Historical Resources for Mod Makers

Androrc the Orc

Apr 19, 2004
Vienna, Austria
I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread to share historical resources that might be useful for mod makers:

Index of Colonies and Dependencies

WHKMLA on Plantation Products
WHKMLA on Periods in Economic History

WHKMLA Encyclopedia of Wars

The Ostend East India Company

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From the book "Great Empires and Civilizations: Spain and Portugal - History and Culture in the Iberian Peninsula, vol. 2", page 198:

"The authentic paella gets it's golden color from saffron, obtained through the dry threads of the crocus sativus. Saffron is the most expensive of all spices in the world and, unfortunately, many times chemical food coloring is used as a substitute for it. Contrary to many species, the production of saffron isn't limited to tropical regions, a large percentage of it grows in the plains of La Mancha, where the fields of purple croco flowers blossom during Fall. The high prices of the spices is caused by the difficulty of it's harvest. The delicate flowers are harvested by hand; and since they grow very close to the ground, it is a task that causes lumbar pain."


"Once harvested, the fragile threads bearing saffron must be separated from the flowers before being put to dry, traditionally on a sieve with ember beneath it. The fragility of saffron makes it impossible for these tasks to be mechanized, and they continue to be done largely like they were done at the ends of the 19th century."

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The Age of Discovery, 1340-1600
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The Spread of Colonization, 1600-1700
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The Struggle for Colonial Dominion, 1700-1763
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Colonies, Dependencies and Trade Routes (basis of the situation in 1912, later changes indicated)
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Distribution of the Principal European Languages in 1914
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North America
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European Exploration and Settlement in the United States, 1513-1776
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The Conquest of Mexico, 1519-1521
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The New England Colonies, 1607-1760
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The Indians in the United States
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Canada and Newfoundland
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South America
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The Conquest of Peru, 1531-1533
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The Portuguese Colonial Dominions in India and the Malay Archipelago, 1498-1850
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India, 1700-1792
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The Growth of European and Japanese Dominions in Asia since 1801
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Napoleon's Campaign in Egypt, 1798
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The Partition of Africa
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German Claims in Africa, according to the officially circulated pamphlet "Germany's Future", published in Berlin (1917)
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Australia and New Zeeland, 1788-1911
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Caroleans carrying the dead Charles XII
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"The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor" by Nathaniel Currier, 1846
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Ostend Company Share
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Brazilian Slave Passport
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Brazilian Slaveowner's List of Slaves
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"Great Empires and Civilizations: Spain and Portugal - History and Culture in the Iberian Peninsula, vol. 2"
Brazilian National Library Foundation
The British Dominions Year Book 1918
Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1911 Edition
Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923 Edition
World History at KMLA
World Statesmen.org
Paulus Swaen Old Map Auction and Galleries
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