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HMM1 - French Monarch Sucession Game

Theres actually a city here:

However its still requires 3 tiles of jungle roading and that city may not yet be hooked up to the capital. I wouldn't say it was a priority until we have a worker factory up and running well.
Since that city will have silks, maybe we should just take it from the Iroquois and save X-man the trouble. :mwaha: :D
Personally, I think if/when we get the horses hooked up, we keep them for ourselves and build a few horses to compliment our attack force. This will also give us an upgrade option to knights instead of just being stuck with swords. Although, that might not matter, because at this tech pace we might be the only civ to leave the Ancient Age on our continent.

Another quick point I thought of was that Immortals will probably be easier to pick of with horses. Being able to attack from a tile away could be huge against such a strong offensive unit.
Handy - 16 turns. I have three MPs there with a pop of 2. Hopefully it won't flip, but Gandhi's city took 3 tiles away and three of the remaining six tiles are under cultural pressure.
Done. Write up the report this afternoon.
Please post Red your 48 hours are up, if its not there by midday (UK) today (in 1.5 hours) I will skip your turn.

hmm, just to let you know there is a 775 BC save here which I picked up this morning. I'm just waiting for the write-up and some discussion (or your decision) before I do anything with it
I would like a write up first to see if any decisions are required. I shall give him another hour yet. When would you like to play? If you are waiting to play now then I shall try and hurry him up but if you want to play later on let me know!!
i don't have the problems I'd anticipated, my father in law has set up a laptop for me to use, so I can easily play tomorrow (or even Sunday) at any time. I can't play now anyway as I'm off to visit some friends
Okay Red, you are off the hook for now.. Please make sure that you have posted by midnight tonight (UK time). That is 12.5 hours after making this post.

Zurichuk, if Red has not posted by the time you want to play on saturday then please play his moves instead. Only if he has posted his moves play from 775BC.

In the future please adhere to the strict got in 24 and play in 48.

Thanks, Hmm.
Boot me, I'm grounded. I'm sorry.

You might as well replay my turns, I royally screwed up Paris.

I did reveal our starting continent, however.

It's up to you guys.

Oh, and I think that you need to chop and mine one more forest to get the 4 turn settler factory. I got one worker on that due north of Paris.


Preturn: Diplo-check. Iroquois are nearly crippled, Japan is Isolated, We can trade luxuries with India (?!?). We are the tech leader (Booyah!)

IBT: Indian settler heads N of nameless city
Paris Spear-Settler
Lyons Warrior-Spear

1000 BC (1): Lyons warrior moves to escort settler to be. Paris warrior chases Steeler, to MP Chartres. Settler moves towards Chartres. More exploration SW. Elite warrior up north loses 2 hp taking out a barb camp.

IBT: Great, barbs on horseback.

975 BC (2): Indian warrior LIIIIIITTLE too close to Lyons. New continent (?) S penninsula S of Paris & Chartres.

IBT: Avignon attacked. No casualties.

950 BC (3): Indian warrior going after Barb camp (whew!). Warrior on Penninsula heads after the horse barb camp.

IBT: Indians take out the camp and Start Pyramids.

925 BC (4): Warrior MP's in Chartres. Warrior to the North heads home.

IBT: Oh, yeah, I was supposed to MM Paris, wasn't I? It's size four now. Merde. Do wealth for 1 turn while it builds pop to 5.

900 BC (5): Worker near paris heads to Rheims. Road to Avignon done, continues it to Chartres. Settler (escorted) follows to Avignon. The aforementioned Indian city is named Calcutta

IBT: Indian warrior closes on Lyons again...
Lyons Spear-Warrior
Paris Waelth-Settler

875 BC (6): More exploration...

850 BC (7): Warrior follows Indian warrior/explorer. Bensacon founded on penninsula. Fishing village/worker farm possibility. Oooh! Hiawatha has Map making! Wants contact with Japan, Literature, our World Map, and 80 g. Knck it down to 60 gold and they throw in their WM.

Trading time! Trade WM's with Japan, get 29g, clearing his treasury. India, offers me a Vegitarian Curry. Go Vegitarians! Clears his treasury too. (Interesting how our WM is more expensive than when I tried to trade them Map Making itself. Wierd)


IBT: Persia offers TM trade. I already know his, so it is politely declined.

825 BC (8): Settler moves South of Avignon. Barb camp found W of Avignon.

IBT: Paris Riots (DOUBLE MERDE!)
Lyons Warrior-Warrior

800 BC (9): Set Lux to 10% Worker goes to chop N of Paris, because There is no way to set up the 4 turn factory without that mined grassland. Reg warrior redlines dispersing the aforementioned camp.

IBT: Indians moving through Marsaiils (sp?!?) Talk about Agressive settling. Avignon Worker-Worker

775 BC (10): Redlined Warrior moves to intercept Settler. Settler moves into position S of Avignon. Worker N of Paris starts chopping.

Post: If you want to, you may cancel the chopping orders and start them next turn. Feel free to move the settler from it's current position. Somehow I lost the Screenie. Here's the save
Originally posted by Reddwarfian
Oh, and I think that you need to chop and mine one more forest to get the 4 turn settler factory.

You can’t get a 4 turn settler factory unless you have 5 extra food, and we only have 4. After any chop the grass will only yield 2 food in despotism. We'll never get to a 4 turn in Paris, but we are doing okay expansion & tech wise.

