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Have I got an idea...


Aug 23, 2012
Virginia U.S.A
Have you ever started a custom named empire with a customized leader name...?

I was playing Civ 5 and thinking how much I like the new religion system. It really got me thinking what if you could pick a unique civ traits in game like the religion system where every one is competing for the pantheons. They could basically make it an option that is checked or unchecked in the advanced start up menu and you would get your Unique ability by building your first non capital city... or your unique unit for building your first barracks maybe get to pick unique building by building your first workshop. Once you picked the ability for unit or the civ bonus or the unique building you could name it what ever you want and hence forth the unit or building would be called that in the city menu's

I think this would make it very interesting! And if you don't like it and want to play the traditional game you could just leave the option unchecked in the menu to play with the predetermined stuff!

So even if you don't like this idea you have to admit it would add allot to the game in replay ability. :D
There is another thread discussing what you would choose if you were to mix and match the best of the UAs/UBs/UUs. As you can see from that thread, the result would be some seriously overpowered custom civs. Avoiding that would require limiting the combined power of the selected traits, by assigning them different numbers of points (or a smiliar mechanic) and capping the allowed points, which would then tend to drive most folks to select the same (or a limited number) of combinations of traits that are viewed as more powerful than their point allocation, resulting in more imbalance.

Frankly, doesn't seem worth the effort, since you can always mod a custom civ (or mod someone else's custom civ mod). For a great example of modding to mix and match familiar civ traits, take a look at the civilizations in Rob (R8XFT)'s Anno Domini mod (G&K only right now): http://www.annodomini.org.uk/civilizations/.
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