Well, I've been playing on prince level lately since I can beat the level below it fairly easy, and I just cant seem to get anywhere. I can start out pretty well, but then after a while, the opposition starts to rocket ahead of me, and before I know it I'm in last or second to last place, points wise.
I'm more of a peaceful player, and on my last game all was going well, I had avoided wars from several cranky opponents but then the leader starts dropping cities every turn just sucking up land I had planned on taking, but couldn't afford, at the time. So I start to struggle trying to get any of the remaining property, but it seems like its too late, I'm loosing money, I'm all the sudden in last place, and like 1000 points behind.
I can do a bit better and hang in on water maps, but I just cant do it on large land maps.
So its clear my old methods just wont work. Is it possible to not instigate war on this level and still compete? Or at least not a ton of it?
I usually try to have one cottage city, one produce city, and if possible one food city going with specialists early on, then try to expand new cities suiting to the location, I keep the slider on as much tech as I can afford, try to chop to speed up things that seem important... dunno, it seems I'm clearly not expanding enough, so how can I afford to do so at the same rate the AI does? I start racking up -20 a turn after I get like 6 cities going... I must be doing something wrong.
Its just weird cause I usually just make enough military to keep the AI from running me over, so most of my time is spent on improving cities. Am I just adding too many extraneous buildings? How many religions should I go for, or is it situational?
Well... any help would be appreciated, or I may have to move back a level from frustration. =P
I'm more of a peaceful player, and on my last game all was going well, I had avoided wars from several cranky opponents but then the leader starts dropping cities every turn just sucking up land I had planned on taking, but couldn't afford, at the time. So I start to struggle trying to get any of the remaining property, but it seems like its too late, I'm loosing money, I'm all the sudden in last place, and like 1000 points behind.
I can do a bit better and hang in on water maps, but I just cant do it on large land maps.
So its clear my old methods just wont work. Is it possible to not instigate war on this level and still compete? Or at least not a ton of it?
I usually try to have one cottage city, one produce city, and if possible one food city going with specialists early on, then try to expand new cities suiting to the location, I keep the slider on as much tech as I can afford, try to chop to speed up things that seem important... dunno, it seems I'm clearly not expanding enough, so how can I afford to do so at the same rate the AI does? I start racking up -20 a turn after I get like 6 cities going... I must be doing something wrong.
Its just weird cause I usually just make enough military to keep the AI from running me over, so most of my time is spent on improving cities. Am I just adding too many extraneous buildings? How many religions should I go for, or is it situational?
Well... any help would be appreciated, or I may have to move back a level from frustration. =P