless!
So yes this can be an issue depending what AI and map type.
I try to get most of my close neighbours friendly and dont accept to join any early crap wars, it tends to be bad for rep.
Some AIs are however constantly looking for a target and it can be tricky to avoid being "the one".
Helps maxing out on supply in anc/classic and fight them back with mass skirmishers if need be.
Some situations are just plain garbage, usually its about getting ganked by early UUs in terrain that is unfavourable.
I started playing again recently after a break of like two years and, like, WTH have y'all done with barbarians? I am building warriors and archers up to my unit cap and camps still pop up faster than I can clear them. By my guess (due to FoW) there were 7 camps around my border when I quit my most recent round out of frustration.
I am going to turn on Chill Barbarians for now, but we might as well move caravans to a later tech because there seems to be no such thing as a safe route until late classic with the default setting
I started playing again recently after a break of like two years and, like, WTH have y'all done with barbarians? I am building warriors and archers up to my unit cap and camps still pop up faster than I can clear them. By my guess (due to FoW) there were 7 camps around my border when I quit my most recent round out of frustration.
I am going to turn on Chill Barbarians for now, but we might as well move caravans to a later tech because there seems to be no such thing as a safe route until late classic with the default setting
They are definitely a little oppressive lol. It used to be even worse!
I am going to turn on Chill Barbarians for now, but we might as well move caravans to a later tech because there seems to be no such thing as a safe route until late classic with the default setting

I've been taking the Authority opener first in pretty much every game (Emperor difficulty). The culture from kills pays for itself rather quickly now.
I started playing again recently after a break of like two years and, like, WTH have y'all done with barbarians? I am building warriors and archers up to my unit cap and camps still pop up faster than I can clear them. By my guess (due to FoW) there were 7 camps around my border when I quit my most recent round out of frustration.
I am going to turn on Chill Barbarians for now, but we might as well move caravans to a later tech because there seems to be no such thing as a safe route until late classic with the default setting

You can try using this SQL code. It makes it so they can't spawn on visible tiles:
UPDATE CustomModOptions
SET Value = 0
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