help needed


Jan 14, 2004
This is a small plea for help from the team. I've been meaning to keep better track of the demographics than I've to do so lately.

I normally do a little analysis every turn to try and work out what has happened with rivals each turn.

It would also be good if we could share demog with cav to get an even clearer pic of things but this means typing up demog into a spreadhseet.

Can someone help me with this?

Pleeeeease :)
This could indeed be my occasion to shine!
Give me instructions and thou shall have your spreadsheet on a daily basis.
Do I get this info by looking at all saved game from the beginning? Where are those files?
Look in the last turn log and work backwards. We take a screenshot of demographics every turn and have done for a while

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Ryokai shimahorsehockya
I'm doing this late this afternoon
sweet :banana:
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For the moment, I ask to have access...
I've given you access the other day btw, does it work now?
ok, I was waiting for a confirmation. I'm on it tonight.
It is done
oh that's just awesome. thanks ever so much! any chance you'll be able to update this each turn from the demographic table that I or cav scout post in the turn logs?

big thumbs up!
I'll do it once or twice a week ok? When we will have the demographics of Sancta for 20 turns or so, I'll try to do some regression analysis in order to identify eventual patterns in their demographics so that we will be able to interpret the data in a more meaningful way. At some point, if we haven't already reached it, breaking down the whole number into all its subcomponents will be impossible.
I'll do that on wednesdays
it was updated
Thanks for this, it's already proven useful in trying to calculate the size of SANCTA's army :)
I'm on it tomorow. It's not as if there were a dozen turns that occured anyway ;)
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