Hidden enemies


Following YOUR child home
Feb 25, 2002
Still in the top 200!!
Last thread for today! I'm playing a game at the moment with relatively large land masses and few islands on a flat world. In the northern half of my continent were the french. I've exchanged ambassadfors so have a full list of their cities etc.

I was about to declare war so made a quick tot up of the cities I had to conquer in order to wipe them out asap with nothing overlooked. As is often the way, their empire was partially blacked out to me as I had not got any units very far into their territory.

So, the invasion starts (land and sea units working in concert to cover WHOLE of their territory) all of their territory is revealed and pretty soon everything falls to my troops......EXCEPT two cities that are NOWHERE to be found!! I've made thorough searches of every outlaying island, the whole of my continent etc. I even exchanged maps with the neighbouring Chinese and they hadn't found these cities either! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?! I can see these bastards escaping me for the whole game and I'm miles away from the Apollo Programme's pictures.

Any tips?
If the cities are built after you have visited a specific area, then it does not show on the mini-map. It ought to, however, show up as a "nameless" city somewhere on the "big map".

If that doesn't help, save the game, cheat mode, reveal entire map. Then reload the game when you have located the cities, thereby not enabling cheat mode for the whole game. Just make sure you don't save after you have enabled cheat mode.

If you can't find the city manually, SHIFT+C will enable the "Find City menu".

If none of the above helps, then it has to be a bug...
ALong the lines of Hidden Enemies, I've found late in the game, if a Civ is destroyed and a new Civ replaces them, no city will be built. I guess a settler just wanders forever eh?
Theres I weird ToT bug where if the two maps are different, some settlers will start in oceans and never move :)
When I kill another civ I begin at one side of the continent and just go through the whole continent until I end up at the other side. In this way I will not miss a city. Beware of settlers that wander off, they just found cities behind your back, if you see a settler, kill it! Another thing, civs sometimes put a settler on a ship that will colonize a small island far away from the home continent, look carefully!
Since they are on the brink of extinction and no longer a threat,make nice for a few turns.Gift them whatever techs they want until you get them to worshipful.Then trade maps.The AI will allow this over and over.It never learns.It actually beleives you have turned over a new leaf.....wrong :)
The best thing about that strategy is that it is absolutely fine to give away the techs because it is highly unlikely for them to be in contact with other civs immediately after doing this and you will not be giving the techs to everyone as would otherwise happen.
I hate gifting techs to share maps and then the recipients just giving them to the whole world. It's sometimes not too bad for the civ to have a settler roaming the world - especially if you've already reached the max city level and you can then take their last city and watch the settler wander around unable to found a new city. :lol:
Giving away techs shortens the cost of your own research. I always try to trade maps with all civs. In most of my games I succeed in building Macro Polo's (I think it's more worth than the great library). I want the AI to research techs that haven't been invented yet - i treat the AI as my extern research labs. They will be friendly, cause I give them a lot of techs.
And map trading has an important strategic meaning:
Supposed an AI city - not the capital - has built a wonder you need urgently - take a ship, put some diplos on it and bribe the city. You needn't search a long time cause you know where that city is.:egypt: :egypt: :egypt:
Sethos wrote:

Giving away techs shortens the cost of your own research. I always try to trade maps with all civs. In most of my games I succeed in building Macro Polo's (I think it's more worth than the great library). I want the AI to research techs that haven't been invented yet - i treat the AI as my extern research labs. They will be friendly, cause I give them a lot of techs.
And map trading has an important strategic meaning:
Supposed an AI city - not the capital - has built a wonder you need urgently - take a ship, put some diplos on it and bribe the city. You needn't search a long time cause you know where that city is.

Sethos - this is an interesting strategy and I'll have to give it a try. Thanks!:goodjob:
This works to an extent, but not absolutely. Giving away techs will only benefit your own research costs if you give them to your key civ or if they reach your key civ indirectly. If all the other civs have loads of techs but your key civ does not then there will have been no good reason to give your knowledge away. They may be happy, but they never stay that way for long. Try gifting techs to the AI until they get to worshipful (the highest). Then swap maps if you want. I reckon that by three turns time they will not even be cordial any more. You should never worry about how the AI view you because they'll always end up jealous unless you keep giving.
It's a ***** trying to stop the manhatten project from happening.

Esp... if they start construction in 3 or 4 cities.


I hate nukes
If I'm not mistaken, I think you can find the exact location of all cities that has built a wonder by clicking find city in Kingdom menu. Of course you only know the location and not how the surroundings looks like.
For a cheap starter hint, "send" a caravan (with or without a boat) toward said cities; you may have a reasonable sense of which direction (don't expect this ploy to work ALL the time) the cities lie. After the first turn of movement, you can redirect the unit elsewhere (similarly, use a second caraven from a different starter location for a triangulation effect).
Try gifting techs to the AI until they get to worshipful (the highest). Then swap maps if you want. I reckon that by three turns time they will not even be cordial any more. You should never worry about how the AI view you because they'll always end up jealous unless you keep giving

Enthusiatic works as well for map-swapping. It usually takes one turn before the AI reverts to the usual dim view of the Human. But this assists you needling them into a war, LOL :).

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