Originally posted by Reddwarfian Paris Spear-Settler…Oh, yeah, I was supposed to MM Paris, wasn't I? It's size four now. Merde. Do wealth for 1 turn while it builds pop to 5.

This is a new strategy to me. I usually build setter / spear / settler/ spear in a city that drops too fast in population from settler production (too many shields, not enough food) Since Red’s sort of out of pocket, can one of you other guys explain the rational to me. Thanks.

It will be okay if the Indian settles to the south of us, let them build a city for us. Hope Ghandi has a good dot map for city placement ;)
@ Handy - That's a new one on me. I won't go for wealth until the very end of the game, if there is nothing left to build.
ok this is the definitive 'I've got it', I won't replay the turns

edit, sorry Reddwarfian, I have to replay the turns, the save is not a valid one, also sorry about the grounding, it will soon pass i'm sure
OK I cannot get the 775 file to load so I have replayed. Apologies to Reddwarfian. I would have preferred to continue but I guess we must get moving, better luck next go.


We have 8 cities.

Iroquois - we are average - 4 cities - no horses - don't know the Japanese
Japan - we are weak - 7 cities - no horses - only knows us on our continent
India - we are weak - 8 cities - no horses - don't know the Japanese or the Persians
Persia - we are weak - 6 cities - have iron and horses - don't know the Japanese or the Indians

going for mathematics - 35 turns - 636 gold at 34 gold per turn
158 culture - 199842 to go :)

we are technologically advanced

strategy. keep exploring, prepare for upgrade to swordsman, expansion

mm Marseilles for a few turns at a shortage to speed up temple
mm Paris to save a wasted shield and to bring up to size 6 quicker


1000BC (1)

Paris - Spearman - Settler - mm
Lyons - Warrior - Warrior - mm to produce warriors in 2 at expense of slightly slower growth
my reasoning - this has the barracks - this is where the swordsman will be upgraded and who knows what might happen
warrior in north kills barb camp, down to 2hp
start road from Tours to core.

975BC (2)

mm Paris
barbarian horse prepares to strike Avignon, preventing me from roading to there, irrigate instead
No change in diplomacy

950BC (3)

Lyons - warrior - warrior
Avignon survives barb
rest warrior in north
move settler and escorting warrior towards suspected barb camp area and suggested city site (Sir Bugsys screenshot)
No change in diplomacy

Jaipur built by the Indians NW of culturally challenged city Marseilles, easy target for us, surrounded by mountains
Indians are building the Pyramids
Madras drops to size 1 (? worker or settler? )

925BC (4)
worker can now continue road to Avignon
Continue moving escorted settler, find barb camp SE of Avignon
Iroqouis now have map-making. Don't trade this turn, price way too high

Escorted settler comes out of Madras
Paris produces settler - settler
Lyons - warrior - warrior
More improvements around Rheims
Barb camp destroyed near Avignon - warrior loses 1hp

900 BC (5) Maybe some strange trading coming up but Hiawatha wants way too much for Map-making, however I want the world map to see if there is anywhere good for the free settler so I trade him Contact with the Japanese for his WM and 20 gold.
Backfires, no really good sites become visible
OK I want to hook up iron so i'm going to use the settler to save some roading time and build between Orleans and Tours (criticism welcome for this decision)
Trade Map-making for Literature and 200 Gold, expensive but I want Japanese and Indian WM's and everyone else has Literature anyway. Get 70 Gold back by trading WM's with Indians and Japanese.

Iroquois and Persia sign a peace treaty
Indian settler walks into Marseilles territory

875BC (6)
Nothing doing this turn
Settler in position S of Avignon
Rest damaged warrior
Get 21 Gold from Hiawatha for WM, 37 from Xman and a couple from the others

850BC (7)
Lyons - warrior -warrior
Besancon founded S of Avignon, was best position for borders.
Paris - growth in 3 - settler in 3
Get some gold for WM's

Persians are building the Colossus

825BC (8)
Roading started to Besancon and Chartres
Worker starts to road iron and another the hill near Orleans, hopefully we plop the settler down and instant extra city and iron
No diplomacy


800BC (9)
Lyons - warrior - warrior (now 6 awaiting upgrade)
Play with the Indian escorted settler near Avignon with warrior,making it go round
mm Marseilles to stop starvation, however temple now due in only 3 turns
Chartres will riot next turn and until roaded so science specialist created and tax research set to 0%, mathematics in 26 turns

Still playing with Indian settler

775BC (10)
Paris - settler -settler
Avignon - worker - worker
Rouen built between Orleans and Tours, when workers have finished, instant iron for all

Hiawatha has traded something now has 43 gold (get 1 for WM), trade WM's with others for more gold


Points for next player
I have not moved the new settler yet, that is now for you to decide (good luck)
Science rate is 0 due to scientist in Chartres (once road is finished though it will have furs)
Plenty of vet warriors awaiting upgrade in Lyons if and when necessary.

I've just looked through Reddwarfians turns and I don't really think we did alot different, it's a shame about the save


Final position

We have 10 cities.

Iroquois - we have average military - 4 cities - no horses - knows everyone
Japan - we are average - 8 cities - no horses - don't know the Indians or the Persians
India - we are average - 10 cities - no horses - don't know the Japanese
Persia - we are weak - 7 cities - have iron and horses - don't know the Japanese

i guess if and when we upgrade we become 'strong'

The Save
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