Historical Victory Videos

New video is out for the Harappans!

The Indus Valley Civilization is primarily focused on growth, and keeping your cities happy and healthy. It isn't too challenging of a game, as the player has plenty of time to work with all three of the goals. The only thing I would've done differently with my game, after I rewatched some of the gameplay, is I realized that I could have made more of an effort to hook up the Marble resource, in order to quickly build the Oracle, to help me bulb my way to Calendar and Arithmetics. It ultimately wasn't necessary to win, but it would've been better had I done that, and I encourage any of you guys to make use of the Oracle in the second half of your Harappan games. Anyways, hope you enjoy, and I'm always open to feedback on my videos and gameplay. Assyria is next!
The aggressive Assyrians are on the march, and they have goals of conquest in their eyes!
The Assyrians are definitely the most difficult of the 4 civilizations that I've showcased so far. The barbarian invasions from the north, the Sea People from the West, and the tight deadline of controlling Phoenicia and Egypt all come together to create one nail biting UHV2. Luckily, the Azmaru is a force to be reckoned with, and his strength is able to let us conquer our empire in the nick of time.

If I were to do it over, I'd probably pasture the horses and build more chariots in order to deal with the barbarians, as well as focus on building more roads out in the west, rather than the north, of my empire.

The Chinese civilization rises from humble beginnings, and turns into a civilization that will become the envy of the world. Watch and behold as China takes on the challenges of discovering the four great inventions, erecting massive monuments to their philosophies, all the while expanding and defending its borders against barbarians!
This will probably end up being my longest video (8 hours...) The Chinese UHV gameplay is fairly similar to how it was in 1.17, except now you have much more cities and territories to manage. Running Despotism the entire game is now possible now, and fits perfectly with the Chinese Unique Power.

If any of you guys end up watching all 8 hours... I'm glad I could provide that much entertainment for you. :lol:
The forebearers of the Iron Age, the Hittite civilization, emerges from the hills of Anatolia to establish itself as one of the great empires of ancient Mesopotamia. Watch as armies of the mighty Huluganni emerge and set out to establish the industrial powerhouse of the ancient world. Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Egyptians- No empire can withstand the power of the mighty Hittite Huluganni!
PS, I hope you guys appreciate my thumbnails. As you can see, I put a lot of work into making them.
Ah, another episode of the barbarians routinely winning 3% combat odds show! It's rigged, I tell ya!
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