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Handy 22 Always War C4 Noble


Jun 5, 2003
Tennessee, USA
M60A3TTS and Obormot have the option to play since they are participants in Handy 21, the others have already indicated an interest. If either declines then a spot or two may open up. :)

Roster (may change depending on who has the game when we start)
1. Greebley -
2. Mark1031 -
3. Handy -
4. ThERat -
5. Sir Bugsy -
6. Obormot - crash issues

Always War Boilerplate from C3:
You may only trade when you first meet a civilization, and must declare war on the same turn after trading is complete. If you see a new AI unit, you must make contact & declare war that turn. Absolutely no GPT trades allowed. If you see a new face on F4, you are obligated to declare war that turn (after trading). Players must declare war if they are exploring and see AI units, but are not required to actually attack the units they come in contact with. No peace treaties, ever. You may check F4 as often as you like to spy on the AI's tech, resources, luxuries & city count.

Discuss any move that seems exploitive before doing it with the team. Although there are not too many exploits available in AW, we’ll follow the forbidden blatant exploits banned by GOTM and RBCiv such as no "Free Wealth". Other normal game exploits such as "Baiting the AI" with an empty city to create a kill zone are an AW tradition and are allowed. Also, you ARE allowed to initially keep a city, move a settler to the same spot as the city, and then abandon and immediately resettle. This is considered an exploit in RBCiv rules, but is okay in our AW games. In addition if you need to build a city one square deeper into enemy territory just to move borders to steal a resource, go for it. We may keep or raze cities, and can keep slaves. You may whip at will, including captured cities or cities where all citizens are unhappy.

SG Stuff
You have 24 hours for an "I got it" and 72 to play. If you need a one day extension, then mention this before the 72 hours are up. Players can work out skips between themselves, just post a message to the thread. If you can't play within 72 total, switch places or ask for a skip. We will play 10 turns at first, and possibly fewer later (5) if the turns begin to take too long.

Lucky candle to light the way.

There is an always war flag in Civ4. The question is whether that means the AI are at war with one another or it is the game we normally play?

I would also like to play the "no initial trade" (make it official in Civ4). Like Lee, I don't think the initial trade is right for AW. I don't know enough about Civ4 to even know if Initial trade makes sense actually.
You guys might want to read the manual on the Always War game option before you begin. :)
checking in.

Agree with Greebley, that we need to fidn out the conditions of AW for Civ4. I wouldn't want a game where everyone is at war with each other. i mean that sounds like a new variant all together
I really wanted to play a normal non-variant game first, but i just cannot resist to join :) I won't propably get the game before the 4th of november though.
This official qualifies as going in totally crazy.

Nobody knows how to play, and AW already. My LK series will seem tame and boring compared to this.
LKendter said:
This official qualifies as going in totally crazy.

Nobody knows how to play, and AW already. My LK series will seem tame and boring compared to this.

Your series is awesome. Never boring, and AW with no armies remains one of my alltime favorite lurks.

We got an open spot if anyone wants it.
This official qualifies as going in totally crazy.
:lol: well, you can learn a lot about a game playing AW. We will start it easy. Hopefully Civ4 will be much more versatile in gaming style. No armies will make it much tougher for sure.
I'll give it a try if you'll have me. BTW Noble is just above warlord so pretty low and maybe doable.
Mark1031 said:
I'll give it a try if you'll have me. BTW Noble is just above warlord so pretty low and maybe doable.

Low by Civ3 standards. Conquests has 8 difficulty levels, with Monarch being #4 of 8, but "no handicaps" being at Regent(Prince) #3 of 8.

Prince is now #5 of 9, and "no handicaps" is at Noble, a level between Warlord and Prince with no Civ3 equivalent.

Always War was worth one or more difficulty levels in Civ3. Even assuming it's the same here (is that really a safe assumption?) there's the question of whether the AI has been improved.

I'm just thinking back to my First Game of Civ3 and how very many of my assumptions carried forward from Civ2 turned out to be no longer the way of things.

Part of what makes Civ4 exciting (at least for me!) is that it's not just another Civ3 expansion pack. Be prepared for a few surprises. :cooool:

- Sirian
Sirian said:
Part of what makes Civ4 exciting (at least for me!) is that it's not just another Civ3 expansion pack. Be prepared for a few surprises. :cooool:

I feel the same way and am looking forward to it. We probably will make some major goofs in the first game. It won't be the first game that has taken several tries to win. Most of my 24 losses have come from Handy's games. It should be humorous if nothing else :lol:
I'll in. Hopefuly my copy will be delivered soon after release.

I think we should all get the game and read up a little. Or is that too conservative? :crazyeye:
I think we should all get the game and read up a little. Or is that too conservative?
well, I am in this part of the world, that Firaxis somehow forgot, how could they :(
Won't be able to play until end next week. So, put me at the end of the roster. This way I will also avoid the worst of blunders maybe
After reading the bug reports, we might need a playing requirement that you have the game actually working on your machine. I have an ATI chip, so this may be interesting.
at least I have a graphics card someone confirmed compatible with the game. Now, if only someone would ship the game over here. :cry:
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